All Manuals > LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual




! 188

- 552

:< debugger command 15

$(dollar) variable 38

$$ variable 38

$$$ variable 38

:> debugger command 15

> SQL operator 363

:? listener command 7

[...] syntax in Common SQL 359


16-bit-string type 1082

8-bit-string type 1081


:a debugger command 20

abort restart 12

accepting-handle type 517

accepting-handle-collection function 518

accepting-handle-local-port function 520

accepting-handle-name function 519

accepting-handle-socket function 520

accepting-handle-user-info function 521

accepts-n-syntax function 1527

accept-tcp-connections-creating-async-io-states function 412 , 416 , 422 , 513

accessor-method-slot-definition generic function 250


code-coverage-data-create-time 870

code-coverage-data-name 870

code-coverage-file-stats-called 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-count 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-executed 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-hidden 879

code-coverage-file-stats-fully-covered 879

code-coverage-file-stats-hidden-covered 879

code-coverage-file-stats-lambdas-count 879

code-coverage-file-stats-not-called 879

code-coverage-file-stats-partially-covered 879

code-coverage-file-stats-source-file 879

dde-item 1957

dde-item* 1958

fdf-handle-directory-p 930

fdf-handle-directory-string 930

fdf-handle-last-access 930

fdf-handle-last-modify 930

fdf-handle-link-p 930

fdf-handle-size 930

fdf-handle-writable-p 930

field-access-exception-set-p 1236

field-exception-class-name 1237

field-exception-field-name 1237

java-array-error-array 1263

java-array-error-caller 1263

java-array-indices-error-indices 1264

java-array-indices-error-rank 1264

java-bad-jobject-caller 1265

java-bad-jobject-object 1265

java-definition-error-class-name 1266

java-definition-error-name 1266

java-exception-exception-name 1268

java-exception-java-backtrace 1268

java-exception-string 1268

java-field-error-field-name 1266

java-field-error-static-p 1266

java-field-setting-error-class-name 1269

java-field-setting-error-class-name-for-setting 1269

java-field-setting-error-field-name 1269

java-field-setting-error-new-value 1269

java-instance-jobject 219 , 1316

java-method-error-args-num 1266

java-method-error-method-name 1266

java-method-exception-args 1272

java-method-exception-class-name 1272

java-method-exception-method-name 1272

java-method-exception-name 1272

lob-stream-lob-locator 1578

socket-stream-socket 613

sql-database-data-error 1644

sql-error-database-message 1644

sql-error-secondary-error-id 1644

storage-exhausted-gen-num 1885

storage-exhausted-size 1885

storage-exhausted-static 1885

storage-exhausted-type 1885

stream-read-timeout 613

stream-write-timeout 613

action lists 95

defining 96

examples 97

undefining 96

*active-finders* variable 791

add-code-coverage-data function 839

adding actions to action lists 96

addMessage Java method 1352

add-method generic function 251

address space

in 32-bit LispWorks 458 , 460

in 64-bit LispWorks 461 , 477

add-special-free-action function 164 , 841

add-sql-stream function 372 , 1528

add-symbol-profiler function 842

adjust-array function 266


after 65

around 65

before 65

example of use 70

facility 63

for macros 67

for methods 67

main chapter 63 , 75

removing 66

after advice 65

:after keyword 50

:all debugger command 18

:all keyword 309

allocated-in-its-own-segment-p function 1715

:allocation keyword 55

allocation of stacks 164 , 1738

allocation-in-gen-num macro 137 , 146 , 843

allowing-block-interrupts macro 289 , 1359

analysing-special-variables-usage macro 844

Android interface

Java side 1339

Lisp side 223 , 224

overview 223

Android runtimes

creating 224

example 227

android-build-value function 848

android-funcall-in-main-thread function 849

android-funcall-in-main-thread-list function 849

android-get-current-activity function 851

android-main-thread-p function 852


Common Lisp 252 , 351

SQL mode 334 , 375

ANSI Common Lisp Standard

menu command 639


SQL mode 375

any SQL operator 363

any-capi-window-displayed-p function 853

any-other-process-non-internal-server-p function 1361

appendf macro 1083

append-file function 1082

apply-in-pane-process function 267

apply-in-wait-state-collection-process function 411 , 522

apply-with-allocation-in-gen-num function 147 , 1716

approaching-memory-limit condition 1717

apropos function 639

apropos-list function 640

argument list 1137


command line 454

lisp function 1137

arguments for traced functions 50

around advice 65

array-dimension-limit constant 479

array-single-thread-p function 854

array-total-size-limit constant 479

array-weak-p function 854

ASCII 444 , 447

:ascii external format 444

ASDF 306 , 311

ASDF2 306 , 311

async-io-state structure type 412 , 523

async-io-state-abort function 413 , 417 , 523

async-io-state-abort-and-close function 417 , 525

async-io-state-address function 526

async-io-state-attach-ssl function 422 , 425 , 526

async-io-state-buffered-data-length function 414 , 528

async-io-state-collection function 530

async-io-state-ctx function 431 , 529

async-io-state-detach-ssl function 425 , 529

async-io-state-discard function 413 , 417 , 531

async-io-state-finish function 413 , 417 , 532

async-io-state-get-buffered-data function 414 , 417 , 533

async-io-state-handshake function 534

async-io-state-max-read function 535

async-io-state-name function 536

async-io-state-object function 536

async-io-state-old-length function 537

async-io-state-peer-address function 538

async-io-state-read-buffer function 413 , 416 , 538

async-io-state-read-status function 540

async-io-state-read-timeout function 541

async-io-state-read-with-checking function 413 , 416 , 542

async-io-state-receive-message function 413 , 416 , 545

async-io-state-send-message function 413 , 416 , 547

async-io-state-send-message-to-address function 413 , 416 , 549

async-io-state-ssl function 431 , 551

async-io-state-ssl-side function 431 , 551

async-io-state-user-info function 412 , 553

async-io-state-write-buffer function 413 , 416 , 552

async-io-state-write-status function 540

async-io-state-write-timeout function 541

at-location macro 792

atomic-decf macro 1718

atomic-exchange macro 1719

atomic-fixnum-decf macro 1719

atomic-fixnum-incf macro 1719

atomic-incf macro 1718

atomicity and thread-safety

in CAPI 267

in the editor 266

in the LispWorks implementation 265

atomic-pop macro 1720

atomic-push macro 1721

attach-ssl function 420 , 422 , 554

attribute-type function 353 , 1529

augmented-string type 1722

augmented-string-p function 1722

augment-environment function 855

*autoload-asdf-integration* variable 1083

avoid-gc function 146 , 857


:b debugger command 14

*background-input* variable 858

*background-output* variable 858

*background-query-io* variable 858

backtrace 13

quick backtrace 14

verbose backtrace 14

:backtrace keyword 52

barrier system class 1362

barrier-arriver-count function 1362

barrier-block-and-wait function 1363

barrier-change-count function 1366

barrier-count function 1367

barrier-disable function 287 , 1368

barrier-enable function 287 , 1368

barrier-name function 1369

barrier-pass-through function 1370

barrier-unblock function 1370

barrier-wait function 287 , 1372

base slot 354

base-char type 436 , 1084

base-character type 1084

base-character-p function 1084

base-char-code-limit constant 1085

base-char-p function 1085

base-char-ref function 1821

base-string type 438 , 641

base-string-p function 1086

:base-table class option 1554

before advice 65

:before keyword 49

binary files 101

*binary-file-type* variable 649 , 1723

*binary-file-types* variable 649 , 1723

:bindings keyword 757

binds-who function 860

block-promotion macro 861

:bmp external format 444 , 827

bmp-char type 436 , 1086

bmp-char-p function 1087

:bmp-native external format 446 , 827

:bmp-reversed external format 446 , 827

bmp-string type 438 , 1088

bmp-string-p function 1089

BOM 448 , 450

Bordeaux threads

APIs needed for 1447

:bq debugger command 15

:break keyword 51

break-new-instances-on-access function 485

break-on-access function 486

:break-on-exit keyword 51

break-on-unresolved-functions function 1075

browser 1089

*browser-location* variable 1089

browsing documentation 1089

buffered-stream class 1681

:bug-form listener command 7

BugFormLogsList Java class 1357

BugFormViewer Java class 1357

building-universal-intermediate-p function 862

byte order

big-endian architectures 1069

little-endian architectures 1069

Byte Order Mark 448 , 450


:c debugger command 20

C functions

dlopen 191

dlsym 191

GetProcAddress 191

InitLispWorks 194 , 460 , 1985

LispWorksDlsym 1988

LispWorksState 194 , 1989

LoadLibrary 191

QuitLispWorks 195 , 1991

SimpleInitLispWorks 1990

cache-table-queries function 349 , 1531

*cache-table-queries-default* variable 1532

call Unix functions from Lisp 462

callDoubleA Java method 1332

callDoubleV Java method 1332

calling AppleScript 1725

callIntA Java method 1332

CallIntV Java method 1332

call-java-method function 1209

call-java-method-error condition 1210

call-next-advice function 66 , 73 , 1090

callObjectA Java method 1332

callObjectV Java method 1332

calls-who function 863

call-system function 1724

call-system-showing-output function 1727

callVoidA Java method 1332

callVoidV Java method 1332

call-wait-state-collection function 411 , 413 , 556

canonicalize-dspec function 793

canonicalize-sid-string function 1895

catch frame, examining 12

:catchers keyword 760

catching-exceptions-bind macro 1211

catching-java-exceptions macro 1211

:caused-by keyword 309

:cc debugger command 18

cd macro 864

cdr-assoc function 1730

change-directory function 187 , 864

change-process-priority function 295 , 1375

character type 436

character types 436

char-external-code function 833

checked-read-java-field function 1302

check-fragmentation function 145 , 146 , 865

check-java-field function 1302

check-lisp-calls-initialized function 1213

checkLispSymbol Java method 1334

*check-network-server* variable 1731

choose-unicode-string-hash-function function 1092

class options

parsing of 495

:base-table 1554

:extra-initargs 487 , 489 , 658

:optimize-slot-access 250 , 253 , 504 , 658


buffered-stream 1681

dde-system-topic 1975

dde-topic 1975

eql-specializer 250

funcallable-standard-object 494

fundamental-binary-input-stream 1683

fundamental-binary-output-stream 1684

fundamental-binary-stream 1684

fundamental-character-input-stream 1685

fundamental-character-output-stream 1686

fundamental-character-stream 1687

fundamental-input-stream 1687

fundamental-output-stream 1688

fundamental-stream 1688

lob-stream 380 , 384 , 389 , 1577

method-combination 251

socket-error 612

socket-stream 418 , 421 , 612

ssl-closed 431 , 623

ssl-condition 431 , 623

ssl-error 431 , 624

ssl-failure 431 , 624

ssl-x509-lookup 431 , 626

standard-accessor-method 250

standard-db-object 354 , 1666

standard-java-object 1315

standard-reader-method 250

standard-writer-method 250

storage-exhausted 1884

wait-state-collection 411 , 636

class-extra-initargs generic function 487

clean-down function 136 , 163 , 866

clean-generation-0 function 146 , 868

clearBugFormLogs Java method 1350

clear-code-coverage function 869

client-remote-debugging system class 765

CLOS Metaobject Protocol

menu command 249

close generic function 641

close-accepting-handle function 557

close-async-io-state function 414 , 415 , 417 , 558

close-registry-key function 468 , 1923

close-remote-debugging-connection function 36 , 729

close-serial-port function 1519

close-wait-state-collection function 411 , 559

:clos-initarg-checking delivery keyword 501

Cocoa application 1397

Cocoa application bundle

saving 179

Cocoa event loop 1397

Code Coverage

HTML output 875

HTML output index file 876

Source files HTML coloring 877

code coverage 119

Code Coverage Current Buffer Editor command 883

Code Coverage File Editor command 883

code signing

in saved image 1006

code-coverage-data type 870

code-coverage-data-create-time accessor 870

code-coverage-data-generate-coloring-html function 871

code-coverage-data-generate-statistics function 877

code-coverage-data-name accessor 870

code-coverage-file-stats type 879

code-coverage-file-stats-called accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-count accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-executed accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-hidden accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-fully-covered accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-hidden-covered accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-lambdas-count accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-not-called accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-partially-covered accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-source-file accessor 879

