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23 Common SQL

This chapter is applicable to UNIX LispWorks and the Enterprise Edition of LispWorks. It describes Common SQL -- the LispWorks interface to SQL. It should be used in conjunction with The SQL Package, which contains full reference entries for all the symbols in the SQL package.

For a longer introduction to Common SQL, please see the SQL Tutorial available at .

23.1 Introduction

23.2 Initialization

23.3 Functional interface

23.4 Object oriented interface

23.5 Symbolic SQL syntax

23.6 Working with date fields

23.7 SQL I/O recording

23.8 Error handling in Common SQL

23.9 Using MySQL

23.10 Using Oracle

23.11 Oracle LOB interface

23.12 Using ODBC

23.13 Using SQLite

LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 20 Sep 2017