code-coverage-set-editor-colors function 881

code-coverage-set-editor-default-data function 883

code-coverage-set-html-background-colors function 884

code-page external format 443

coerce function 642

coerce-to-gesture-spec function 1731

*coff-loading-verbose* 1080

collect-generation-2 function 144 , 146 , 885

collect-highest-generation function 146 , 886

collect-registry-subkeys function 468 , 1924

collect-registry-values function 468 , 1925

command line 454

command line arguments 1795

-build 454

-display 455

-env 455

-environment 455

-eval 455

-IIOPhost 455

-IIOPnumeric 456

-init 456

-load 456

-lw-no-redirection 456

-multiprocessing 456

-no-restart-function 456

-ORBport 457

--relocate-image 457

--reserve-size 457

-siteinit 457

command line processing 1795


listener 1740

top level 1740

commit function 348 , 350 , 382 , 1532

Common Lisp

systems. See system

Common SQL

[...]syntax 359

case of names 374

database connection 338

database encoding 375

date fields 370 , 378

encoding 339

errors 372

Functional DDL 353

Functional DML 346

functional interface 346

I/O recording 372

initialization 334

iteration 358

main chapter 331

Object Oriented DDL 355

Object Oriented DML 357

object-oriented interface 354

ODBC compliance 333

programmatic interface 368

result types 347 , 377

supported databases 333

symbolic syntax 358

transaction handling 339 , 350 , 377

utilities 370

Common SQL errors

sql-connection-error 373

sql-database-data-error 372

sql-database-error 372

sql-fatal-error 373

sql-temporary-error 372

sql-timeout-error 373

sql-user-error 372

compare-and-swap macro 1733

compilation-speed 105

Compile Buffer Editor command 120

Compile File Editor command 120

compile function 643

compile-file function 645

compile-file-if-needed function 887


comparison with interpreter 101

control 104

levels of safety 105

main chapter 101

optimization of 104 - 108

workings of 103

compiler explanations 111 , 651

compiler help 111 , 651

*compiler-break-on-error* variable 887

compile-system function 306 , 1092


arbitrary forms 103

functions 102

source files 103

compute-applicable-methods-using-classes generic function 251

compute-class-potential-initargs generic function 488

compute-discriminating-function generic function 251 , 490

compute-effective-method-function-from-classes generic function 490

concatenate function 650

concatenate-system function 1094

Condition variables 285


LispWorks architectures 675

LispWorks implementations 672

LispWorks versions 674

Conditionalization for LispWorks versions 674

Conditionalization for the LispWorks architectures 675

Conditionalization for the LispWorks implementations 672


approaching-memory-limit 1717

call-java-method-error 1210

create-java-object-error 1217

external-format-error 835

fasl-error 929

field-access-exception 1236

field-exception 1237

file-encoding-resolution-error 1751

java-array-error 1263

java-array-indices-error 1263

java-array-simple-error 1265

java-bad-jobject 1265

java-class-error 1266

java-definition-error 1266

java-exception 1267

java-field-error 1266

java-field-setting-error 1268

java-id-exception 1269

java-instance-without-jobject-error 1270

java-interface-error 1270

java-low-level-exception 1271

java-method-error 1266

java-method-exception 1271

java-normal-exception 1272

java-not-a-java-object-error 1273

java-not-an-array-error 1274

java-out-of-bounds-error 1276

java-serious-exception 1278

java-storing-wrong-type-error 1276

sql-connection-error 1643

sql-database-data-error 1643

sql-database-error 1643

sql-fatal-error 1648

sql-temporary-error 1665

sql-timeout-error 1665

sql-user-error 395 , 396 , 1653 , 1659 , 1665

condition-variable system class 1376

condition-variable-broadcast function 286 , 1376

condition-variable-signal function 286 , 1377

condition-variable-wait function 285 , 1378

condition-variable-wait-count function 286 , 1379

configure-remote-debugging-spec function 26 , 27 , 33 , 730

configuring the printer 189

connect function 334 , 338 , 339 , 374 , 1533

Connect Remote Debugging Editor command 747

connected-databases function 338 , 1542

*connect-if-exists* variable 1541

connecting to a database

MySQL 339

ODBC 339

Oracle 338

PostgreSQL 342

connect-to-named-pipe function 1896

connect-to-tcp-server function 572

console 1002

console application 1002


array-dimension-limit 479

array-total-size-limit 479

base-char-code-limit 1085

*java-null* 1274

most-positive-fixnum 479

continue restart 12

copy-code-coverage-data function 889

copy-current-code-coverage function 889

copy-file function 1096

copy-from-sqlite-raw-blob function 394 , 1655

copy-preferences-from-older-version function 1734

copy-standard-object function 493

copy-to-weak-simple-vector function 165 , 891

count-gen-num-allocation function 150 , 1735

Counting semaphores 287

count-regexp-occurrences function 1097

create-and-run-wait-state-collection function 411 , 560

create-async-io-state function 412 , 415 , 562

create-async-io-state-and-connected-tcp-socket function 412 , 422 , 564

create-async-io-state-and-connected-udp-socket function 413 , 567

create-async-io-state-and-udp-socket function 412 , 569

create-client-remote-debugging-connection function 28 , 734

create-ide-remote-debugging-connection function 734

create-index function 354 , 1542

create-instance-from-jobject function 1213

create-instance-jobject function 1214

create-instance-jobject-list function 1214

create-java-object function 1216

create-java-object-error condition 1217

createLispProxy Java method 1335

create-macos-application-bundle function 892

create-registry-key function 468 , 1927

create-table function 354 , 1543

create-temp-file function 467 , 895

create-universal-binary function 897

create-view function 354 , 1545

create-view-from-class function 355 , 1546

creation of process 262

cross-referencing 860 , 863 , 1040 , 1059 , 1060

:ctx-configure-callback initarg 613

current frame 15

current process 262

current-function-name function 897

current-pathname function 1099

*current-process* variable 262 , 1380

current-process-block-interrupts function 289 , 1380

current-process-in-cleanup-p function 1381

current-process-kill function 1382

current-process-pause function 1383

current-process-send function 1385

current-process-set-terminate-method function 1386

current-process-unblock-interrupts function 289 , 1387

current-stack-length function 898


main chapter 178

of editor 185

:cv inspector command 39


:d inspector command 39


connection in Common SQL 338

encoding in Common SQL 375

table names 374

database-name function 338 , 1546


supported 333


in Common SQL 370 , 378

date-string function 899

dde-advise-client-data generic function 324

dde-advise-start function 324 , 1941

dde-advise-start* function 324 , 1944

dde-advise-stop function 325 , 1945

dde-advise-stop* function 325 , 1947

dde-client-advise-data generic function 1948

dde-connect function 323 , 1949

dde-disconnect function 323 , 1950

dde-execute function 1950

dde-execute* function 1951

dde-execute-command function 326 , 1952

dde-execute-command* function 326 , 1953

dde-execute-string function 326 , 1955

dde-execute-string* function 326 , 1955

dde-item accessor 1957

dde-item* accessor 1958

dde-item function 326

dde-poke function 325 , 1960

dde-poke* function 1962

dde-request function 325 , 1964

dde-request* function 1966

dde-server-poke generic function 327 , 1971

dde-server-request generic function 327 , 1972

dde-server-topic generic function 1973

dde-server-topics generic function 328 , 1974

dde-system-topic class 1975

dde-topic class 1975

dde-topic-items generic function 1976

DDL 353 , 355

debug 105


break gesture 10

commands 13

commands not recognized 23

control variables 23

invoking from the tracer 51

keyboard interrupt 10

main chapter 9

remote 25

troubleshooting 23

debugger commands

:< 15

:> 15

:a 20

:all 18

:b 14

:bq 15

:c 20

:cc 18

:ed 18

:error 18

:func 19

:l 17

:lambda 19

:lf 19

:n 16

:p 15

:res 21

:ret 21

:top 21

:v 16

*debug-initialization-errors-in-snap-shot* variable 1736

*debug-io* variable 23 , 705

debug-other-process function 1388

*debug-print-length* variable 23 , 738

*debug-print-level* variable 24 , 738

declaim macro 110 , 650


alias 651

:explain 651

invisible-frame 651

lambda-list 651

special-dynamic 113 , 651

special-fast-access 113 , 651

special-global 113 , 651

values 651

declaration-information function 900

declare :explain 111 , 651

declare special form 104 , 109 , 651

decode-external-string function 834

decode-to-db-standard-date function 1547

decode-to-db-standard-timestamp function 1547

def macro 794

defadvice macro 67 , 73 , 1100

default directory 952

default file directory 952

*default-action-list-sort-time* variable 1103 , 97

*default-character-element-type* parameter 438 , 440 , 441 , 442 , 449 , 1104

*default-client-remote-debugging-server-port* variable 27 , 739

default-constructor-arguments generic function 1217

*default-database* variable 1549

*default-database-type* variable 1550

default-eol-style function 1737

*default-ide-remote-debugging-server-port* variable 27 , 740

*default-libraries* variable 1079

default-name-constructor function 1218

*default-package-use-list* variable 901

:default-pathname keyword 307

*default-process-priority* variable 1389

*default-profiler-collapse* variable 901

*default-profiler-cutoff* variable 902

*default-profiler-limit* variable 902

*default-profiler-sort* variable 903

*default-stack-group-list-length* variable 164 , 1738

*default-update-objects-max-len* variable 1550

defclass macro 657

defglobal-parameter macro 903

defglobal-variable macro 904

define-action macro 96 , 1105

define-action-list macro 96 , 1107

define-atomic-modify-macro macro 1738

define-dde-client function 325

define-dde-client macro 1967

define-dde-dispatch-topic macro 329 , 1977

define-dde-server macro 327 , 1978

define-dde-server-function macro 327 , 1979

define-declaration macro 905

define-dspec-alias macro 795

define-dspec-class macro 796

define-field-accessor macro 1219

define-foreign-callable macro 297

define-form-parser macro 90 , 799

define-java-caller macro 1220

define-java-callers macro 1223

define-java-constructor macro 1220

define-lisp-proxy macro 1225

define-top-loop-command macro 1740

definition specs 58

defpackage macro 661

defparameter macro 904


error handling with 316

defparser macro 1515

functions defined by 315


compiling a rule dynamically 103

defstruct macro 189

*defstruct-generates-print-object-method* variable 189

defsystem macro 305 - 311 , 1109

examples of use 310

*defsystem-verbose* variable 1115

deftransform macro 725

defvar macro 904

def-view-class macro 332 , 354 , 355 , 1551

delete-advice macro 66 , 73 , 907

delete-directory function 1115

delete-duplicates function 116

delete-instance-records generic function 357 , 1558 , 1572

delete-records function 348 , 349 , 1559

delete-registry-key function 468 , 1929

delete-sql-stream function 372 , 1560

deliver function 191 , 454 , 460 , 1116


filename 454 , 1149

pathname 454 , 1149

delivered-image-p function 908

delivering a DLL 191

delivering a dynamic library 191

deliver-to-android-project function 909

delivery keywords

:clos-initarg-checking 501

:multiprocessing 264

:quit-when-no-windows 1176

:startup-bitmap-file 1898

describe function 37 , 663

*describe-length* variable 1117 , 39

*describe-level* variable 1117 , 38

describe-object generic function 38

*describe-print-length* variable 1119 , 38

*describe-print-level* variable 1119 , 38

destroy-prepared-statement function 1561

destroy-ssl function 430 , 574

destroy-ssl-ctx function 430 , 575

destructive-add-code-coverage-data function 839

destructive-reverse-subtract-code-coverage-data function 839

destructive-subtract-code-coverage-data function 839

detach-ssl function 425 , 575

detect-eol-style function 1742

detect-japanese-encoding-in-file function 1743

detect-unicode-bom function 1744

detect-utf32-bom function 1744

detect-utf8-bom function 1744

diagnostic utilities

for action lists 97

:direction initarg 613 , 1577 , 1681

directory function 663

*directory-link-transparency* variable 664 , 1745

disable-sql-reader-syntax function 370 , 1561

*disable-trace* variable 914

disassemble function 668

discard-source-info function 803

disconnect function 338 , 1562

dismiss-splash-screen function 1898

DLL 191

filename 454 , 1149

pathname 454 , 1149

dll-quit function 195 , 1120

dlopen C function 191

dlsym C function 191

:dm inspector command 39

DML 346 , 357

DNS 578

documentation generic function 668

$(dollar) variable 38

$$ variable 38

$$$ variable 38

domain 578

do-nothing function 1123

:dont-know keyword 17

do-profiling function 169 , 915

do-query macro 351 , 381 , 1563

do-rand-seed function 576

DOS command

call-system 1724

call-system-showing-output 1727

open-pipe 1823

DOS window

controlling, in call-system 1725 , 1726

dotted-list-length function 1122

dotted-list-p function 1123

double-float type 669

:dr inspector command 39

drop-index function 354 , 1564

drop-table function 354 , 1565

drop-view function 354 , 1565

drop-view-from-class function 355 , 1566

dspec-class function 803

*dspec-classes* variable 804

dspec-defined-p function 804

dspec-definition-locations function 805

dspec-equal function 806

dspec-name function 806

dspec-primary-name function 807

dspec-progenitor function 808


aggregate 82

canonical 76

displaying definitions 89

examples 75

finding definitions 89

for subfunctions 85

grouping definitions 82

new defining forms 80

parts 82

recording definitions 87

dspec-subclass-p function 808

dspec-undefiner function 809

dump-form function 1067

dump-forms-to-file function 1067

dylib 191

dynamic libraries 191 , 459

dynamic library 191

memory clash 194

relocation 194


:ed debugger command 18


customizing 185

editor source code 186

editor-color-code-coverage function 917

ef-spec 443

:ef-spec initarg 1751

:element-type initarg 613 , 1682

Emacs 3

enable-sql-reader-syntax function 346 , 370 , 1567

encode-db-standard-date function 1548

encode-db-standard-timestamp function 1548

encode-lisp-string function 835


changing default for files 449

enlarge-generation function 144 , 146 , 920

enlarge-static function 921

ensure-hash-entry function 922

ensure-is-jobject function 1247

ensure-lisp-classes-from-tree function 1233

ensure-loads-after-loads function 272 , 1746

ensure-memory-after-store function 1746

ensure-objc-initialized function 243

ensure-process-cleanup function 1389

ensure-remote-debugging-connection function 36 , 741

ensure-ssl function 431 , 577

ensure-stores-after-memory function 1747

ensure-stores-after-stores function 269 , 273 , 275 , 1748

ensure-supers-contain-java.lang.object function 1235

*enter-debugger-directly* variable 1124

:entrycond keyword 52

enum-registry-value function 468 , 1929

environment access API 857 , 901 , 940 , 1059

environment-variable function 1125

eql-specializer class 250

eql-specializer-object function 250

errno-value function 1126

:error debugger command 18

error handlers

in applications 756

error handling

in parser generator 316

error output 1810

*error-output* variable 705

errors in Common SQL 372

error-situation-forms macro 923

EUC-JP 444

:euc-jp external format 444

:eval-after keyword 51

:eval-before keyword 50


forms during tracing 49 - 51

example-compile-file function 1127

example-edit-file function 1128

example-file function 1127

example-load-binary-file function 1129

exception handlers

in applications 756

exception handling

for action lists 96


handling 756

executable 454

filename 454 , 1149

pathname 454 , 1149

executable-log-file function 741

execute-actions macro 1129

execute-command function 352 , 1567

execute-with-interface function 267

execution functions 95

execution profiling 167

execution stack

examining 12

:exitcond keyword 52

expand-generation-1 function 146 , 924

extend-current-stack function 925

extended-char type 1131

extended-character type 1131

extended-character-p function 1132

extended-char-p function 1132

*extended-spaces* variable 1203 , 1748

extended-time macro 149 , 163 , 173 , 926

external format

changing default for files 449

external format specification 443

external formats 443

:ascii 444

:bmp 444 , 827

:bmp-native 446 , 827

:bmp-reversed 446 , 827

code-page 443

:euc-jp 444

:gbk 445

:jis 444

:koi-8 445

:latin-1 443

:latin-1-safe 444

:latin-1-terminal 443

:macos-roman 444

:sjis 444

:unicode 444

:utf-16 444

:utf-16be 446 , 830

:utf-16le 446 , 830

:utf-16-native 446 , 830

:utf-16-reversed 446 , 830

:utf-32 444

:utf-8 444

:windows-cp936 444

external programs

calling from Lisp 462

external-format-error condition 835

external-format-foreign-type function 836

*external-formats* variable 1133

external-format-type function 836

:extra-initargs class option 487 , 489 , 658


false function 1134

fasl (fast load)

description 101

fasl-error condition 929

fast-directory-files function 930

FDDL 353

fdf-handle-directory-p accessor 930

fdf-handle-directory-string accessor 930

fdf-handle-last-access accessor 930

fdf-handle-last-modify accessor 930

fdf-handle-link-p accessor 930

fdf-handle-size accessor 930

fdf-handle-writable-p accessor 930

FDML 357

*features* variable 670

field-access-exception condition 1236

field-access-exception-set-p accessor 1236

field-exception condition 1237

field-exception-class-name accessor 1237

field-exception-field-name accessor 1237

file descriptor, of socket-stream 613

file descriptor, on UNIX 1436 , 1761

file-directory-p function 1134

*file-encoding-detection-algorithm* variable 448 , 1749

file-encoding-resolution-error condition 1751

*file-eol-style-detection-algorithm* variable 448 , 1751

filename of deliverable 454 , 1149

filename of DLL 454 , 1149

filename of dynamic library 1149

filename of executable 454 , 1149

filename of lisp image 454 , 1149

*filename-pattern-encoding-matches* variable 1752


load-on-demand 188

file-stat-blocks function 1762

file-stat-device function 1761

file-stat-device-type function 1762

file-stat-group-id function 1762

file-stat-inode function 1761

file-stat-last-access function 1762

file-stat-last-change function 1762

file-stat-last-modify function 1762

file-stat-links function 1762

file-stat-mode function 1762

file-stat-owner-id function 1761

file-stat-size function 1762

file-string function 932

file-writable-p function 933

(setf fill-pointer) function 266

filter-code-coverage-data function 933

Find Source

menu command 799

Find Source Editor command 186 , 1222

Find Source For Dspec Editor command 816

find-database function 338 , 1568

find-dspec-locations function 809

find-encoding-option function 1752

find-external-char function 837

find-filename-pattern-encoding-match function 1753

find-java-class function 1238

find-name-locations function 810

find-object-size function 145 , 935

find-process-from-name function 1391

find-regexp-in-string function 1135

find-throw-tag function 936

finish-heavy-allocation function 936

fixnum type 477

fixnum-safety 105

flag-not-special-free-action function 165 , 937

flag-special-free-action function 164 , 938

FLI types

lpcstr 1916

lpctstr 1917

lpcwstr 1918

lpstr 1916

lptstr 1917

lpwstr 1918

p-oci-env 385 , 1625

p-oci-file 385 , 1626

p-oci-lob-locator 385 , 1626

p-oci-lob-or-file 1626

p-oci-svc-ctx 385 , 1626

ssl-cipher-pointer 427 , 622

ssl-cipher-pointer-stack 622

ssl-ctx-pointer 427 , 624

ssl-pointer 427 , 625

str 1916

tstr 1917

wstr 1918

float 105

float calculations, optimizing 112

foreign callbacks 297

foreign-slot-value function 116

foreign-symbol-address function 1076

format-to-java-host function 1239


evaluating when tracing 49 - 51

frame, examining 12

:free-lob-locator-on-close initarg 1577

:func debugger command 19

funcallable-standard-class class 251

funcallable-standard-instance-access function 250

funcallable-standard-object class 252 , 494

funcall-async function 1392

funcall-async-list function 1392

function dspecs 84

function, altering with advice 63

Functional DDL 353

Functional DML 346

functional interface in Common SQL 346

function-information function 939

function-lambda-list function 1137


accepting-handle-collection 518

accepting-handle-local-port 520

accepting-handle-name 519

accepting-handle-socket 520

accepting-handle-user-info 521

accepts-n-syntax 1527

accept-tcp-connections-creating-async-io-states 412 , 416 , 422 , 513

add-code-coverage-data 839

add-special-free-action 164 , 841

add-sql-stream 372 , 1528

add-symbol-profiler 842

allocated-in-its-own-segment-p 1715

android-build-value 848

android-funcall-in-main-thread 849

android-funcall-in-main-thread-list 849

android-get-current-activity 851

android-main-thread-p 852

any-capi-window-displayed-p 853

any-other-process-non-internal-server-p 1361

append-file 1082

apply-in-wait-state-collection-process 411 , 522

apply-with-allocation-in-gen-num 147 , 1716

apropos 639

apropos-list 640

array-single-thread-p 854

array-weak-p 854

async-io-state-abort 413 , 417 , 523

async-io-state-abort-and-close 417 , 525

async-io-state-address 526

async-io-state-attach-ssl 422 , 425 , 526

async-io-state-buffered-data-length 414 , 528

async-io-state-collection 530

async-io-state-ctx 431 , 529

async-io-state-detach-ssl 425 , 529

async-io-state-discard 413 , 417 , 531

async-io-state-finish 413 , 417 , 532

async-io-state-get-buffered-data 414 , 417 , 533

async-io-state-handshake 534

async-io-state-max-read 535

async-io-state-name 536

async-io-state-object 536

async-io-state-old-length 537

async-io-state-peer-address 538

async-io-state-read-buffer 413 , 416 , 538

async-io-state-read-status 540

async-io-state-read-timeout 541

async-io-state-read-with-checking 413 , 416 , 542

async-io-state-receive-message 413 , 416 , 545

async-io-state-send-message 413 , 416 , 547

async-io-state-send-message-to-address 413 , 416 , 549

async-io-state-ssl 431 , 551

async-io-state-ssl-side 431 , 551

async-io-state-user-info 412 , 553

async-io-state-write-buffer 413 , 416 , 552

async-io-state-write-status 540

async-io-state-write-timeout 541

attach-ssl 420 , 422 , 554

attribute-type 353 , 1529

augmented-string-p 1722

augment-environment 855

avoid-gc 146 , 857

barrier-arriver-count 1362

barrier-block-and-wait 1363

barrier-change-count 1366

barrier-count 1367

barrier-disable 287 , 1368

barrier-enable 287 , 1368

barrier-name 1369

barrier-pass-through 1370

barrier-unblock 1370

barrier-wait 287 , 1372

base-character-p 1084

base-char-p 1085

base-char-ref 1821

base-string-p 1086

binds-who 860

bmp-char-p 1087

bmp-string-p 1089

break-new-instances-on-access 485

break-on-access 486

break-on-unresolved 1075

building-universal-intermediate-p 862

cache-table-queries 349 , 1531

call-java-method 1209

call-next-advice 66 , 73 , 1090

calls-who 863

call-system 1724

call-system-showing-output 1727

call-wait-state-collection 411 , 413 , 556

canonicalize-dspec 793

canonicalize-sid-string 1895

cdr-assoc 1730

change-directory 187 , 864

change-process-priority 295 , 1375

char-external-code 833

checked-read-java-field 1302

check-fragmentation 145 , 146 , 865

check-java-field 1302

check-lisp-calls-initialized 1213

choose-unicode-string-hash-function 1092

clean-down 136 , 163 , 866

clean-generation-0 146 , 868

clear-code-coverage 869

close-accepting-handle 557

close-async-io-state 414 , 415 , 417 , 558

close-registry-key 468 , 1923

close-remote-debugging-connection 36 , 729

close-serial-port 1519

close-wait-state-collection 411 , 559

code-coverage-data-generate-coloring-html 871

code-coverage-data-generate-statistics 877

code-coverage-set-editor-colors 881

code-coverage-set-editor-default-data 883

code-coverage-set-html-background-colors 884

coerce 642

coerce-to-gesture-spec 1731

collect-generation-2 144 , 146 , 885

collect-highest-generation 146 , 886

collect-registry-subkeys 468 , 1924

collect-registry-values 468 , 1925

commit 348 , 350 , 382 , 1532

compile 643

compile-file 645

compile-file-if-needed 887

compile-system 306 , 1092

concatenate 650

concatenate-system 1094

condition-variable-broadcast 286 , 1376

condition-variable-signal 286 , 1377

condition-variable-wait 285 , 1378

condition-variable-wait-count 286 , 1379

configure-remote-debugging-spec 26 , 27 , 33 , 730

connect 338 , 339 , 374 , 1533

connected-databases 338 , 1542

connect-to-named-pipe 1896

connect-to-tcp-server 572

copy-code-coverage-data 889

copy-current-code-coverage 889

copy-file 1096

copy-from-sqlite-raw-blob 394 , 1655

copy-preferences-from-older-version 1734

copy-standard-object 493

copy-to-weak-simple-vector 165 , 891

count-gen-num-allocation 150 , 1735

count-regexp-occurrences 1097

create-and-run-wait-state-collection 411 , 560

create-async-io-state 412 , 415 , 562

create-async-io-state-and-connected-tcp-socket 412 , 422 , 564

create-async-io-state-and-connected-udp-socket 413 , 567

create-async-io-state-and-udp-socket 412 , 569

create-client-remote-debugging-connection 28 , 734

create-ide-remote-debugging-connection 734

create-index 354 , 1542

create-instance-from-jobject 1213

create-instance-jobject 1214

create-instance-jobject-list 1214

create-java-object 1216

create-macos-application-bundle 892

create-registry-key 468 , 1927

create-table 354 , 1543

create-temp-file 467 , 895

create-universal-binary 897

create-view 354 , 1545

create-view-from-class 355 , 1546

current-function-name 897

current-pathname 1099

current-process-block-interrupts 289 , 1380

current-process-in-cleanup-p 1381

current-process-kill 1382

current-process-pause 1383

current-process-send 1385

current-process-set-terminate-method 1386

current-process-unblock-interrupts 289 , 1387

current-stack-length 898

database-name 338 , 1546

date-string 899

dde-advise-start 1941

dde-advise-start* 1944

dde-advise-stop 1945

dde-advise-stop* 1947

dde-connect 1949

dde-disconnect 1950

dde-execute 1950

dde-execute* 1951

dde-execute-command 1952

dde-execute-command* 1953

dde-execute-string 1955

dde-execute-string* 1955

dde-poke 1960

dde-poke* 1962

dde-request 1964

dde-request* 1966

debug-other-process 1388

declaration-information 900

decode-external-string 834

decode-to-db-standard-date 1547

decode-to-db-standard-timestamp 1547

default-eol-style 1737

default-name-constructor 1218

delete-directory 1115

delete-duplicates 116

delete-records 348 , 349 , 1559

delete-registry-key 468 , 1929

delete-sql-stream 372 , 1560

deliver 191 , 454 , 460 , 1116

delivered-image-p 908

deliver-to-android-project 909

describe 37 , 663

destroy-prepared-statement 1561

destroy-ssl 430 , 574

destroy-ssl-ctx 430 , 575

destructive-add-code-coverage-data 839

destructive-reverse-subtract-code-coverage-data 839

destructive-subtract-code-coverage-data 839

detach-ssl 425 , 575

detect-eol-style 1742

detect-japanese-encoding-in-file 1743

detect-unicode-bom 1744

detect-utf32-bom 1744

detect-utf8-bom 1744

directory 663

disable-sql-reader-syntax 370 , 1561

disassemble 668

discard-source-info 803

disconnect 338 , 1562

dismiss-splash-screen 1898

dll-quit 195 , 1120

do-nothing 1123

do-profiling 169 , 915

do-rand-seed 576

dotted-list-length 1122

dotted-list-p 1123

drop-index 354 , 1564

drop-table 354 , 1565

drop-view 354 , 1565

drop-view-from-class 355 , 1566

dspec-class 803

dspec-defined-p 804

dspec-definition-locations 805

dspec-equal 806

dspec-name 806

dspec-primary-name 807

dspec-progenitor 808

dspec-subclass-p 808

dspec-undefiner 809

dump-form 1067

dump-forms-to-file 1067

editor-color-code-coverage 917

enable-sql-reader-syntax 346 , 370 , 1567

encode-db-standard-date 1548

encode-db-standard-timestamp 1548

encode-lisp-string 835

enlarge-generation 144 , 146 , 920

enlarge-static 921

ensure-hash-entry 922

ensure-is-jobject 1247

ensure-lisp-classes-from-tree 1233

ensure-loads-after-loads 272 , 1746

ensure-memory-after-store 1746

ensure-objc-initialized 243

ensure-process-cleanup 1389

ensure-remote-debugging-connection 36 , 741

ensure-ssl 431 , 577

ensure-stores-after-memory 1747

ensure-stores-after-stores 269 , 273 , 275 , 1748

ensure-supers-contain-java.lang.object 1235

enum-registry-value 468 , 1929

environment-variable 1125

eql-specializer-object 250

errno-value 1126

example-compile-file 1127

example-edit-file 1128

example-file 1127

example-load-binary-file 1129

executable-log-file 741

execute-command 352 , 1567

expand-generation-1 146 , 924

extend-current-stack 925

extended-character-p 1132

extended-char-p 1132

external-format-foreign-type 836

external-format-type 836

false 1134

fast-directory-files 930

file-directory-p 1134

file-stat-blocks 1762

file-stat-device 1761

file-stat-device-type 1762

file-stat-group-id 1762

file-stat-inode 1761

file-stat-last-access 1762

file-stat-last-change 1762

file-stat-last-modify 1762

file-stat-links 1762

file-stat-mode 1762

file-stat-owner-id 1761

file-stat-size 1762

file-string 932

file-writable-p 933

filter-code-coverage-data 933

find-database 338 , 1568

find-dspec-locations 809

find-encoding-option 1752

find-external-char 837

find-filename-pattern-encoding-match 1753

find-java-class 1238

find-name-locations 810

find-object-size 145 , 935

find-process-from-name 1391

find-regexp-in-string 1135

find-throw-tag 936

finish-heavy-allocation 936

flag-not-special-free-action 165 , 937

flag-special-free-action 164 , 938

foreign-slot-value 116

foreign-symbol-address 1076

format-to-java-host 1239

funcallable-standard-instance-access 250

funcall-async 1392

funcall-async-list 1392

function-information 939

function-lambda-list 1137

gc-generation 136 , 138 , 146 , 150 , 942

gc-if-needed 146 , 946

generate-code-coverage 946

generate-java-class-definitions 1239

generation-number 144 , 1755

gen-num-segments-fragmentation-state 150 , 1754

gensym 164

gesture-spec-data 1758

gesture-spec-modifiers 1758

gesture-spec-p 1759

gesture-spec-to-character 1760

get-code-coverage-delta 940

get-current-process 262 , 263 , 1394

get-default-generation 146 , 949

get-default-local-ipv6-address 578

get-file-stat 1761

get-folder-path 467 , 1762

get-foreign-symbol 1077

get-form-parser 811

get-gc-parameters 146 , 950

get-gc-timing 1031

gethash-ensuring 952

get-host-entry 578

get-host-java-virtual-machine 1245

get-ip-default-zone-id 581

get-java-virtual-machine 1246

get-jobject 1247

get-maximum-allocated-in-generation-2-after-gc 1765

get-primitive-array-region 1248

get-process 263 , 1395

get-process-private-property 1396

get-serial-port-state 1520

get-service-entry 582

get-socket-address 583

get-socket-peer-address 584

get-superclass-and-interfaces-tree 1250

get-temp-directory 951

get-unix-error 1142

get-user-profile-directory 467 , 1767

get-verification-mode 585

get-working-directory 952

guess-external-format 448 , 1769

hardcopy-system 1147

ide-attach-remote-output-stream 30 , 744

ide-connect-remote-debugging 27 , 28 , 745

ide-eval-form-in-remote 29 , 30 , 747

ide-find-remote-debugging-connection 35 , 750

ide-funcall-in-remote 29 , 30 , 747

ide-list-remote-debugging-connections 35 , 750

ide-open-a-listener 25 , 28 , 753

ide-set-default-remote-debugging-connection 35 , 750

ide-set-remote-symbol-value 30 , 747

immediatep 1770

initialize-database-type 1569

initialize-multiprocessing 263 , 1397

init-java-interface 1253

insert-records 348 , 381 , 1570

inspect 38

int32* 1773

int32+ 473 , 1773

int32- 473 , 1773

int32/ 1773

int32/= 1775

int32< 1775

int32<< 1776

int32<= 1775

int32= 1775

int32> 1775

int32>= 1775

int32>> 1776

int32-1+ 1774

int32-1- 1774

int32-aref 1777

int32-logand 1778

int32-logandc1 1778

int32-logandc2 1778

int32-logbitp 1778

int32-logeqv 1778

int32-logior 1778

int32-lognand 1778

int32-lognor 1778

int32-lognot 1778

int32-logorc1 1778

int32-logorc2 1778

int32-logtest 1778

int32-logxor 1778

int32-minusp 1781

int32-plusp 1781

int32-to-int64 1781

int32-to-integer 1782

int32-zerop 1781

int64* 1784

int64+ 474 , 1784

int64- 474 , 1784

int64/ 1784

int64/= 1786

int64< 1786

int64<< 1787

int64<= 1786

int64= 1786

int64> 1786

int64>= 1786

int64>> 1787

int64-1+ 1785

int64-1- 1785

int64-aref 1788

int64-logand 1789

int64-logandc1 1789

int64-logandc2 1789

int64-logbitp 1789

int64-logeqv 1789

int64-logior 1789

int64-lognand 1789

int64-lognor 1789

int64-lognot 1789

int64-logorc1 1789

int64-logorc2 1789

int64-logtest 1789

int64-logxor 1789

int64-minusp 1791

int64-plusp 1791

int64-to-int32 1792

int64-to-integer 1793

int64-zerop 1791

integer-to-int32 1793

integer-to-int64 1794

interactive-stream-p 676

intern-and-export-list 1260

intern-eql-specializer 250

ip-address-string 585

ipv6-address 586

ipv6-address-p 587

ipv6-address-scope-id 587

ipv6-address-string 588

jaref 1260

java-array-element-type 1262

java-array-length 1264

java-field-class-name-for-setting 1302

java-object-array-element-type 1275

java-objects-eq 1275

java-primitive-array-element-type 1277

java-type-to-lisp-array-type 1278

jobject-class-name 1282

jobject-ensure-global 1283

jobject-of-class-p 1284

jobject-p 1285

jobject-pretty-class-name 1285

jobject-string 1286

jobject-to-lisp 1287

jvref 1288

known-sid-integer-to-sid-string 1901

last-callback-on-thread 1399

lisp-array-to-primitive-array 1299

lisp-array-type-to-java-type 1278

lisp-image-name 454 , 1149

lisp-java-instance-p 1290

lisp-name-to-foreign-name 1078

lisp-to-jobject 1290

list-all-processes 263 , 1400

list-attributes 353 , 1574

list-attribute-types 353 , 1573

list-classes 357 , 1575

list-sql-streams 372 , 1576

list-tables 353 , 1576

load-all-patches 1152

load-code-coverage-data 889

load-data-file 957

load-logical-pathname-translations 677

load-system 1153

lob-stream-lob-locator 384

local-dspec-p 812

locale-file-encoding 1796

locally-disable-sql-reader-syntax 370 , 1578

locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax 370 , 1579

lock-and-condition-variable-broadcast 1401

lock-and-condition-variable-signal 1402

lock-and-condition-variable-wait 1404

lock-locked-p 1406

lock-name 277 , 1409

lock-owned-by-current-process-p 1407

lock-owner 277 , 1409

lock-recursively-locked-p 1408

lock-recursive-p 1407

log-bug-form 754

logs-directory 755

long-namestring 454 , 1903 , 1915

long-site-name 453 , 678

loop-processing-wait-state-collection 411 , 413 , 589

low-level-atomic-place-p 1797

mailbox-count 1411

mailbox-empty-p 1412

mailbox-full-p 1413

mailbox-not-empty-p 1414

mailbox-peek 1414

mailbox-read 1415

mailbox-reader-process 1416

mailbox-send 1417

mailbox-send-limited 1418

mailbox-size 1420

mailbox-wait 1421

mailbox-wait-for-event 1422

make-array 165 , 276 , 680

make-barrier 287 , 1424

make-condition-variable 1426

make-current-allocation-permanent 1798

make-gesture-spec 1800

make-hash-table 165 , 276 , 682

make-java-array 1291

make-java-instance 1292

make-lisp-proxy 1293

make-lisp-proxy-with-overrides 1293

make-lock 1427

make-mailbox 1429

make-mt-random-state 1156

make-named-timer 1430

make-object-permanent 1805

make-permanent-simple-vector 1807

make-ring 962

make-semaphore 288 , 1431

make-sequence 685

make-simple-int32-vector 1808

make-simple-int64-vector 1809

make-ssl-ctx 422 , 423 , 588

make-stderr-stream 1810

make-string 686

make-string-output-stream 687

make-symbol 164

make-timer 293 , 1432

make-typed-aref-vector 1811

make-unlocked-queue 964

make-unregistered-action-list 1154

make-wait-state-collection 411 , 590

map 688

map-all-processes 1433

map-all-processes-backtrace 1433

map-code-coverage-data 966

map-environment 1812

map-java-object-array 1295

map-process-backtrace 1434

map-processes 1435

map-query 351 , 381 , 1582

map-ring 967

mark-and-sweep 967

marking-gc 150 , 1813

memory-growth-margin 146 , 1815

merge 688

merge-code-coverage-data 970

merge-ef-specs 1816

mobile-gc-p 1817

mobile-gc-sweep-objects 1818

modify-hash 971

mt-random 1157

mt-random-state-p 1158

name-defined-dspecs 813

name-definition-locations 814

named-pipe-stream-name 1904

name-only-form-parser 815

normal-gc 146 , 972

notice-fd 1436

object-address 1819

object-dspec 816

object-pointer 1820

octet-ref 1821

open 689

open-named-pipe-stream 1905

open-pipe 1823

open-registry-key 468 , 1932

open-serial-port 1517

openssl-version 599

open-tcp-stream 420 , 422 , 591

open-tcp-stream-using-java 595

open-temp-file 467 , 895

open-url 1827

ora-lob-append 388 , 1586

ora-lob-assign 387 , 1587

ora-lob-char-set-form 386 , 1587

ora-lob-char-set-id 1588

ora-lob-close 388 , 1589

ora-lob-copy 388 , 1590

ora-lob-create-empty 381 , 387 , 1591

ora-lob-create-temporary 389 , 1592

ora-lob-disable-buffering 389 , 1593

ora-lob-element-type 386 , 1594

ora-lob-enable-buffering 389 , 1595

ora-lob-env-handle 384 , 1596

ora-lob-erase 388 , 1596

ora-lob-file-close 388 , 1597

ora-lob-file-close-all 388 , 1598

ora-lob-file-exists 1599

ora-lob-file-get-name 1600

ora-lob-file-is-open 1600

ora-lob-file-open 388 , 1601

ora-lob-file-set-name 388 , 1602

ora-lob-flush-buffer 389 , 1603

ora-lob-free 387 , 1604

ora-lob-free-temporary 389 , 1605

ora-lob-get-buffer 384 , 389 , 1605

ora-lob-get-chunk-size 387 , 1608

ora-lob-get-length 387 , 1608

ora-lob-internal-lob-p 386 , 387 , 1609

ora-lob-is-equal 387 , 1610

ora-lob-is-open 387 , 1610

ora-lob-is-temporary 387 , 389 , 1611

ora-lob-load-from-file 388 , 1612

ora-lob-lob-locator 384 , 1613

ora-lob-locator-is-init 387 , 1614

ora-lob-open 388 , 1614

ora-lob-read-buffer 386 , 389 , 1615

ora-lob-read-foreign-buffer 384 , 386 , 389 , 1619

ora-lob-read-into-plain-file 389 , 1618

ora-lob-svc-ctx-handle 384 , 1620

ora-lob-trim 388 , 1620

ora-lob-write-buffer 386 , 389 , 1621 , 1624

ora-lob-write-foreign-buffer 384 , 386 , 389

ora-lob-write-from-plain-file 389 , 1623

output-backtrace 756

package-flagged-p 1827

parse-float 975

parse-form-dspec 817

pathname-location 1159

pem-read 426 , 602

pipe-close-connection 1828

pipe-exit-status 1829

pipe-kill-process 1830

pointer-from-address 1832

position-in-ring 976

position-in-ring-forward 976

precompile-regexp 1160

prepare-statement 1627

primitive-array-to-lisp-array 1299

print-action-lists 97 , 1161

print-actions 97 , 1161

print-pretty-gesture-spec 1833

print-profile-list 171 , 977

print-query 348 , 1629

process-alive-p 1436

process-all-events 1437

process-allow-scheduling 262 , 1438

process-arrest-reasons 1438

process-break 1439

process-continue 1439

processes-count 263 , 1482

process-exclusive-lock 1440

process-exclusive-unlock 1441

process-idle-time 1442

process-internal-server-p 1444

process-interrupt 290 , 1445

process-interrupt-list 1446

process-join 1447

process-kill 1448

process-lock 277 , 1449

process-mailbox 1450

process-name 263 , 1450

process-p 1451

process-plist 294 , 1451

process-poke 1452

process-priority 295 , 1454

process-private-property 1455

process-property 294 , 1456

process-reset 1457

process-run-function 262 , 1458

process-run-reasons 1461

process-run-time 1462

process-send 1463

process-sharing-lock 1465

process-sharing-unlock 1466

process-stop 296 , 1467

process-stopped 296

process-stopped-p 1468

process-terminate 1468

process-unlock 1470

process-unstop 296 , 1471

process-wait 285 , 1472

process-wait-for-event 1473

process-wait-function 1474

process-wait-local 1474

process-wait-local-with-periodic-checks 1477

process-wait-local-with-timeout 1478

process-wait-local-with-timeout-and-periodic-checks 1479

process-wait-with-timeout 281 , 285 , 1480

process-whostate 1482

proclaim 104 , 109 , 693

product-registry-path 464 , 1835

profiler-tree-from-function 983

profiler-tree-to-function 984

ps 263 , 1485

pushnew-to-process-private-property 294 , 1483

pushnew-to-process-property 294 , 1484

query 352 , 380 , 1631

query-registry-key-info 468 , 1933

query-registry-value 468 , 1934

quit 4 , 463 , 1165

read-dhparams 426 , 603

read-foreign-modules 1078

read-java-field 1302

read-serial-port-char 1521

read-serial-port-string 1521

reconnect 338 , 1632

record-definition 817

record-java-class-lisp-symbol 1304

record-message-in-windows-event-log 1909

reduce-memory 164 , 985

references-who 987

regexp-find-symbols 1168

registry-key-exists-p 468 , 1935

registry-value 468 , 1935

remote-debugging-connection-add-close-cleanup 36 , 765

remote-debugging-connection-name 36 , 767

remote-debugging-connection-peer-address 36 , 768

remote-debugging-connection-remove-close-cleanup 36 , 765

remote-inspect 25 , 27 , 28 , 34 , 770

remote-object-connection 29 , 35 , 772

remote-object-p 29 , 772

remove-advice 66 , 73 , 1169

remove-duplicates 116

remove-from-process-private-property 294 , 1486

remove-from-process-property 294 , 1486

remove-process-private-property 294 , 1487

remove-process-property 294 , 1488

remove-special-free-action 165 , 988

remove-symbol-profiler 989

replace-from-sqlite-blob 395 , 1650

replace-from-sqlite-raw-blob 395 , 1655

replace-into-sqlite-blob 395 , 1650

replace-socket-stream-socket 604

replace-standard-object 499

report-error-to-java-host 1305

reset-code-coverage 869

reset-code-coverage-snapshot 940

reset-java-interface-for-new-jvm 1306

reset-profiler 989

reset-ring 990

restore-code-coverage-data 869

restore-sql-reader-syntax-state 370 , 1633

results for traced 50

reverse-subtract-code-coverage-data 839

ring-length 991

ring-name 992

ringp 991

ring-pop 992

ring-push 993

ring-ref 994

rollback 348 , 350 , 382 , 1634

room 145 , 146 , 149 , 458 , 695

room-values 458 , 1838

rotate-byte 1172

rotate-ring 995

round-to-single-precision 1172

run-shell-command 1839

safe-format-to-limited-string 996

safe-format-to-string 996

safe-locale-file-encoding 1844

safe-prin1-to-string 996

safe-princ-to-string 996

save-argument-real-p 997

save-code-coverage-data 889

save-current-code-coverage 889

save-current-profiler-tree 174 , 998

save-current-session 1000

save-image 179 , 191 , 454 , 460 , 464 , 1001

save-image-with-bundle 1010

save-tags-database 821

save-universal-from-script 1011

sbchar 1173

schedule-timer 293 , 1489

schedule-timer-milliseconds 1491

schedule-timer-relative 1493

schedule-timer-relative-milliseconds 1494

security-description-string-for-open-named-pipe 1910

select 346 , 357 , 1634

semaphore-acquire 288 , 1496

semaphore-count 288 , 1498

semaphore-name 288 , 1498

semaphore-release 288 , 1499

semaphore-wait-count 288 , 1500

send-message-to-java-host 1307

sequencep 1174

serial-port 1520

serial-port-input-available-p 1522

server-terminate 605

set-application-themed 1914

set-approaching-memory-limit-callback 1845

set-array-single-thread-p 1012

set-array-weak 165 , 1012

set-automatic-gc-callback 150 , 1846

set-blocking-gen-num 150 , 1848

set-clos-initarg-checking 501

set-code-coverage-snapshot 940

set-debugger-options 773

set-default-character-element-type 439 , 442 , 443 , 1174

set-default-generation 137 , 146 , 1014

set-default-remote-debugging-connection 34 , 774

set-default-segment-size 151 , 1851

set-delay-promotion 151 , 1852

set-expected-allocation-in-generation-2-after-gc 1853

setf cdr-assoc 1730

setf timer-name 1503

set-file-dates 1857

set-funcall-async-limit 1500

set-gc-parameters 139 , 146 , 1015

set-generation-2-gc-options 1858

set-gen-num-gc-threshold 150 , 1860

set-hash-table-weak 165 , 1017

set-java-field 1302

set-make-instance-argument-checking 502

set-maximum-memory 146 , 1862

set-maximum-segment-size 148 , 150 , 1863

set-memory-check 1865

set-memory-exhausted-callback 1866

set-minimum-free-space 139 , 146 , 1019

set-prepared-statement-variables 1639

set-primitive-array-region 1248

set-process-profiling 169 , 170 , 1020

set-profiler-threshold 1022

set-promote-generation-1 1868

set-promotion-count 1023

set-quit-when-no-windows 1176

set-registry-value 468 , 1937

set-remote-debugging-connection 33 , 775

set-reserved-memory-policy 1869

set-serial-port-state 1523

set-signal-handler 1870

set-spare-keeping-policy 151 , 1871

set-split-promotion 1872

set-ssl-ctx-dh 426 , 608

set-ssl-ctx-options 426 , 610

set-ssl-ctx-password-callback 426 , 610

set-ssl-library-path 420 , 611

set-static-segment-size 1874

sets-who 1030

set-system-message-log 1024

set-temp-directory 468 , 1875

setup-atomic-funcall 1876

setup-deliver-dynamic-library-for-java 217 , 1308

setup-field-accessor 1312

setup-java-caller 1313

setup-java-constructor 1313

setup-java-interface-callbacks 1253

setup-lisp-proxy 1315

set-up-profiler 168 , 1025

set-verification-mode 606

short-namestring 454

short-site-name 453 , 701

sid-string-to-user-name 1916

simple-augmented-string-p 1722

simple-base-string-p 1086

simple-bmp-string-p 1089

simple-char-p 1177

simple-int32-vector-length 1879

simple-int32-vector-p 1879

simple-int64-vector-length 1880

simple-int64-vector-p 1881

simple-lock-and-condition-variable-wait 1501

simple-text-string-p 1186

single-form-form-parser 822

single-form-with-options-form-parser 822

socket-stream-address 617

socket-stream-ctx 431 , 618

socket-stream-handshake 618

socket-stream-peer-address 619

socket-stream-shutdown 620

socket-stream-ssl 431 , 621

socket-stream-ssl-side 431 , 622

software-type 453 , 703

software-version 453 , 704

source-debugging-on-p 1031

specific-valid-file-encoding 1882

split-sequence 1177

split-sequence-if 1178

split-sequence-if-not 1179

sql 368 , 1642

sql-expression 368 , 1645

sqlite-blob-length 1650

sqlite-blob-p 1650

sqlite-close-blob 395 , 1650

sqlite-last-insert-rowid 1649

sqlite-open-blob 395 , 1650

sqlite-raw-blob-length 395 , 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-p 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-ref 395 , 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-valid-p 395 , 1655

sqlite-reopen-blob 1650

sql-operation 368 , 1660

sql-operator 368 , 1662

sql-recording-p 372 , 1663

sql-stream 372 , 1664

ssl-add-client-ca 427

ssl-cipher-get-bits 427

ssl-cipher-get-name 427

ssl-cipher-get-version 427

ssl-clear-num-renegotiations 427

ssl-ctrl 427

ssl-ctx-add-client-ca 427

ssl-ctx-add-extra-chain-cert 427

ssl-ctx-ctrl 427

ssl-ctx-get-max-cert-list 427

ssl-ctx-get-mode 427

ssl-ctx-get-options 428

ssl-ctx-get-read-ahead 428

ssl-ctx-get-verify-mode 428

ssl-ctx-load-verify-locations 428

ssl-ctx-need-tmp-rsa 428

ssl-ctx-sess-get-cache-mode 428

ssl-ctx-sess-get-cache-size 428

ssl-ctx-sess-set-cache-mode 428

ssl-ctx-sess-set-cache-size 428

ssl-ctx-set-client-ca-list 428

ssl-ctx-set-max-cert-list 428

ssl-ctx-set-mode 428

ssl-ctx-set-options 428

ssl-ctx-set-read-ahead 428

ssl-ctx-set-tmp-dh 428

ssl-ctx-set-tmp-rsa 428

ssl-ctx-use-certificate-chain-file 428

ssl-ctx-use-certificate-file 428

ssl-ctx-use-privatekey-file 428

ssl-ctx-use-rsaprivatekey-file 428

ssl-get-current-cipher 428

ssl-get-max-cert-list 428

ssl-get-mode 429

ssl-get-options 429

ssl-get-verify-mode 429

ssl-get-version 429

ssl-load-client-ca-file 429

ssl-need-tmp-rsa 429

ssl-new 430 , 625

ssl-num-renegotiations 429

ssl-session-reused 429

ssl-set-accept-state 424 , 429

ssl-set-client-ca-list 429

ssl-set-connect-state 424 , 429

ssl-set-max-cert-list 429

ssl-set-mode 429

ssl-set-options 429

ssl-set-tmp-dh 429

ssl-set-tmp-rsa 429

ssl-total-renegotiations 429

ssl-use-certificate-file 429

ssl-use-privatekey-file 429

ssl-use-rsaprivatekey-file 429

standard-instance-access 250

start-client-remote-debugging-server 27 , 33 , 776

start-dde-server 1983

start-gc-timing 1031

start-ide-remote-debugging-server 26 , 27 , 779

start-profiling 169 , 170 , 1033

start-remote-listener 25 , 27 , 28 , 34 , 781

start-sql-recording 372 , 1666

start-tty-listener 1180

start-up-server 626

start-up-server-and-mp 632

staticp 1884

status 338 , 1667

stchar 1181

stop-gc-timing 1031

stop-profiling 169 , 170 , 1036

stop-sql-recording 372 , 1668

string-append 1182

string-append* 1183

string-ip-address 633

string-needs-n-prefix 1668

string-prefix-with-n-if-needed 1669

string-trim-whitespace 1035

structurep 1184

subtract-code-coverage-data 839

sweep-all-objects 164 , 1037

sweep-gen-num-objects 1885

switch-open-tcp-stream-with-ssl-to-java 634

switch-static-allocation 136 , 137 , 1038

symbol-dynamically-bound-p 1039

symeval-in-process 295 , 1503

table-exists-p 1670

text-string-p 1186

throw-an-exception 1317

timer-expired-p 1504

timer-name 1505

toggle-source-debugging 117 , 1040

total-allocation 145 , 1042

traceable-dspec-p 823

trace-new-instances-on-access 505

trace-on-access 506

tracing-enabled-p 824

tracing-state 825

true 1186

truename 720

try-compact-in-generation 144 , 146 , 1051

try-move-in-generation 144 , 146 , 1052

typed-aref 1886

unbreak-new-instances-on-access 509

unbreak-on-access 509

undefine-declaration 1054

unicode-alpha-char-p 451 , 1188

unicode-alphanumericp 451 , 1189

unicode-both-case-p 451 , 1190

unicode-char-equal 451 , 1191

unicode-char-greaterp 451 , 1192

unicode-char-lessp 451 , 1192

unicode-char-not-equal 451 , 1191

unicode-char-not-greaterp 451 , 1193

unicode-char-not-lessp 451 , 1193

unicode-lower-case-p 451 , 1194

unicode-string-equal 451 , 1194

unicode-string-greaterp 451 , 1196

unicode-string-lessp 451 , 1196

unicode-string-not-equal 451 , 1194

unicode-string-not-greaterp 451 , 1197

unicode-string-not-lessp 451 , 1197

unicode-upper-case-p 451 , 1198

unlocked-queue-count 964

unlocked-queue-peek 964

unlocked-queue-read 964

unlocked-queue-ready 964

unlocked-queue-send 964

unlocked-queue-size 964

unnotice-fd 1506

unschedule-timer 1506

untrace-new-instances-on-access 510

untrace-on-access 510

update-instance-for-different-class 722

update-instance-for-redefined-class 723

update-objects-joins 1672

update-records 348 , 349 , 381 , 1673

user-homedir-pathname 227 , 466 , 1764

user-name-to-sid-string 1919

user-preference 464 , 1199

valid-external-format-p 838

variable-information 1058

vector-pop 276

vector-push 276

vector-push-extend 276

verify-java-caller 1320

verify-java-callers 1321

verify-lisp-proxies 1324

verify-lisp-proxy 1324

wait-for-input-streams 1888

wait-for-input-streams-returning-first 1889

wait-for-wait-state-collection 411 , 635

wait-processing-events 1508

wait-serial-port-state 1524

wait-state-collection-stop-loop 411 , 415 , 636

whitespace-char-p 1203

who-binds 1059

who-calls 1060

who-references 1061

who-sets 1061

with-remote-debugging-connection 33

write-java-class-definitions-to-file 1326

write-java-class-definitions-to-stream 1326

write-serial-port-char 1524

write-serial-port-string 1525

write-string-with-properties 1072

yield 1514

fundamental-binary-input-stream class 1683

fundamental-binary-output-stream class 1684

fundamental-binary-stream class 1684

fundamental-character-input-stream class 400 , 1685

fundamental-character-output-stream class 400 , 1686

fundamental-input-stream class 1687

fundamental-output-stream class 1688

fundamental-stream class 1688


garbage collection, see also memory management

main chapter 129

GBK 445

:gbk external format 445

gc-generation function 136 , 138 , 146 , 150 , 942

gc-if-needed function 146 , 946

general-handle-event generic function 1393

generate-code-coverage function 946

generate-java-class-definitions function 1239


definition 130

generation 2 144

generation-number function 144 , 1755

generic functions

accessor-method-slot-definition 250

add-method 251

class-extra-initargs 487

close 641

compute-applicable-methods-using-classes 251

compute-class-potential-initargs 488

compute-discriminating-function 251 , 490

compute-effective-method-function-from-classes 490

dde-client-advise-data 1948

dde-server-poke 1971

dde-server-request 1972

dde-server-topic 1973

dde-server-topics 1974

dde-topic-items 1976

default-constructor-arguments 1217

delete-instance-records 357 , 1558 , 1572

describe-object 38

documentation 668

general-handle-event 1393

get-inspector-values 1138

input-stream-p 676

instance-refreshed 357

make-instance 684

make-method-lambda 250

open-stream-p 691

output-stream-p 692

print-object 189

process-a-class-option 495

process-a-slot-option 497

remote-debugging-stream-peer-address 769

slot-boundp-using-class 249 , 502

slot-makunbound-using-class 249 , 503

slot-value-using-class 249 , 504

sort-inspector-p 1138

stream-advance-to-column 1689

stream-check-eof-no-hang 1690

stream-clear-input 402 , 1690

stream-clear-output 403 , 1691

stream-element-type 400 , 709

stream-file-position 1692

stream-fill-buffer 1692

stream-finish-output 403 , 1693

stream-flush-buffer 1694

stream-force-output 403 , 1695

stream-fresh-line 1695

stream-line-column 403 , 1696

stream-listen 402 , 1697

stream-output-width 1698

stream-peek-char 1698

stream-read-buffer 1699

stream-read-byte 1700

stream-read-char 401 , 1701

stream-read-char-no-hang 1701

stream-read-line 1702

stream-read-sequence 1703

stream-read-timeout 1704

stream-start-line-p 403 , 1704

stream-terpri 1705

stream-unread-char 401 , 1706

stream-write-buffer 1706

stream-write-byte 1707

stream-write-char 402 , 1708

stream-write-sequence 1708

stream-write-string 1709

update-instance-from-records 357 , 1671

update-record-from-instance 1674

update-record-from-slot 357 , 1675

update-records-from-instance 357

update-slot-from-record 357 , 1675

wait-for-connection 1919

:gen-num initarg 1884

gen-num-segments-fragmentation-state function 150 , 1754

gensym function 164

gesture-spec-accelerator-bit variable 1756

gesture-spec-caps-lock-bit variable 1756

gesture-spec-control-bit variable 1756

gesture-spec-data function 1758

gesture-spec-hyper-bit variable 1756

gesture-spec-meta-bit variable 1756

gesture-spec-modifiers function 1758

gesture-spec-p function 1759

gesture-spec-shift-bit variable 1756

gesture-spec-super-bit variable 1756

gesture-spec-to-character function 1760

get 851

:get listener command 6

getApplicationContext Java method 1355

getClassLoader Java method 1355

get-code-coverage-delta function 940

get-current-process function 262 , 263 , 1394

get-default-generation function 146 , 949

get-default-local-ipv6-address function 578

get-file-stat function 1761

get-folder-path function 467 , 1762

get-foreign-symbol function 1077

get-form-parser function 811

get-gc-parameters function 146 , 950

get-gc-timing function 1031

gethash-ensuring function 952

get-host-entry function 578

get-host-java-virtual-machine function 1245

get-inspector-values generic function 1138

get-ip-default-zone-id function 581

get-java-virtual-machine function 1246

get-jobject function 1247

get-maximum-allocated-in-generation-2-after-gc function 1765

get-primitive-array-region function 1248

GetProcAddress C function 191

get-process function 263 , 1395

get-process-private-property function 1396

get-serial-port-state function 1520

get-service-entry function 582

get-socket-address function 583

get-socket-peer-address function 584

get-superclass-and-interfaces-tree function 1250

get-temp-directory function 951

get-unix-error function 1142

get-user-profile-directory function 467 , 1767

get-verification-mode function 585

get-working-directory function 952

globally-accessible macro 269 , 270 , 273 , 274 , 1768


non-terminal 314

resolving ambiguities 315

rules 313

graphics ports lxv

> SQL operator 363

*grep-command* variable 1142

*grep-command-format* variable 1143

*grep-fixed-args* variable 1144

guess-external-format function 448 , 1769

GUI application 1002


:h inspector command 39

*handle-existing-action-in-action-list* variable 1144 , 96

*handle-existing-action-list* variable 1145 , 96

*handle-existing-defpackage* variable 954

*handle-missing-action-in-action-list* variable 1146 , 97

*handle-missing-action-list* variable 1145 , 97

*handle-old-in-package* variable 955

*handle-old-in-package-used-as-make-package* variable 956

handler frame, examining 12

:handler keyword 761

*handle-warn-on-redefinition* variable 187 , 1146

hardcopy-system function 1147

hash tables

weak 682

heap size

in 32-bit LispWorks 460 , 478

in 64-bit LispWorks 461 , 478

:help listener command 7

HFS+ filesystem 469

:hidden keyword 743

*hidden-packages* variable 24 , 742

:his listener command 7

hook functions 95

host 578

host name 578

hostname 578


:i inspector command 39

i18n 435

ide-attach-remote-output-stream function 30 , 744

ide-connect-remote-debugging function 27 , 28 , 745

ide-eval-form-in-remote function 29 , 30 , 747

ide-find-remote-debugging-connection function 35 , 750

ide-funcall-in-remote function 29 , 30 , 747

ide-list-remote-debugging-connections function 35 , 750

ide-open-a-listener function 25 , 28 , 753

ide-remote-debugging system class 765

ide-set-default-remote-debugging-connection function 35 , 750

ide-set-remote-symbol-value function 30 , 747


saving 179

image size 457

immediatep function 1770

impersonating-named-pipe-client macro 1899

impersonating-user macro 1900

import-java-class-definitions macro 1251

incf macro 267

init file 1148

init Java method 1341

init_result_code Java method 1344

*init-file-name* variable 1148


of Common SQL 334

initialization file 1148

initialize-database-type function 1569

*initialized-database-types* variable 1570

initialize-multiprocessing function 263 , 1397

*initial-processes* variable 195 , 263 , 1398

init-java-interface function 1253

InitLispWorks C function 194 , 460 , 1985

input-stream-p generic function 676

insert-records function 348 , 381 , 1570

:inside keyword 55

inspect function 38


main chapter 37


teletype 37

inspector commands

:cv 39

:d 39

:dm 39

:dr 39

:h 39

:i 39

:m 39 , 40

:q 39

:s 39

:sh 39

:u 39

:ud 39 , 40

*inspect-print-length* variable 39

*inspect-print-level* variable 39

*inspect-through-gui* variable 1149

instance-refreshed generic function 357

in-static-area macro 137 , 1771

int32* function 1773

int32+ function 473 , 1773

int32- function 473 , 1773

int32 type 472 , 1772

int32/ function 1773

int32/= function 1775

int32< function 1775

int32<< function 1776

int32<= function 1775

int32= function 1775

int32> function 1775

int32>= function 1775

int32>> function 1776

+int32-0+ symbol macro 1774

int32-1+ function 1774

int32-1- function 1774

+int32-1+ symbol macro 1774

int32-aref function 1777

int32-logand function 1778

int32-logandc1 function 1778

int32-logandc2 function 1778

int32-logbitp function 1778

int32-logeqv function 1778

int32-logior function 1778

int32-lognand function 1778

int32-lognor function 1778

int32-lognot function 1778

int32-logorc1 function 1778

int32-logorc2 function 1778

int32-logtest function 1778

int32-logxor function 1778

int32-minusp function 1781

int32-plusp function 1781

int32-to-int64 function 1781

int32-to-integer function 1782

int32-zerop function 1781

int64* function 1784

int64+ function 474 , 1784

int64- function 474 , 1784

int64 type 474 , 1783

int64/ function 1784

int64/= function 1786

int64< function 1786

int64<< function 1787

int64<= function 1786

int64= function 1786

int64> function 1786

int64>= function 1786

int64>> function 1787

+int64-0+ symbol macro 1785

int64-1+ function 1785

int64-1- function 1785

+int64-1+ symbol macro 1785

int64-aref function 1788

int64-logand function 1789

int64-logandc1 function 1789

int64-logandc2 function 1789

int64-logbitp function 1789

int64-logeqv function 1789

int64-logior function 1789

int64-lognand function 1789

int64-lognor function 1789

int64-lognot function 1789

int64-logorc1 function 1789

int64-logorc2 function 1789

int64-logtest function 1789

int64-logxor function 1789

int64-minusp function 1791

int64-plusp function 1791

int64-to-int32 function 1792

int64-to-integer function 1793

int64-zerop function 1791

integer-to-int32 function 1793

integer-to-int64 function 1794

interactive-stream-p function 676


between parser generator and lexical analyzer 317

Common SQL initialization 334

intern-and-export-list function 1260

Internationalization 435

intern-eql-specializer function 250


differences from compiler 101

interruptable 105

invalid superclass 253

:invisible keyword 762

iOS interface

overview 241

iOS runtimes

creating 241

example 244

IP Address 578

ip-address-string function 585

IPv4 578

IPv6 410 , 578

on Mac OS X 410

on Windows 410

IPv6 support 585 , 600

ipv6-address function 586

ipv6-address-p function 587

ipv6-address-scope-id function 587

ipv6-address-string function 588

ISO8859-1 443


jaref function 1260

Java classes

BugFormLogsList 1357

BugFormViewer 1357

LispCalls 1331

Manager 1339

Java fields

mMaxErrorLogsNumber 1350

mMessagesMaxLength 1352

Java interface

Java side 1331

Lisp side 197

Java interfaces

LispErrorReporter 1347

LispGuiErrorReporter 1347

MessageHandler 1354

Java methods

addMessage 1352

callDoubleA 1332

callDoubleV 1332

callIntA 1332

CallIntV 1332

callObjectA 1332

callObjectV 1332

callVoidA 1332

callVoidV 1332

checkLispSymbol 1334

clearBugFormLogs 1350

createLispProxy 1335

getApplicationContext 1355

getClassLoader 1355

init 1341

init_result_code 1344

loadLibrary 1346

mInitErrorString 1346

setCurrentActivity 1356

setErrorReporter 1347

setGuiErrorReporter 1347

setMessageHandler 1354

setTextView 1354

showBugFormLogs 1351

status 1343

Java virtual machine 201

java-array-element-type function 1262

java-array-error condition 1263

java-array-error-array accessor 1263

java-array-error-caller accessor 1263

java-array-indices-error condition 1263

java-array-indices-error-indices accessor 1264

java-array-indices-error-rank accessor 1264

java-array-length function 1264

java-array-simple-error condition 1265

java-bad-jobject condition 1265

java-bad-jobject-caller accessor 1265

java-bad-jobject-object accessor 1265

java-class-error condition 1266

java-definition-error condition 1266

java-definition-error-class-name accessor 1266

java-definition-error-name accessor 1266

java-exception condition 1267

java-exception-exception-name accessor 1268

java-exception-java-backtrace accessor 1268

java-exception-string accessor 1268

java-field-class-name-for-setting function 1302

java-field-error condition 1266

java-field-error-field-name accessor 1266

java-field-error-static-p accessor 1266

java-field-setting-error condition 1268

java-field-setting-error-class-name accessor 1269

java-field-setting-error-class-name-for-setting accessor 1269

java-field-setting-error-field-name accessor 1269

java-field-setting-error-new-value accessor 1269

java-id-exception condition 1269

java-instance-jobject accessor 219 , 1316

java-instance-without-jobject-error condition 1270

java-interface-error condition 1270

java-low-level-exception condition 1271

java-method-error condition 1266

java-method-error-args-num accessor 1266

java-method-error-method-name accessor 1266

java-method-exception condition 1271

java-method-exception-args accessor 1272

java-method-exception-class-name accessor 1272

java-method-exception-method-name accessor 1272

java-method-exception-name accessor 1272

java-normal-exception condition 1272

java-not-a-java-object-error condition 1273

java-not-an-array-error condition 1274

*java-null* constant 1274

java-object-array-element-type function 1275

java-objects-eq function 1275

java-out-of-bounds-error condition 1276

java-primitive-array-element-type function 1277

java-serious-exception condition 1278

java-storing-wrong-type-error condition 1276

java-type-to-lisp-array-type function 1278

java-vm-poi type 1280

jboolean type 1280

jbyte type 1280

jchar type 1280

jdouble type 1280

jfloat type 1280

jint type 1280

JIS 444

:jis external format 444

jlong type 1280

JNI_CreateJavaVM 1255 , 1257

JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs 1247

JNI_OnLoad 1257

jni-env-poi type 1281

:jobject initarg 1316

jobject type 1281

jobject-class-name function 1282

jobject-ensure-global function 1283

jobject-of-class-p function 1284

jobject-p function 1285

jobject-pretty-class-name function 1285

jobject-string function 1286

jobject-to-lisp function 1287

join slot 354

jshort type 1280

JVM 201

jvref function 1288



:after 50

:all 309

:allocation 55

:backtrace 52

:before 49

:bindings 757

:break 51

:break-on-exit 51

:catchers 760

:caused-by 309

:default-pathname 307

:dont-know 17

:entrycond 52

:eval-after 51

:eval-before 50

:exitcond 52

:handler 761

:hidden 743

:inside 55

:invisible 762

:maximum-overflow 143

:members 307

:minimum-for-sweep 139 , 143

:minimum-overflow 143

:new-generation-size 144

:package 307

:previous 309

:process 54

:requires 309 , 310

:restarts 764

:rules 308

:source-only 308

:step 52

:trace-output 54

:when 55

KnowledgeWorks rules

compiling dynamically 103

known-sid-integer-to-sid-string function 1901

KOI8 445

:koi-8 external format 445

KOI8-R 445


:l debugger command 17

:lambda debugger command 19

last-callback-on-thread function 1399

Latin-1 443

:latin-1 external format 443

*latin-1-code-pages* variable 1902

:latin-1-safe external format 444

:latin-1-terminal external format 443

levels of safety, see compiler

:lf debugger command 19

library formats 1079

libssl32.dll OpenSSL DLL 420

*line-arguments-list* variable 454 , 1795

lisp image

filename 454 , 1149

pathname 454 , 1149

lisp-array-to-primitive-array function 1299

lisp-array-type-to-java-type function 1278

LispCalls Java class 1331

LispErrorReporter Java interface 1347

LispGuiErrorReporter Java interface 1347

lisp-image-name function 454 , 1149

lisp-java-instance-p function 1290

lisp-name-to-foreign-name function 1078

lisp-to-jobject function 1290


customizing 178

processes 261

quitting 4 , 99

saving 2

starting 1 , 99

threads in 261

LispWorks as a DLL 191

LispWorks as a dynamic library 191

LispWorks as a shared library 191

LispWorks IDE

Debugger tool 1124

Help menu lxx , 249 , 639

Inspector tool 1149

Notifier window 1124

Profiler tool 999

*lispworks-directory* variable 1150

LispWorksDlsym C function 1988

LispWorksState C function 194 , 1989

List Callees Editor command 863

List Callers Editor command 1060

list-all-processes function 263 , 1400

list-attributes function 353 , 1574

list-attribute-types function 353 , 1573

list-classes function 357 , 1575

listener 1181

main chapter 5

top level commands 1740

listener commands

:? 7

:bug-form 7

:get 6

:help 7

:his 7

:redo 6

:use 7

listener process 1398

listener prompt 1163

list-sql-streams function 372 , 1576

list-tables function 353 , 1576

Load File Editor command 120

load-all-patches function 1152

load-code-coverage-data function 889

load-data-file function 957

*load-fasl-or-lisp-file* variable 961

LoadLibrary C function 191

loadLibrary Java method 1346

load-logical-pathname-translations function 677

load-on-demand 188

*load-source-if-newer* 1154

load-system function 1153

:lob-locator initarg 1577

lob-stream class 380 , 384 , 389 , 1577

lob-stream-lob-locator accessor 1578

lob-stream-lob-locator function 384

local-dspec-p function 812

locale-file-encoding function 1796

locally-disable-sql-reader-syntax function 370 , 1578

locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax function 370 , 1579

location macro 813

lock system class 1401

lock-and-condition-variable-broadcast function 1401

lock-and-condition-variable-signal function 1402

lock-and-condition-variable-wait function 1404

lock-locked-p function 1406

lock-name function 277 , 1409

lock-owned-by-current-process-p function 1407

lock-owner function 277 , 1409

lock-recursively-locked-p function 1408

lock-recursive-p function 1407

locks 277

log-bug-form function 754

logs-directory function 755

long-float type 678

long-namestring function 454 , 1903 , 1915

long-site-name function 453 , 678

loop macro 346 , 351 , 679 , 1580

extensions in Common SQL 358

loop, extensions in Common SQL 351

loop-processing-wait-state-collection function 411 , 413 , 589

Low level atomic operations 299

low-level-atomic-place-p function 1797

lpcstr FLI type 1916

lpctstr FLI type 1917

lpcwstr FLI type 1918

lpstr FLI type 1916

lptstr FLI type 1917

lpwstr FLI type 1918


:m inspector command 39 , 40

Mach-O bundle 1005

Mach-O dynamically linked shared library 1003

:macos-roman external format 444


advice 67

allocation-in-gen-num 137 , 146 , 843

allowing-block-interrupts 289 , 1359

analysing-special-variables-usage 844

appendf 1083

at-location 792

atomic-decf 1718

atomic-exchange 1719

atomic-fixnum-decf 1719

atomic-fixnum-incf 1719

atomic-incf 1718

atomic-pop 1720

atomic-push 1721

block-promotion 861

catching-exceptions-bind 1211

catching-java-exceptions 1211

cd 864

compare-and-swap 1733

declaim 110 , 650

def 794

defadvice 67 , 73 , 1100

defclass 657

defglobal-parameter 903

defglobal-variable 904

define-action 96 , 1105

define-action-list 96 , 1107

define-atomic-modify-macro 1738

define-dde-client 1967

define-dde-dispatch-topic 1977

define-dde-server 1978

define-dde-server-function 1979

define-declaration 905

define-dspec-alias 795

define-dspec-class 796

define-field-accessor 1219

define-foreign-callable 297

define-form-parser 799

define-java-caller 1220

define-java-callers 1223

define-java-constructor 1220

define-lisp-proxy 1225

define-top-loop-command 1740

defpackage 661

defparameter 904

defparser 315 , 1515

defstruct 189

defsystem 305 - 311 , 1109

deftransform 725

defvar 904

def-view-class 354 , 355 , 1551

delete-advice 66 , 73 , 907

do-query 351 , 381 , 1563

error-situation-forms 923

execute-actions 1129

extended-time 149 , 163 , 173 , 926

globally-accessible 269 , 270 , 273 , 274 , 1768

impersonating-named-pipe-client 1899

impersonating-user 1900

import-java-class-definitions 1251

in-static-area 137 , 1771

location 813

loop 679 , 1580

profile 169 , 981

push-end 1164

push-end-new 1164

rebinding 1167

release-object-and-nullify 1837

removef 1171

replacement-source-form 820

restart-case 694

simple-do-query 351 , 381 , 1640

step 706

throw-if-tag-found 1040

time 711

trace 713

undefine-action 96 , 1187

undefine-action-list 96 , 1188

untrace 721

unwind-protect-blocking-interrupts 289 , 1055

unwind-protect-blocking-interrupts-in-cleanups 289 , 1057

when-let 1201

when-let* 1202

with-action-item-error-handling 1204

with-action-list-mapping 1205

with-code-coverage-generation 1062

with-dde-conversation 1968

with-debugger-wrapper 785

with-ensuring-gethash 1063

with-exclusive-lock 277 , 1509

with-hash-table-locked 1065

with-heavy-allocation 146 , 1066

with-interrupts-blocked 289 , 1510

with-lock 277 , 1510

with-modification-change 1890

with-modification-check-macro 1891

with-noticed-socket-stream 637

with-other-threads-disabled 289 , 1892

without-code-coverage 1071

without-interrupts 289 , 290 , 1512

without-preemption 289 , 290 , 1513

with-output-to-fasl-file 1067

with-output-to-string 723

with-registry-key 468 , 1938

with-remote-debugging-connection 788

with-remote-debugging-spec 789

with-ring-locked 1071

with-sharing-lock 277 , 1511

with-sqlite-blob 395 , 1677

with-stream-input-buffer 1710

with-stream-output-buffer 1712

with-transaction 348 , 350 , 1678

with-unique-names 1206

with-windows-event-log-event-source 1921

mailbox system class 1411

mailbox-count function 1411

mailbox-empty-p function 1412

mailbox-full-p function 1413

mailbox-not-empty-p function 1414

mailbox-peek function 1414

mailbox-read function 1415

mailbox-reader-process function 1416

mailbox-send function 1417

mailbox-send-limited function 1418

mailbox-size function 1420

mailbox-wait function 1421

mailbox-wait-for-event function 1422

*main-process* variable 1424

make-array function 165 , 276 , 680

make-barrier function 287 , 1424

make-condition-variable function 1426

make-current-allocation-permanent function 1798

make-gesture-spec function 1800

make-hash-table function 165 , 276 , 682

make-instance generic function 684

make-java-array function 1291

make-java-instance function 1292

make-lisp-proxy function 1293

make-lisp-proxy-with-overrides function 1293

make-lock function 1427

make-mailbox function 1429

make-method-lambda generic function 250

make-mt-random-state function 1156

make-named-timer function 1430

make-object-permanent function 1805

make-permanent-simple-vector function 1807

make-ring function 962

make-semaphore function 288 , 1431

make-sequence function 685

make-simple-int32-vector function 1808

make-simple-int64-vector function 1809

make-ssl-ctx function 422 , 423 , 588

make-stderr-stream function 1810

make-string function 686

make-string-output-stream function 687

make-symbol function 164

make-timer function 293 , 1432

make-typed-aref-vector function 1811

make-unlocked-queue function 964

make-unregistered-action-list function 1154

make-wait-state-collection function 411 , 590

Manager Java class 1339

map function 688

map-all-processes function 1433

map-all-processes-backtrace function 1433

map-code-coverage-data function 966

map-environment function 1812

map-java-object-array function 1295

map-process-backtrace function 1434

map-processes function 1435

map-query function 351 , 381 , 1582

map-ring function 967


and sweep 138

mark-and-sweep function 967

marking-gc function 150 , 1813

*maximum-ordinary-windows* variable 186

:maximum-overflow keyword 143

*max-trace-indent* variable 59 , 969

:members keyword 307

memory allocation during tracing 55

memory clashes 194

avoiding 459

memory management

common features 163

garbage collection strategy in 32-bit LispWorks 139

image reduction 163

image relocation 457

in 32-bit LispWorks 135

in 64-bit LispWorks 146

main chapter 129

mark and sweep 138

overflow 143

relocating the image 457

timing in 133 , 149 , 163

memory-growth-margin function 146 , 1815

merge function 688

merge-code-coverage-data function 970

merge-ef-specs function 1816

Mersenne Twister 1157

MessageHandler Java interface 1354

Metaobject Protocol 249

metaobject protocol

class options 495

slot options 498


advice 67

method-combination class 251


tracing 57

waitForInitialization 1336

:minimum-for-sweep keyword 139 , 143

:minimum-overflow keyword 143

mInitErrorString Java method 1346

mMaxErrorLogsNumber Java field 1350

mMessagesMaxLength Java field 1352

mobile-gc-p function 1817

mobile-gc-sweep-objects function 1818

mod 2^32 arithmetic 472

mod 2^64 arithmetic 474

modify-hash function 266 , 267 , 971

modifying a database 348


AMOP compatibility 249

class options 495

slot options 498

most-positive-fixnum constant 479

mt-random function 1157

mt-random-state type 1158

*mt-random-state* variable 1157

mt-random-state-p function 1158

*multibyte-code-page-ef* variable 391 , 1904


locks 277


locks 277

:multiprocessing delivery keyword 264


connecting 339

MySQL client library 341

Mac OS X 341

*mysql-library-directories* variable 341 , 342 , 1583

*mysql-library-path* variable 341 , 342 , 1584

*mysql-library-sub-directories* variable 341 , 1585


:n debugger command 16

name-defined-dspecs function 813

name-definition-locations function 814

named-pipe-stream-name function 1904

name-only-form-parser function 815

New in LispWorks 7.0

accepting-handle type 517

accepting-handle-collection function 518

accepting-handle-local-port function 520

accepting-handle-name function 519

accepting-handle-socket function 520

accepting-handle-user-info function 521

accept-tcp-connections-creating-async-io-states function 513

add-code-coverage-data function 839

addMessage Java method 1352

AIX PowerPC/32-bit LispWorks 649

AIX PowerPC/64-bit LispWorks 649

:android-delivery feature 671

android-funcall-in-main-thread function 849

android-funcall-in-main-thread-list function 849

android-get-current-activity function 851

*android-main-process-for-testing* variable 852

android-main-thread-p function 852

apply-in-wait-state-collection-process function 522

approaching-memory-limit condition 1717

:arm feature 671

ARM Linux/32-bit LispWorks 649

Asynchronous I/O 411

async-io-state structure type 523

async-io-state-abort function 523

async-io-state-abort-and-close function 525

async-io-state-address function 526

async-io-state-buffered-data-length function 528

async-io-state-discard function 531

async-io-state-finish function 532

async-io-state-get-buffered-data function 533

async-io-state-peer-address function 538

async-io-state-read-buffer function 538

async-io-state-read-with-checking function 542

async-io-state-receive-message function 545

async-io-state-send-message function 547

async-io-state-send-message-to-address function 549

async-io-state-write-buffer function 552

*background-input* variable 858

*background-output* variable 858

*background-query-io* variable 858

backlog argument to accept-tcp-connections-creating-async-io-states 514

backlog argument to start-up-server 626

base-char-ref function 1821

:bmp external format 827

bmp-char type 1086

bmp-char-p function 1087

:bmp-native external format 827

:bmp-reversed external format 827

bmp-string type 1088

bmp-string-p function 1089

brackets-limits argument to find-regexp-in-string 1135

BugFormLogsList Java class 1357

BugFormViewer Java class 1357

callDoubleA Java method 1332

callDoubleV Java method 1332

callIntA Java method 1332

CallIntV Java method 1332

call-java-method function 1209

call-java-method-error condition 1210

callObjectA Java method 1332

callObjectV Java method 1332

callVoidA Java method 1332

callVoidV Java method 1332

call-wait-state-collection function 556

catching-exceptions-bind macro 1211

catching-java-exceptions macro 1211

checked-read-java-field function 1302

check-java-field function 1302

check-lisp-calls-initialized function 1213

checkLispSymbol Java method 1334

clearBugFormLogs Java method 1350

clear-code-coverage function 869

close-accepting-handle function 557

close-async-io-state function 558

close-wait-state-collection function 559

code-coverage-data type 870

code-coverage-data-create-time accessor 870

code-coverage-data-generate-coloring-html function 871

code-coverage-data-generate-statistics function 877

code-coverage-data-name accessor 870

code-coverage-file-stats type 879

code-coverage-file-stats-called accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-count accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-executed accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-counters-hidden accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-fully-covered accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-hidden-covered accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-lambdas-count accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-not-called accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-partially-covered accessor 879

code-coverage-file-stats-source-file accessor 879

code-coverage-set-editor-colors function 881

code-coverage-set-editor-default-data function 883

code-coverage-set-html-background-colors function 884

compute-effective-method-function-from-classes generic function 490

Conditional throw and checking for catch in the dynamic environment 476

copy-code-coverage-data function 889

copy-current-code-coverage function 889

copy-standard-object function 493

create-and-run-wait-state-collection function 560

create-async-io-state function 562

create-async-io-state-and-connected-tcp-socket function 564

create-async-io-state-and-connected-udp-socket function 567

create-async-io-state-and-udp-socket function 569

create-instance-from-jobject function 1213

create-instance-jobject function 1214

create-instance-jobject-list function 1214

create-java-object function 1216

create-java-object-error condition 1217

createLispProxy Java method 1335

current-process-kill function 1382

current-process-send function 1385

current-process-set-terminate-method function 1386

decode-to-db-standard-date function 1547

decode-to-db-standard-timestamp function 1547

default-constructor-arguments generic function 1217

default-name-constructor function 1218

define-field-accessor macro 1219

define-java-caller macro 1220

define-java-callers macro 1223

define-java-constructor macro 1220

define-lisp-proxy macro 1225

delivered-image-p function 908

deliver-to-android-project function 909

destructive-add-code-coverage-data function 839

destructive-merge-code-coverage-data function 970

destructive-reverse-subtract-code-coverage-data function 839

destructive-subtract-code-coverage-data function 839

detect-utf32-bom function 1744

detect-utf8-bom function 1744

dump-forms-to-file additional arguments and improved documentation 1067

editor-color-code-coverage function 917

:embedded-module member option for defsystem :type :c-file 1112

encode-db-standard-date function 1548

encode-db-standard-timestamp function 1548

ensure-hash-entry function 922

ensure-is-jobject function 1247

ensure-lisp-classes-from-tree function 1233

ensure-supers-contain-java.lang.object function 1235

:error argument in gesture-spec-to-character 1760

errorp argument to gesture-spec-to-character 1760

error-situation-forms macro 923

example-edit-file function 1128

fasl-error condition 929

fast-directory-files function 930

fdf-handle-directory-p accessor 930

fdf-handle-directory-string accessor 930

fdf-handle-last-access accessor 930

fdf-handle-last-modify accessor 930

fdf-handle-link-p accessor 930

fdf-handle-size accessor 930

fdf-handle-writable-p accessor 930

field-access-exception condition 1236

field-access-exception-set-p accessor 1236

field-exception condition 1237

field-exception-class-name accessor 1237

field-exception-field-name accessor 1237

filter-code-coverage-data function 933

find-encoding-option supports GNU Emacs coding option 1752

find-java-class function 1238

find-throw-tag function 936

format-to-java-host function 1239

funcall-async function 1392

funcall-async-list function 1392

generate-code-coverage function 946

generate-java-class-definitions function 1239

gesture-spec-caps-lock-bit constant 1756

getApplicationContext Java method 1355

getClassLoader Java method 1355

get-code-coverage-delta function 940

get-default-local-ipv6-address function 578

get-folder-path is now available on all platforms 1762

get-gc-timing function 1031

gethash-ensuring function 952

get-ip-default-zone-id function 581

get-java-virtual-machine function 1246

get-jobject function 1247

get-primitive-array-region function 1248

get-service-entry function 582

get-superclass-and-interfaces-tree function 1250

immediatep function 1770

import-java-class-definitions macro 1251

init Java method 1341

init_result_code Java method 1344

int32-to-int64 function 1781

int64* function 1784

int64+ function 1784

int64- function 1784

int64 type 1783

int64/ function 1784

int64/= function 1786

int64< function 1786

int64<< function 1787

int64<= function 1786

int64= function 1786

int64> function 1786

int64>= function 1786

int64>> function 1787

+int64-0+ symbol macro 1785

int64-1+ function 1785

int64-1- function 1785

+int64-1+ symbol macro 1785

int64-aref function 1788

int64-logand function 1789

int64-logandc1 function 1789

int64-logandc2 function 1789

int64-logbitp function 1789

int64-logeqv function 1789

int64-logior function 1789

int64-lognand function 1789

int64-lognor function 1789

int64-lognot function 1789

int64-logorc1 function 1789

int64-logorc2 function 1789

int64-logtest function 1789

int64-logxor function 1789

int64-plusp function 1791

int64-to-int32 function 1792

int64-to-integer function 1793

int64-zerop function 1791

integer-to-int64 function 1794

intern-and-export-list function 1260

:ios-delivery feature 671

jaref function 1260

java-array-element-type function 1262

java-array-error condition 1263

java-array-error-array accessor 1263

java-array-error-caller accessor 1263

java-array-indices-error condition 1263

java-array-indices-error-indices accessor 1264

java-array-indices-error-rank accessor 1264

java-array-length function 1264

java-array-simple-error condition 1265

java-bad-jobject condition 1265

java-bad-jobject-caller accessor 1265

java-bad-jobject-object accessor 1265

java-class-error condition 1266

java-definition-error condition 1266

java-definition-error-class-name accessor 1266

java-definition-error-name accessor 1266

java-exception condition 1267

java-exception-exception-name accessor 1268

java-exception-java-backtrace accessor 1268

java-exception-string accessor 1268

java-field-class-name-for-setting function 1302

java-field-error condition 1266

java-field-error-field-name accessor 1266

java-field-error-static-p accessor 1266

java-field-setting-error condition 1268

java-field-setting-error-class-name accessor 1269

java-field-setting-error-class-name-for-setting accessor 1269

java-field-setting-error-field-name accessor 1269

java-field-setting-error-new-value accessor 1269

java-id-exception condition 1269

java-instance-jobject accessor 1316

java-instance-without-jobject-error condition 1270

java-interface-error condition 1270

java-low-level-exception condition 1271

java-method-error condition 1266

java-method-error-args-num accessor 1266

java-method-error-method-name accessor 1266

java-method-exception condition 1271

java-method-exception-args accessor 1272

java-method-exception-class-name accessor 1272

java-method-exception-method-name accessor 1272

java-method-exception-name accessor 1272

java-normal-exception condition 1272

java-not-a-java-object-error condition 1273

java-not-an-array-error condition 1274

java-object-array-element-type function 1275

java-objects-eq function 1275

java-out-of-bounds-error condition 1276

java-primitive-array-element-type function 1277

java-serious-exception condition 1278

java-storing-wrong-type-error condition 1276

java-type-to-lisp-array-type function 1278

java-vm-poi FLI type descriptor 1280

jboolean FLI type descriptor 1280

jbyte FLI type descriptor 1280

jchar FLI type descriptor 1280

jdouble FLI type descriptor 1280

jfloat FLI type descriptor 1280

jint FLI type descriptor 1280

jlong FLI type descriptor 1280

jni-env-poi FLI type descriptor 1281

jobject FLI type descriptor 1281

jobject-class-name function 1282

jobject-ensure-global function 1283

jobject-of-class-p function 1284

jobject-p function 1285

jobject-pretty-class-name function 1285

jobject-string function 1286

jobject-to-lisp function 1287

jshort FLI type descriptor 1280

jvref function 1288

KOI8-R external format 445

lisp-array-to-primitive-array function 1299

lisp-array-type-to-java-type function 1278

LispCalls Java class 1331

LispErrorReporter Java interface 1347

LispGuiErrorReporter Java interface 1347

lisp-java-instance-p function 1290

lisp-to-jobject function 1290

LispWorks for Android Runtime 649

LispWorks for iOS Runtime 649

load-code-coverage-data function 889

loadLibrary Java method 1346

loop-processing-wait-state-collection function 589

mailbox-wait function 1421

make-java-array function 1291

make-java-instance function 1292

make-lisp-proxy function 1293

make-lisp-proxy-with-overrides function 1293

make-ring function 962

make-simple-int64-vector function 1809

make-unlocked-queue function 964

make-wait-state-collection function 590

Manager Java class 1339

map-java-object-array function 1295

map-ring function 966 , 967

merge-code-coverage-data function 970

MessageHandler Java interface 1354

mInitErrorString Java method 1346

mMaxErrorLogsNumber Java field 1350

mMessagesMaxLength Java field 1352

object-pointer function 1820

octet-ref function 1821

open-tcp-stream-using-java function 595

Package change and additional functionality for load-data-file 957

package-flagged-p function 1827

pipe-exit-status function 1829

position-in-ring function 976

position-in-ring-forward function 976

primitive-array-to-lisp-array function 1299

process-interrupt-list function 1446

process-terminate function 1468

read-java-field function 1302

record-java-class-lisp-symbol function 1304

record-message-in-windows-event-log function 1909

replacement-source-form macro 820

replace-socket-stream-socket function 604

replace-standard-object function 499

report-error-to-java-host function 1305

reset-code-coverage function 869

reset-code-coverage-snapshot function 940

reset-java-interface-for-new-jvm function 1306

reset-ring function 990

restore-code-coverage-data function 869

reverse-subtract-code-coverage-data function 839

ring-length function 991

ring-name function 992

ringp function 991

ring-pop function 992

ring-push function 993

ring-ref function 994

rotate-ring function 995

run-shell-command is implemented on Windows 1839

save-code-coverage-data function 889

save-current-code-coverage function 889

save-exit-status argument to open-pipe 1823

send-message-to-java-host function 1307

sequencep function 1174

set-approaching-memory-limit-callback function 1845

set-code-coverage-snapshot function 940

setCurrentActivity Java method 1356

setErrorReporter Java method 1347

set-funcall-async-limit function 1500

setGuiErrorReporter Java method 1347

set-java-field function 1302

setMessageHandler Java method 1354

set-primitive-array-region function 1248

setTextView Java method 1354

setup-field-accessor function 1312

setup-java-caller function 1313

setup-java-constructor function 1313

setup-lisp-proxy function 1315

showBugFormLogs Java method 1351

simple-bmp-string type 1088

simple-bmp-string-p function 1089

simple-int64-vector type 1880

socket-stream-shutdown function 620

standard-java-object class 1315

start-gc-timing function 1031

status Java method 1343

stop-gc-timing function 1031

string-append* function 1183

structurep function 1184

subtract-code-coverage-data function 839

suspend argument to stop-profiling 1036

switch-open-tcp-stream-with-ssl-to-java function 634

symbol-dynamically-bound-p function 1039

Test for dynamic bindings 476

The HTML version of the CLOS Metaobject protocol is available via the Help menu. 249

throw-an-exception function 1317

throw-if-tag-found macro 1040

unlocked-queue type 1055

unlocked-queue-read function 964

unlocked-queue-ready function 964

unlocked-queue-send function 964

User Guide chapter "Code Coverage" 119

User Guide section "Code signing in saved images" 181

User Guide section "Specifying the target for connecting and binding a socket" 408

value :delete for keyword argument :load of compile-file 645

value :none for direction argument to open-pipe 1823

verify-java-caller function 1320

verify-java-callers function 1321

verify-lisp-proxies function 1324

verify-lisp-proxy function 1324

wait-for-wait-state-collection function 635

wait-state-collection class 636

wait-state-collection-stop-loop function 636

with-code-coverage-generation macro 1062

with-ensuring-gethash macro 1063

without-code-coverage macro 1071

with-output-to-fasl-file additional arguments and improved documentation 1067

with-ring-locked macro 1071

with-windows-event-log-event-source macro 1921

write-java-class-definitions-to-file function 1326

write-java-class-definitions-to-stream function 1326

New in LispWorks 7.1

accepts-n-syntax function 1527

AIX uses native threads and SMP 296

allocated-in-its-own-segment-p function 1715

android-build-value function 848

ARM Linux/64-bit LispWorks 649

:arm64 feature 671

async-io-state-attach-ssl function 526

async-io-state-ctx function 529

async-io-state-detach-ssl function 529

async-io-state-handshake function 534

async-io-state-ssl function 551

async-io-state-ssl-side function 551

client-remote-debugging system class 765

close-remote-debugging-connection function 729

configure-remote-debugging-spec function 730

copy-from-sqlite-raw-blob function 1655

count-regexp-occurrences function 1097

create-client-remote-debugging-connection function 734

create-ide-remote-debugging-connection function 734

current-function-name function 897

*default-client-remote-debugging-server-port* variable 739

*default-ide-remote-debugging-server-port* variable 740

define-declaration macro 905

ensure-remote-debugging-connection function 741

get-host-java-virtual-machine function 1245

get-maximum-allocated-in-generation-2-after-gc function 1765

globally-accessible macro 1768

ide-attach-remote-output-stream function 744

ide-connect-remote-debugging function 745

ide-eval-form-in-remote function 747

ide-find-remote-debugging-connection function 750

ide-funcall-in-remote function 747

ide-list-remote-debugging-connections function 750

ide-open-a-listener function 753

ide-remote-debugging system class 765

ide-set-default-remote-debugging-connection function 750

ide-set-remote-symbol-value function 747

*java-null* constant 1274

mailbox-full-p function 1413

mailbox-send-limited function 1418

mailbox-size function 1420

make-current-allocation-permanent function 1798

make-object-permanent function 1805

make-permanent-simple-vector function 1807

map-code-coverage-data function 966

mobile-gc-p function 1817

mobile-gc-sweep-objects function 1818

object-dspec function 816

pipe-close-connection function 1828

release-object-and-nullify macro 1837

remote-debugging-connection system class 765

remote-debugging-connection-add-close-cleanup function 765

remote-debugging-connection-name function 767

remote-debugging-connection-peer-address function 768

remote-debugging-connection-remove-close-cleanup function 765

remote-debugging-stream-peer-address generic function 769

remote-inspect function 770

remote-object-connection function 772

remote-object-p function 772

replace-from-sqlite-blob function 1650

replace-from-sqlite-raw-blob function 1655

replace-into-sqlite-blob function 1650

rotate-byte function 1172

safe-format-to-limited-string function 996

safe-format-to-string function 996

safe-prin1-to-string function 996

safe-princ-to-string function 996

save-current-profiler-tree function 998

set-default-remote-debugging-connection function 774

set-expected-allocation-in-generation-2-after-gc function 1853

set-generation-2-gc-options function 1858

set-process-profiling processes value:new 1021

set-promote-generation-1 function 1868

set-remote-debugging-connection function 775

set-reserved-memory-policy function 1869

set-split-promotion function 1872

set-static-segment-size function 1874

setup-deliver-dynamic-library-for-java function 1308

setup-java-interface-callbacks function 1253

simple-int32-vector-length function 1879

simple-int32-vector-p function 1879

simple-int64-vector-length function 1880

simple-int64-vector-p function 1881

socket-stream-handshake function 618

software-version detects Windows 10 correctly 704

specific-valid-file-encoding function 1882

*specific-valid-file-encodings* variable 1881

sql-expression-object system class 1647

sqlite-blob system class 1648

sqlite-blob-length function 1650

sqlite-blob-p function 1650

sqlite-close-blob function 1650

sqlite-last-insert-rowid function 1649

sqlite-open-blob function 1650

sqlite-raw-blob system class 1654

sqlite-raw-blob-length function 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-p function 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-ref function 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-valid-p function 1655

sqlite-reopen-blob function 1650

start-client-remote-debugging-server function 776

start-ide-remote-debugging-server function 779

start-remote-listener function 781

string-needs-n-prefix function 1668

string-prefix-with-n-if-needed function 1669

string-trim-whitespace function 1035

*to-java-host-stream* variable 1318

*to-java-host-stream-no-scroll* variable 1319

undefine-declaration function 1054

unlocked-queue-count function 964

unlocked-queue-peek function 964

unlocked-queue-size function 964

*use-n-syntax-for-non-ascii-strings* variable 1676

Using Asynchronous I/O with SSL 421 , 425

waitForInitialization method 1336

with-remote-debugging-connection macro 788

with-remote-debugging-spec macro 789

with-sqlite-blob macro 1677

write-string-with-properties macro 1072

:new-generation-size keyword 144

Newly documented in LispWorks 7.0

sort-inspector-p generic function 1138

Newly documented in LispWorks 7.1

prepared-statement type 1629

push-end macro 1164

push-end-new macro 1164

non-terminal in grammar 314

normal-gc function 146 , 972

notice-fd function 1436



object-oriented interface in Common SQL 354

static 137

object finalization 164

Object Oriented DDL in Common SQL 355

Object Oriented DML in Common SQL 357

object-address function 1819

object-dspec function 816

object-pointer function 1820

octet-ref function 1821


connecting 339



open function 689

opening a URL 1827

open-named-pipe-stream function 1905

open-pipe function 1823

open-registry-key function 468 , 1932

open-serial-port function 1517

OpenSSL 418


libcrypto-1_1.dll 420

libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll 420

libeay32.dll 420

libssl-1_1.dll 420

libssl-1_1-x64.dll 420

libssl32.dll 420

openssl-version function 599

open-stream-p generic function 691

open-tcp-stream function 420 , 422 , 591

open-tcp-stream-using-java function 595

open-temp-file function 467 , 895

open-url function 1827

operating system 453


fast 32-bit arithmetic 472

fast 64-bit arithmetic 474

floating point 112

foreign slot access 116

of compiler 104

tail call 113 , 173

optimization declarations 105

optimization hints 111 , 651

optimize 105

optimize qualities 105 - 108

:optimize-slot-access class option 250 , 253 , 504 , 658


connecting 338

Oracle Call Interface

in Common SQL 338

Oracle large objects 380

Oracle LOB interface 380

Oracle locator objects 380

ora-lob-append function 388 , 1586

ora-lob-assign function 387 , 1587

ora-lob-char-set-form function 386 , 1587

ora-lob-char-set-id function 1588

ora-lob-close function 388 , 1589

ora-lob-copy function 388 , 1590

ora-lob-create-empty function 381 , 387 , 1591

ora-lob-create-temporary function 389 , 1592

ora-lob-disable-buffering function 389 , 1593

ora-lob-element-type function 386 , 1594

ora-lob-enable-buffering function 389 , 1595

ora-lob-env-handle function 384 , 1596

ora-lob-erase function 388 , 1596

ora-lob-file-close function 388 , 1597

ora-lob-file-close-all function 388 , 1598

ora-lob-file-exists function 1599

ora-lob-file-get-name function 1600

ora-lob-file-is-open function 1600

ora-lob-file-open function 388 , 1601

ora-lob-file-set-name function 388 , 1602

ora-lob-flush-buffer function 389 , 1603

ora-lob-free function 387 , 1604

ora-lob-free-temporary function 389 , 1605

ora-lob-get-buffer function 384 , 389 , 1605

ora-lob-get-chunk-size function 387 , 1608

ora-lob-get-length function 387 , 1608

ora-lob-internal-lob-p function 386 , 387 , 1609

ora-lob-is-equal function 387 , 1610

ora-lob-is-open function 387 , 1610

ora-lob-is-temporary function 387 , 389 , 1611

ora-lob-load-from-file function 388 , 1612

ora-lob-lob-locator function 384 , 1613

ora-lob-locator-is-init function 387 , 1614

ora-lob-open function 388 , 1614

ora-lob-read-buffer function 386 , 389 , 1615

ora-lob-read-foreign-buffer function 384 , 386 , 389 , 1619

ora-lob-read-into-plain-file function 389 , 1618

ora-lob-svc-ctx-handle function 384 , 1620

ora-lob-trim function 388 , 1620

ora-lob-write-buffer function 386 , 389 , 1621 , 1624

ora-lob-write-foreign-buffer function 384 , 386 , 389

ora-lob-write-from-plain-file function 389

ora-lob-write-from-plain-file function 1623


trace 54

output-backtrace function 756

output-stream-p generic function 692


:p debugger command 15


hiding 24

:package keyword 307

package-flagged-p function 1827


allocation of 164

*packages-for-warn-on-redefinition* variable 187 , 973


command line 454

*default-character-element-type* 438 , 440 , 441 , 442 , 449 , 1104

parse-float function 975

parse-form-dspec function 817

parser generator main chapter 313

parser, error handling 316

passing run time parameters 454


saving an image with 4

pathname comparison

case-sensitivity on Mac OS X 469

pathname of deliverable 454 , 1149

pathname of DLL 454 , 1149

pathname of dynamic library 1149

pathname of executable 454 , 1149

pathname of lisp image 454 , 1149

pathname-location function 1159

pem-read function 426

pem-read function 602


open 1823

pipe-close-connection function 1828

pipe-exit-status function 1829

pipe-kill-process function 1830

PL/SQL 1567

platform 453

*features* 670

software-type 703

software-version 704

p-oci-env FLI type 385 , 1625

p-oci-file FLI type 385 , 1626

p-oci-lob-locator FLI type 385 , 1626

p-oci-lob-or-file FLI type 1626

p-oci-svc-ctx FLI type 385 , 1626

pointer-from-address function 1832


weak 1012

position-in-ring function 976

position-in-ring-forward function 976


connecting 342

PostScript Printer Description files 189

PPD files 189 - 190

precompile-regexp function 1160

prepared-statement type 1629

prepare-statement function 1627

:previous keyword 309

primitive-array-to-lisp-array function 1299

print-action-lists function 97 , 1161

print-actions function 97 , 1161

*print-binding-frames* variable 24 , 757

*print-catch-frames* variable 24 , 759

*print-command* variable 1162


configuring 189

*print-handler-frames* variable 24 , 760

*print-invisible-frames* variable 762

*print-nickname* variable 1162

print-object generic function 189

*print-open-frames* variable 763

print-pretty-gesture-spec function 1833

print-profile-list function 171 , 977

print-query function 348 , 1629

*print-restart-frames* variable 24 , 764

*print-string* variable 981

*print-symbols-using-bars* variable 1834


creation 262

current 262

in LispWorks 261

scheduling 295

process exit status 463

:process keyword 54

process plist 294

process properties 294

process waiting 280

process-a-class-option generic function 495

process-alive-p function 1436

process-all-events function 1437

process-allow-scheduling function 262 , 1438

process-arrest-reasons function 1438

process-a-slot-option generic function 497

process-break function 1439

process-continue function 1439


allocation of 164

processes-count function 263 , 1482

process-exclusive-lock function 1440

process-exclusive-unlock function 1441

process-idle-time function 1442

*process-initial-bindings* variable 263 , 1442

process-internal-server-p function 1444

process-interrupt function 290 , 1445

process-interrupt-list function 1446

process-join function 1447

process-kill function 1448

process-lock function 277 , 1449

process-mailbox function 1450

process-name function 263 , 1450

process-p function 1451

process-plist function 294 , 1451

process-poke function 1452

process-priority function 295 , 1454

process-private-property function 1455

process-property function 294 , 1456

process-reset function 1457

process-run-function function 262 , 1458

process-run-reasons function 1461

process-run-time function 1462

process-send function 1463

process-sharing-lock function 1465

process-sharing-unlock function 1466

process-stop function 296 , 1467

process-stopped function 296

process-stopped-p function 1468

process-terminate function 1468

process-unlock function 1470

process-unstop function 296 , 1471

process-wait function 285 , 1472

process-wait-for-event function 1473

process-wait-function function 1474

process-wait-local function 1474

process-wait-local-with-periodic-checks function 1477

process-wait-local-with-timeout function 1478

process-wait-local-with-timeout-and-periodic-checks function 1479

process-wait-with-timeout function 281 , 285 , 1480

process-whostate function 1482

proclaim function 104 , 109 , 693

product-registry-path function 464 , 1835

profile macro 169 , 981

profile time 169


interpretation of results 172

main chapter 167

pitfalls 172

setting up 168

*profiler-print-out-all* variable 980

*profiler-threshold* variable 982

profiler-tree-from-function function 983

profiler-tree-to-function function 984

*profile-symbol-list* variable 983


execution 167

KnowledgeWorks 1028

program 167

program profiling 167

promotion 138

*prompt* variable 1163


in listener 1163

*prompt* variable 8

ps function 263 , 1485

push macro 267

push-end macro 1164

push-end-new macro 1164

pushnew-to-process-private-property function 294 , 1483

pushnew-to-process-property function 294 , 1484


:q inspector command 39

query function 352 , 380 , 1631

*query-io* variable 705

query-registry-key-info function 468 , 1933

query-registry-value function 468 , 1934

quick backtrace 14

quit function 4 , 463 , 1165

QuitLispWorks C function 195 , 1991

quitting LispWorks 4 , 99

:quit-when-no-windows delivery keyword 1176


raw 32-bit arithmetic 472

raw 64-bit arithmetic 474

read-dhparams function 426 , 603

read-eval-print loop 5 , 1181

read-foreign-modules function 1078

read-java-field function 1302

read-serial-port-char function 1521

read-serial-port-string function 1521

:read-timeout initarg 613

real time 169

rebinding macro 1167

reconnect function 338 , 1632

record-definition function 817

record-java-class-lisp-symbol function 1304

record-message-in-windows-event-log function 1909

*record-source-files* variable 818

*redefinition-action* variable 187 , 819

redo 188

:redo listener command 6

reduce-memory function 164 , 985

references-who function 987

regexp 1135 , 1168

regexp-find-symbols function 1168


API on Windows 468 , 1923

registry-key-exists-p function 468 , 1935

registry-value function 468 , 1935

regular expression 1135 , 1168

regular expression matching 1116 , 1135 , 1168

release-object-and-nullify macro 1837

relocating 459

remote debugging 25

remote-debugging-connection system class 765

remote-debugging-connection-add-close-cleanup function 36 , 765

remote-debugging-connection-name function 36 , 767

remote-debugging-connection-peer-address function 36 , 768

remote-debugging-connection-remove-close-cleanup function 36 , 765

remote-debugging-stream-peer-address generic function 769

remote-inspect function 25 , 27 , 28 , 34 , 770

remote-object-connection function 29 , 35 , 772

remote-object-p function 29 , 772

remove-advice function 66 , 73 , 1169

remove-duplicates function 116

removef macro 1171

remove-from-process-private-property function 294 , 1486

remove-from-process-property function 294 , 1486

remove-process-private-property function 294 , 1487

remove-process-property function 294 , 1488

remove-special-free-action function 165 , 988

remove-symbol-profiler function 989

REPL 5 , 1181

REPL inspector 37

replace-from-sqlite-blob function 395 , 1650

replace-from-sqlite-raw-blob function 395 , 1655

replace-into-sqlite-blob function 395 , 1650

replacement-source-form macro 820

replace-socket-stream-socket function 604

replace-standard-object function 499

report-error-to-java-host function 1305

:requires keyword 309 , 310

*require-verbose* variable 1171

:res debugger command 21

reserved words 973

reset-code-coverage function 869

reset-code-coverage-snapshot function 940

reset-java-interface-for-new-jvm function 1306

reset-profiler function 989

reset-ring function 990

restart 12

restart frame, examining 12

restart-case macro 694

:restarts keyword 764

restore-code-coverage-data function 869

restore-sql-reader-syntax-state function 370 , 1633

:ret debugger command 21

reverse-subtract-code-coverage-data function 839

ring-length function 991

ring-name function 992

ringp function 991

ring-pop function 992

ring-push function 993

ring-ref function 994

rollback function 348 , 350 , 382 , 1634

room function 145 , 146 , 149 , 458 , 695

room-values function 458 , 1838

Rotate Active Finders Editor command 792

rotate-byte function 1172

rotate-ring function 995

round-to-single-precision function 1172


grammar 313

:rules keyword 308

run time parameters 454

run-shell-command function 1839


:s inspector command 39

safe-format-to-limited-string function 996

safe-format-to-string function 996

safe-locale-file-encoding function 1844

safe-prin1-to-string function 996

safe-princ-to-string function 996

safety 105

save-argument-real-p function 997

save-code-coverage-data function 889

save-current-code-coverage function 889

save-current-profiler-tree function 174 , 998

save-current-session function 1000

save-image function 179 , 191 , 454 , 460 , 464 , 1001

save-image-with-bundle function 1010

save-tags-database function 821

save-universal-from-script function 1011

saving images 179

sbchar accessor 440

sbchar function 1173

schar accessor 440

schedule-timer function 293 , 1489

schedule-timer-milliseconds function 1491

schedule-timer-relative function 1493

schedule-timer-relative-milliseconds function 1494

scheduling of processes 295

security-description-string-for-open-named-pipe function 1910

segmentation violation in compiled code 108

select function 346 , 357 , 1634

select SQL operator 363

Self-contained examples

Asynchronous I/O 482

COMM package 481

DDE 482

miscellaneous examples 483

parser generator 482

save-image in a Mac OS X application bundle 482

socket streams 481

SSL 481

streams 482

TCP sockets 481

semaphore system class 1496

semaphore-acquire function 288 , 1496

semaphore-count function 288 , 1498

semaphore-name function 288 , 1498

semaphore-release function 288 , 1499

semaphore-wait-count function 288 , 1500

send-message-to-java-host function 1307

sequencep function 1174

serial-port function 1520

serial-port-input-available-p function 1522

server-terminate function 605

Set Default Remote Debugging Editor command 752

set-application-themed function 1914

set-approaching-memory-limit-callback function 1845

set-array-single-thread-p function 1012

set-array-weak function 165 , 1012

set-automatic-gc-callback function 150 , 1846

set-blocking-gen-num function 150 , 1848

set-clos-initarg-checking function 501

set-code-coverage-snapshot function 940

setCurrentActivity Java method 1356

set-debugger-options function 773

set-default-character-element-type function 439 , 442 , 443 , 1174

set-default-generation function 137 , 146 , 1014

set-default-remote-debugging-connection function 34 , 774

set-default-segment-size function 151 , 1851

set-delay-promotion function 151 , 1852

setErrorReporter Java method 1347

set-expected-allocation-in-generation-2-after-gc function 1853

setf cdr-assoc function 1730

setf timer-name function 1503

set-file-dates function 1857

set-funcall-async-limit function 1500

set-gc-parameters function 139 , 146 , 1015

set-generation-2-gc-options function 1858

set-gen-num-gc-threshold function 150 , 1860

setGuiErrorReporter Java method 1347

set-hash-table-weak function 165 , 1017

set-java-field function 1302

set-make-instance-argument-checking function 502

set-maximum-memory function 146 , 1862

set-maximum-segment-size function 148 , 150 , 1863

set-memory-check function 1865

set-memory-exhausted-callback function 1866

setMessageHandler Java method 1354

set-minimum-free-space function 139 , 146 , 1019

set-prepared-statement-variables function 1639

set-primitive-array-region function 1248

set-process-profiling function 169 , 170 , 1020

set-profiler-threshold function 1022

set-promote-generation-1 function 1868

set-promotion-count function 1023

set-quit-when-no-windows function 1176

set-registry-value function 468 , 1937

set-remote-debugging-connection function 33 , 775

set-reserved-memory-policy function 1869

set-serial-port-state function 1523

set-signal-handler function 1870

set-spare-keeping-policy function 151 , 1871

set-split-promotion function 1872

set-ssl-ctx-dh function 426 , 608

set-ssl-ctx-options function 426

set-ssl-ctx-options function 610

set-ssl-ctx-password-callback function 426

set-ssl-ctx-password-callback function 610

set-ssl-library-path function 420 , 611

set-static-segment-size function 1874

sets-who function 1030

set-system-message-log function 1024

set-temp-directory function 468 , 1875

setTextView Java method 1354

setup-atomic-funcall function 1876

setup-deliver-dynamic-library-for-java function 217 , 1308

setup-field-accessor function 1312

setup-java-caller function 1313

setup-java-constructor function 1313

setup-java-interface-callbacks function 1253

setup-lisp-proxy function 1315

set-up-profiler function 168 , 1025

set-verification-mode function 606

*sg-default-size* variable 1877

:sh inspector command 39

shared libraries 191 , 459

shared library 191

shared object file 191

Shift JIS 444

short-float type 480 , 700

short-namestring function 454

short-site-name function 453 , 701

Show Paths From Editor command 116 , 863

Show Paths To Editor command 1060

showBugFormLogs Java method 1351

shutdown 99

sid-string-to-user-name function 1916

simple-augmented-string type 1722

simple-augmented-string-p function 1722

simple-base-string type 439 , 440 , 641

simple-base-string-p function 1086

simple-bmp-string type 439 , 1088

simple-bmp-string-p function 1089

simple-char type 1176

simple-char-p function 1177

simple-do-query macro 351 , 381 , 1640

SimpleInitLispWorks C function 1990

simple-int32-vector type 473 , 1878

simple-int32-vector-length function 1879

simple-int32-vector-p function 1879

simple-int64-vector type 474 , 1880

simple-int64-vector-length function 1880

simple-int64-vector-p function 1881

simple-lock-and-condition-variable-wait function 1501

simple-string type 439 , 440 , 702

simple-text-string type 439 , 440 , 1185

simple-text-string-p function 1186

single-float type 480 , 703

single-form-form-parser function 822

single-form-with-options-form-parser function 822


arrays 276

hash tables 276

:size initarg 1884

:sjis external format 444


slot-boundp-using-class generic function 249 , 502

slot-makunbound-using-class generic function 249 , 503


atomic operations 299

slot-value-using-class generic function 249 , 504

:socket initarg 612

socket-error class 612

socket-stream class 418 , 421 , 612

socket-stream-address function 617

socket-stream-ctx function 431 , 618

socket-stream-handshake function 618

socket-stream-peer-address function 619

socket-stream-shutdown function 620

socket-stream-socket accessor 613

socket-stream-ssl function 431 , 621

socket-stream-ssl-side function 431 , 622

software-type function 453 , 703

software-version function 453 , 704

sort-inspector-p generic function 1138

source level debugging 88 , 116 , 1040

source-debugging-on-p function 1031

*source-found-action* variable 185

:source-only keyword 308

space 105

special actions 164

special forms

declare 104 , 109 , 651

specific-valid-file-encoding function 1882

*specific-valid-file-encodings* variable 1881

speed 105

splash screen 1898

split-sequence function 1177

split-sequence-if function 1178

split-sequence-if-not function 1179


database functions 365

database operators 365

direct specification 352

mode 375

stored procedure 352 , 1567

sql function 368 , 1642

SQL pseudo operators

sql-boolean-operator 366 , 368 , 1660

sql-function 365 , 368 , 1660

sql-operator 366 , 368 , 1660

sql-boolean-operator SQL pseudo operator 366 , 368 , 1660

sql-connection-error condition 1643

sql-connection-error error 373

sql-database-data-error accessor 1644

sql-database-data-error condition 1643

sql-database-data-error error 372

sql-database-error condition 1643

sql-database-error error 372

*sql-enlarge-static* variable 1644

sql-error-database-message accessor 1644

sql-error-secondary-error-id accessor 1644

sql-expression function 368 , 1645

sql-expression-object system class 1647

sql-fatal-error condition 1648

sql-fatal-error error 373

sql-function SQL pseudo operator 365 , 368 , 1660

sqlite-blob system class 395 , 1648

sqlite-blob-length function 1650

sqlite-blob-p function 1650

sqlite-close-blob function 395 , 1650

sqlite-last-insert-rowid function 1649

sqlite-open-blob function 395 , 1650

sqlite-raw-blob system class 394 , 1654

sqlite-raw-blob-length function 395 , 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-p function 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-ref function 395 , 1655

sqlite-raw-blob-valid-p function 395 , 1655

sqlite-reopen-blob function 1650

*sql-libraries* variable 337 , 1659

*sql-loading-verbose* variable 337 , 349 , 1660

sql-operation function 368 , 1660

sql-operator function 368 , 1662

sql-operator SQL pseudo operator 366 , 368 , 1660

sql-recording-p function 372 , 1663

sql-stream function 372 , 1664

sql-temporary-error condition 1665

sql-temporary-error error 372

sql-timeout-error condition 1665

sql-timeout-error error 373

sql-user-error condition 395 , 396 , 1653 , 1659 , 1665

sql-user-error error 372

square bracket syntax 359

ssl-add-client-ca function 427

ssl-cipher-get-bits function 427

ssl-cipher-get-name function 427

ssl-cipher-get-version function 427

ssl-cipher-pointer FLI type 427 , 622

ssl-cipher-pointer-stack FLI type 622

ssl-clear-num-renegotiations function 427

ssl-closed class 431 , 623

ssl-condition class 431 , 623

:ssl-configure-callback initarg 515 , 565 , 592 , 613

ssl-ctrl function 427

:ssl-ctx initarg 613

ssl-ctx-add-client-ca function 427

ssl-ctx-add-extra-chain-cert function 427

ssl-ctx-ctrl function 427

ssl-ctx-get-max-cert-list function 427

ssl-ctx-get-mode function 427

ssl-ctx-get-options function 428

ssl-ctx-get-read-ahead function 428

ssl-ctx-get-verify-mode function 428

ssl-ctx-load-verify-locations function 428

ssl-ctx-need-tmp-rsa function 428

ssl-ctx-pointer FLI type 427 , 624

ssl-ctx-sess-get-cache-mode function 428

ssl-ctx-sess-get-cache-size function 428

ssl-ctx-sess-set-cache-mode function 428

ssl-ctx-sess-set-cache-size function 428

ssl-ctx-set-client-ca-list function 428

ssl-ctx-set-max-cert-list function 428

ssl-ctx-set-mode function 428

ssl-ctx-set-options function 428

ssl-ctx-set-read-ahead function 428

ssl-ctx-set-tmp-dh function 428

ssl-ctx-set-tmp-rsa function 428

ssl-ctx-use-certificate-chain-file function 428

ssl-ctx-use-certificate-file function 428

ssl-ctx-use-privatekey-file function 428

ssl-ctx-use-rsaprivatekey-file function 428

ssl-error class 431 , 624

:ssl-error-callback initarg 515

ssl-failure class 431 , 624

ssl-get-current-cipher function 428

ssl-get-max-cert-list function 428

ssl-get-mode function 429

ssl-get-options function 429

ssl-get-verify-mode function 429

ssl-get-version function 429

ssl-load-client-ca-file function 429

ssl-need-tmp-rsa function 429

ssl-new function 430 , 625

ssl-num-renegotiations function 429

ssl-pointer FLI type 427 , 625

ssl-session-reused function 429

ssl-set-accept-state function 424 , 429

ssl-set-client-ca-list function 429

ssl-set-connect-state function 424 , 429

ssl-set-max-cert-list function 429

ssl-set-mode function 429

ssl-set-options function 429

ssl-set-tmp-dh function 429

ssl-set-tmp-rsa function 429

:ssl-side initarg 613

ssl-total-renegotiations function 429

ssl-use-certificate-file function 429

ssl-use-privatekey-file function 429

ssl-use-rsaprivatekey-file function 429

ssl-x509-lookup class 431 , 626


examining 12

extension 925

stack size 164 , 898 , 1738 , 1877

*stack-overflow-behaviour* variable 1883


allocation of 164

standard-accessor-method class 250

standard-class class 251

standard-db-object class 354 , 1666

*standard-input* variable 705

standard-instance-access function 250

standard-java-object class 1315

standard-object class 266

*standard-output* variable 705

standard-reader-method class 250

standard-writer-method class 250

start 99

start LispWorks 1

start-client-remote-debugging-server function 27 , 33 , 776

start-dde-server function 327 , 1983

start-gc-timing function 1031

start-ide-remote-debugging-server function 26 , 27 , 779

starting LispWorks 1 , 99

start-profiling function 169 , 170 , 1033

start-remote-listener function 25 , 27 , 28 , 34 , 781

start-sql-recording function 372 , 1666

start-tty-listener function 1180

startup 99

startup image 1898

startup relocation 459

startup screen 1898

startup window 1898

:startup-bitmap-file delivery keyword 1898

start-up-server function 626

start-up-server-and-mp function 632

:static initarg 1885

static object

allocation in memory management 137

staticp function 1884

status function 338 , 1667

status Java method 1343

stchar accessor 440

stchar function 1181

stderr 1810

:step keyword 52

step macro 706

*step-compiled* variable 709

*step-filter* variable 709

stepper, entering when tracing 52

*step-print-env* variable 709

stop-gc-timing function 1031

stop-profiling function 169 , 170 , 1036

stop-sql-recording function 372 , 1668

storage-exhausted class 1884

storage-exhausted-gen-num accessor 1885

storage-exhausted-size accessor 1885

storage-exhausted-static accessor 1885

storage-exhausted-type accessor 1885

str FLI type 1916

:stream initarg 612

stream-advance-to-column generic function 1689

stream-check-eof-no-hang generic function 1690

stream-clear-input generic function 402 , 1690

stream-clear-output generic function 403 , 1691

stream-element-type generic function 400 , 709

stream-file-position generic function 1692

stream-fill-buffer generic function 1692

stream-finish-output generic function 403 , 1693

stream-flush-buffer generic function 1694

stream-force-output generic function 403 , 1695

stream-fresh-line generic function 1695

stream-line-column generic function 403 , 1696

stream-listen generic function 402 , 1697

stream-output-width generic function 1698

stream-peek-char generic function 1698

stream-read-buffer generic function 1699

stream-read-byte generic function 1700

stream-read-char generic function 401 , 1701

stream-read-char-no-hang generic function 1701

stream-read-line generic function 1702

stream-read-sequence generic function 1703

stream-read-timeout accessor 613

stream-read-timeout generic function 1704


defining new 400

directionality 400

example 400 - 405

input 401

instantiating 404

output 402

user defined 399

stream-start-line-p generic function 403 , 1704

stream-terpri generic function 1705

stream-unread-char generic function 401 , 1706

stream-write-buffer generic function 1706

stream-write-byte generic function 1707

stream-write-char generic function 402 , 1708

stream-write-sequence generic function 1708

stream-write-string generic function 1709

stream-write-timeout accessor 613

string construction 441

string type 438 , 439 , 710

string types 438

string-append function 1182

string-append* function 1183

string-ip-address function 633

string-needs-n-prefix function 1668

string-prefix-with-n-if-needed function 1669

string-trim-whitespace function 1035

structure types

async-io-state 412 , 523

structurep function 1184

subtract-code-coverage-data function 839


invalid 253

sweep 138

sweep-all-objects function 164 , 1037

sweep-gen-num-objects function 1885

switch-open-tcp-stream-with-ssl-to-java function 634

switch-static-allocation function 136 , 137 , 1038

symbol macros

+int32-0+ 1774

+int32-1+ 1774

+int64-0+ 1785

+int64-1+ 1785

*symbol-alloc-gen-num* variable 146 , 164 , 1039

symbol-dynamically-bound-p function 1039

symbolic query syntax 358

symbolic syntax in Common SQL 358


allocation of 164

symeval-in-process function 295 , 1503

Synchronization barriers 287

syntax, in Common SQL 358


compile 1092

defining 306 - 311

introduction to 305 - 311

load 1153

members of 307

plan 308

print 1147

rules 308 - 310

system classes

barrier 1362

client-remote-debugging 765

condition-variable 1376

ide-remote-debugging 765

lock 1401

mailbox 1411

remote-debugging-connection 765

semaphore 1496

sql-expression-object 1647

sqlite-blob 395 , 1648

sqlite-raw-blob 394 , 1654

system commands

running directly 1725

running via a shell 1725


table-exists-p function 1670

tail call 113

tail call merging 113

tail call optimization 113

tail merge 113

tail recursion 113

tail-call 113

TCP/IP socket

client side 408

server side 407

SSL interface 418

teletype inspector 37

temp files 467

temporary files 467

*terminal-debugger-block-multiprocessing* variable 783

text-string type 438 , 1185

text-string-p function 1186

threads 261

allocation of 164

throw-an-exception function 1317

throw-if-tag-found macro 1040

time macro 711

timer-expired-p function 1504

timer-name function 1505

timers 293

I/O 293

input and output 293

multiprocessing 293

process 293

threading issues 293

:tlsext-host-name initarg 613

toggle-source-debugging function 117 , 1040

*to-java-host-stream* variable 1318

*to-java-host-stream-no-scroll* variable 1319


inspector 37

:top debugger command 21

top-level loop 5

total-allocation function 145 , 1042


excessive output 60

main chapter 47

missing output 60

not working 60

troubleshooting 60

trace macro 713

traceable-dspec-p function 823

traced functions

arguments 50

*traced-arglist* variable 50 , 60 , 1043

*traced-results* variable 50 , 60 , 714 , 1043

*trace-indent-width* variable 59 , 1044

*trace-level* variable 60 , 1045

trace-new-instances-on-access function 505

trace-on-access function 506

:trace-output keyword 54

*trace-output* variable 60 , 705

*trace-print-circle* variable 60 , 1046

*trace-print-length* variable 38 , 60 , 1047

*trace-print-level* variable 38 , 60 , 1048

*trace-print-pretty* variable 60 , 1049


:after option 50

:allocation option 55

:before option 49

:break option 51

:break-on-exit option 51

commands available 49 - 56

definition specs 58

directing output 54

entering the stepper 52

:entrycond option 52

:eval-after option 51

:eval-before option 50

evaluating forms 49 - 51

example of use 47

:exitcond option 52

functions, tracing inside 55

information displayed 48

:inside option 55

invoking the debugger 51

memory allocation 55

methods, tracing 57

:process option 54

restricting to a process 54

:step option 52

traced function, arguments for 50

traced functions, results for 50

:trace-output option 54

*trace-verbose* variable 1050

tracing functions

inside other functions 55

tracing-enabled-p function 824

tracing-state function 825

transaction handling

in Common SQL 339 , 350 , 377

true function 1186

truename function 720

try-compact-in-generation function 144 , 146 , 1051

try-move-in-generation function 144 , 146 , 1052

tstr FLI type 1917

tty 1002

:type initarg 1885

typed-aref function 1886


16-bit-string 1082

8-bit-string 1081

accepting-handle 517

augmented-string 1722

base-char 436 , 1084

base-character 1084

base-string 438 , 641

bmp-char 436 , 1086

bmp-string 438 , 1088

character 436

code-coverage-data 870

code-coverage-file-stats 879

double-float 669

extended-char 1131

extended-character 1131

fixnum 477

int32 472 , 1772

int64 474 , 1783

java-vm-poi 1280

jboolean 1280

jbyte 1280

jchar 1280

jdouble 1280

jfloat 1280

jint 1280

jlong 1280

jni-env-poi 1281

jobject 1281

jshort 1280

long-float 678

mt-random-state 1158

prepared-statement 1629

short-float 480 , 700

simple-augmented-string 1722

simple-base-string 439 , 440 , 641

simple-bmp-string 439 , 1088

simple-char 1176

simple-int32-vector 473 , 1878

simple-int64-vector 474 , 1880

simple-string 439 , 440 , 702

simple-text-string 439 , 440 , 1185

single-float 480 , 703

string 438 , 439 , 710

text-string 438 , 1185

unlocked-queue 1055


:u inspector command 39

:ud inspector command 39 , 40

unbreak-new-instances-on-access function 509

unbreak-on-access function 509

undefine-action macro 96 , 1187

undefine-action-list macro 96 , 1188

undefine-declaration function 1054

Unicode 435

:unicode external format 444

unicode-alpha-char-p function 451 , 1188

unicode-alphanumericp function 451 , 1189

unicode-both-case-p function 451 , 1190

unicode-char-equal function 451 , 1191

unicode-char-greaterp function 451 , 1192

unicode-char-lessp function 451 , 1192

unicode-char-not-equal function 451 , 1191

unicode-char-not-greaterp function 451 , 1193

unicode-char-not-lessp function 451 , 1193

unicode-lower-case-p function 451 , 1194

unicode-string-equal function 451 , 1194

unicode-string-greaterp function 451 , 1196

unicode-string-lessp function 451 , 1196

unicode-string-not-equal function 451 , 1194

unicode-string-not-greaterp function 451 , 1197

unicode-string-not-lessp function 451 , 1197

unicode-upper-case-p function 451 , 1198

universal binaries

helper functions 862 , 997


advanced 897

simply 1011

UNIX command

call-system 1724

call-system-showing-output 1727

open-pipe 1823

run-shell-command 1841

Unix commands

calling from Lisp 462

Unix functions

calling from Lisp 462

unixODBC 390

unlocked-queue type 1055

unlocked-queue-count function 964

unlocked-queue-peek function 964

unlocked-queue-read function 964

unlocked-queue-ready function 964

unlocked-queue-send function 964

unlocked-queue-size function 964

unnotice-fd function 1506

*unresolved-messages* 1080

unschedule-timer function 1506

untrace macro 721

untrace-new-instances-on-access function 510

untrace-on-access function 510

unwind-protect-blocking-interrupts macro 289 , 1055

unwind-protect-blocking-interrupts-in-cleanups macro 289 , 1057

update-instance-for-different-class function 722

update-instance-for-redefined-class function 723

update-instance-from-records generic function 357 , 1671

update-objects-joins function 1672

update-record-from-slot generic function 357 , 1675

update-records function 348 , 349 , 381 , 1673

update-records-from-instance generic function 357 , 1674

update-slot-from-record generic function 357 , 1675


opening 1827

:use listener command 7

*use-n-syntax-for-non-ascii-strings* variable 1676

user defined stream 399

user-homedir-pathname function 227 , 466 , 1764

user-name-to-sid-string function 1919

user-preference function 464 , 1199

UTF-16 444

:utf-16 external format 444

:utf-16be external format 446 , 830

:utf-16le external format 446 , 830

:utf-16-native external format 446 , 830

:utf-16-reversed external format 446 , 830

:utf-32 external format 444

UTF-8 444 , 449

:utf-8 external format 444

utilities in Common SQL 370


:v debugger command 16

validate-superclass generic function 251 , 252

valid-external-format-p function 838

variable-information function 1058


$ (dollar) 38

$$ 38

$$$ 38

*active-finders* 791

*autoload-asdf-integration* 1083

*background-input* 858

*background-output* 858

*background-query-io* 858

*binary-file-type* 649 , 1723

*binary-file-types* 649 , 1723

*browser-location* 1089

*cache-table-queries-default* 1532

*check-network-server* 1731

*compiler-break-on-error* 887

*connect-if-exists* 1541

*current-process* 262 , 1380

*debug-initialization-errors-in-snap-shot* 1736

*debug-io* 23 , 705

*debug-print-length* 23 , 738

*debug-print-level* 24 , 738

*default-action-list-sort-time* 97 , 1103

*default-client-remote-debugging-server-port* 27 , 739

*default-database* 1549

*default-database-type* 1550

*default-ide-remote-debugging-server-port* 27 , 740

*default-libraries* 1079

*default-package-use-list* 901

*default-process-priority* 1389

*default-profiler-collapse* 901

*default-profiler-cutoff* 902

*default-profiler-limit* 902

*default-profiler-sort* 903

*default-stack-group-list-length* 164 , 1738

*default-update-objects-max-len* 1550

*defstruct-generates-print-object-method* 189

*defsystem-verbose* 1115

*describe-length* 39 , 1117

*describe-level* 38 , 1117

*describe-print-length* 38 , 1119

*describe-print-level* 38 , 1119

*directory-link-transparency* 664 , 1745

*disable-trace* 914

*dspec-classes* 804

*enter-debugger-directly* 1124

*error-output* 705

*extended-spaces* 1203 , 1748

*external-formats* 1133

*features* 670

*file-encoding-detection-algorithm* 448 , 1749

*file-eol-style-detection-algorithm* 448 , 1751

*filename-pattern-encoding-matches* 1752

gesture-spec-accelerator-bit 1756

gesture-spec-caps-lock-bit 1756

gesture-spec-control-bit 1756

gesture-spec-hyper-bit 1756

gesture-spec-meta-bit 1756

gesture-spec-shift-bit 1756

gesture-spec-super-bit 1756

*grep-command* 1142

*grep-command-format* 1143

*grep-fixed-args* 1144

*handle-existing-action-in-action-list* 96 , 1144

*handle-existing-action-list* 96 , 1145

*handle-existing-defpackage* 954

*handle-missing-action-in-action-list* 97 , 1146

*handle-missing-action-list* 97 , 1145

*handle-old-in-package* 955

*handle-old-in-package-used-as-make-package* 956

*handle-warn-on-redefinition* 187 , 1146

*hidden-packages* 24 , 742

*init-file-name* 1148

*initialized-database-types* 1570

*initial-processes* 195 , 263 , 1398

*inspect-print-length* 39

*inspect-print-level* 39

*inspect-through-gui* 1149

*latin-1-code-pages* 1902

*line-arguments-list* 454 , 1795

*lispworks-directory* 1150

*load-fasl-or-lisp-file* 961

*main-process* 1424

*maximum-ordinary-windows* 186

*max-trace-indent* 59 , 969

*mt-random-state* 1157

*multibyte-code-page-ef* 391 , 1904

*mysql-library-directories* 341 , 342 , 1583

*mysql-library-path* 341 , 342 , 1584

*mysql-library-sub-directories* 341 , 1585

*packages-for-warn-on-redefinition* 187 , 973

*print-binding-frames* 24 , 757

*print-catch-frames* 24 , 759

*print-command* 1162

*print-handler-frames* 24 , 760

*print-invisible-frames* 762

*print-nickname* 1162

*print-open-frames* 763

*print-restart-frames* 24 , 764

*print-string* 981

*print-symbols-using-bars* 1834

*process-initial-bindings* 263 , 1442

*profiler-print-out-all* 980

*profiler-threshold* 982

*profile-symbol-list* 983

*prompt* 8 , 1163

*query-io* 705

*record-source-files* 818

*redefinition-action* 187 , 819

*require-verbose* 1171

*sg-default-size* 1877

*source-found-action* 185

*specific-valid-file-encodings* 1881

*sql-enlarge-static* 1644

*sql-libraries* 337 , 1659

*sql-loading-verbose* 337 , 349 , 1660

*stack-overflow-behaviour* 1883

*standard-input* 705

*standard-output* 705

*step-compiled* 709

*step-filter* 709

*step-print-env* 709

*symbol-alloc-gen-num* 146 , 164 , 1039

*terminal-debugger-block-multiprocessing* 783

*to-java-host-stream* 1318

*to-java-host-stream-no-scroll* 1319

*traced-arglist* 50 , 60 , 1043

*traced-results* 50 , 60 , 714 , 1043

*trace-indent-width* 59 , 1044

*trace-level* 60 , 1045

*trace-output* 60 , 705

*trace-print-circle* 60 , 1046

*trace-print-length* 38 , 60 , 1047

*trace-print-level* 38 , 60 , 1048

*trace-print-pretty* 60 , 1049

*trace-verbose* 1050

*use-n-syntax-for-non-ascii-strings* 1676

vector-pop function 266 , 276

vector-push function 266 , 276

vector-push-extend function 266 , 276

verbose backtrace 14

verify-java-caller function 1320

verify-java-callers function 1321

verify-lisp-proxies function 1324

verify-lisp-proxy function 1324

virtual (ordinary) slots 355

virtual time 169

Visit Tags File Editor command 792


wait-for-connection generic function 1919

waitForInitialization method 1336

wait-for-input-streams function 1888

wait-for-input-streams-returning-first function 1889

wait-for-wait-state-collection function 411 , 635

wait-processing-events function 1508

wait-serial-port-state function 1524

wait-state-collection class 411 , 636

wait-state-collection-stop-loop function 411 , 415 , 636


arrays 1012

hash tables 682

weak hash tables 682

weak pointers 1012

web browser 1827

:when keyword 55

when-let macro 1201

when-let* macro 1202

whitespace-char-p function 1203

who-binds function 1059

who-calls function 1060

who-references function 1061

who-sets function 1061

Windows code page 936 444

Windows event log 1909

Windows registry

API 468 , 1923

Windows themes 1914

windows-cp936 444

:windows-cp936 external format 444

with-action-item-error-handling macro 1204

with-action-list-mapping macro 1205

with-code-coverage-generation macro 1062

with-dde-conversation macro 323 , 1968

with-debugger-wrapper macro 23 , 785

with-ensuring-gethash macro 1063

with-exclusive-lock macro 277 , 1509

with-hash-table-locked macro 266 , 267 , 1065

with-heavy-allocation macro 146 , 1066

with-interrupts-blocked macro 289 , 1510

with-lock macro 277 , 1510

with-modification-change macro 1890

with-modification-check-macro macro 1891

with-noticed-socket-stream macro 637

with-other-threads-disabled macro 289 , 1892

without-code-coverage macro 1071

without-interrupts macro 289 , 290 , 1512

without-preemption macro 289 , 290 , 1513

with-output-to-fasl-file macro 1067

with-output-to-string macro 723

with-registry-key macro 468 , 1938

with-remote-debugging-connection function 33

with-remote-debugging-connection macro 788

with-remote-debugging-spec macro 789

with-ring-locked macro 1071

with-sharing-lock macro 277 , 1511

with-sqlite-blob macro 395 , 1677

with-stream-input-buffer macro 1710

with-stream-output-buffer macro 1712

with-transaction macro 348 , 350 , 1678

with-unique-names macro 1206

with-windows-event-log-event-source macro 1921

write-java-class-definitions-to-file function 1326

write-java-class-definitions-to-stream function 1326

write-serial-port-char function 1524

write-serial-port-string function 1525

write-string-with-properties function 1072

:write-timeout initarg 613

wstr FLI type 1918


xrefs 860 , 863 , 1040 , 1059 , 1060


yellow pages 578

yield function 1514

LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 20 Sep 2017
