All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide




$ variable 281

* variable 11 , 15 , 277 , 294

** variable 11

*** variable 11

*package* variable 214

.lispworks file 29


aborting commands in the editor 200


for tools 19

Actions menu 47 - 50

*active-finders* variable 256

add-system-namespace function 378

Alt key

as Emacs Meta key 33

effect of 33

use of 182

application builder 389 - 398

Arguments command 216 , 298

ASDF 255 , 377

Attributes menu 273

Clip 278

Copy 278

Inspect 273


Backtrace command 299

backtraces 156

binding $ to the current inspector object 281

binding frames 161

Bindings button 161

Bindings command 300

Break command 314

Break on Access command 274

Break on Read command 274

Break On Return from Frame command 160

Break on Write command 274

breaking a process 314

breaking processes 42


in the editor 212

Browse All Systems command 368 , 369

Browse command 48 , 68 , 383

variations in name 49

Browse Metaclass command 115 , 118 , 120 , 124 , 127 , 129

Browse Parent command 387

Browse Parent System command 44 , 216 , 366

Browse Screens command 387

Browse Symbols Like command 50 , 299

Browse Systems For Directory command 369

browsers 69


Common Lisp classes 105 - 129

compilation conditions 141 - 146

errors 141

function calls 227 - 235

generic functions 237 - 247

HTML documentation 71

online manuals 71

output 10 , 307 - 310

selected object, class of the 49 , 297

symbols 285 - 290

systems 44 , 366 - 380

window definitions 381 - 387

Buffer Changed Definitions editor command 190


closing 199

swapping between 198

Buffers menu 186 , 209

Compile 211

Evaluate 210

Trace. See Trace menu

Undefine 216

bugs, reporting 300

Build command 390 , 394

Build menu

Build 390 , 394

Clear Output 395

Display Backtrace 395

Display Error 395

Edit Script 395

Kill All 397

Kill Application 397

Make a New Script 392

Run 396

Run With Arguments 396


applications 389 - 398

By Name option 55

By Package option 55


call frames 155 , 161

catch frames 161

Catchers button 161

choosing menu commands xxiv

class browser 105 - 129

Class area 114

current class, operations specific to the 115 , 118 , 120 , 124 , 127 , 129

description 3

Description area 117 , 120 , 126

examining a class 111

Filter area 114

filtering information 109

Function description area 123

functions list 123

functions view 122 - 124

generic functions, operating on 124

Graph area 120

graph view 118 - 121

hierarchy view 111

Include Accessors button 123

Include Inherited button 123

inherited slots 108

Initargs area 126

initargs view 125

invoking on the current expression 297

invoking on the selected object 49

menu commands, see menu or command name

methods list 123

overview of the 105

Precedence area 129

precedence view 127

Slot description area 115

slot information 108 - 110

Slots area 114

slots view 108 - 110

sorting information 112

tracing classes from the 124

undefining functions and methods 124

See also classes

Class command 14 , 49 , 106 , 109 , 114 , 297

classes 105 - 129

changing slot values in the inspector 275 - 277

displaying graphs of 118 - 121

examining 111

examining functions and methods defined on 122 - 124

inherited slots in 108

initargs 125

inspecting local slots 271

list-panel 109

operations specific to the current class 115 , 118 , 120 , 124 , 127 , 129

precedence list 127

push-button-panel 111

tracing 124

See also class browser

Classes menu

Browse Metaclass 115 , 118 , 120 , 124 , 127 , 129

objects operated on by the 115 , 117 , 120 , 124 , 127 , 129

Clear Output command 395

Clip command 134


general use 40 - 41

usage in editor 201

See also clipboard, kill ring

Clone command 23 , 57 , 199

Close command 199


editor buffers 199

Code Coverage Browser

Coloring preferences 223 , 224

Files List context menu 222

Files List preferences 221

Pathname Mapping preferences 223

Code Coverage Goto Next editor command 224

Code Coverage menu

Copy To New Data... 225

Load Data... 220

Traverse 224

Use Internal Data 224

code-coverage-file-stats function 221

Collapse Nodes command 92

collapsing graphs 91


of code in Lisp mode 36

Command key

as Emacs Meta key 33

use of xxv

command line arguments

-build 86

-eval 86

-init 86

-load 86

-lw-no-redirection 86

-siteinit 86

Command to Key command 217 , 305

Command+Ctrl+,, break gesture 42


completion of 181

repeating 42

common features in the environment 17 - 68

common features in the IDE

See also under graphs

Common Lisp

classes. See classes

debugging 147 - 167

displaying documentation for expressions 297

displaying documentation for selected object 49 , 159

evaluating forms 293 - 294

file extension 195

indentation of forms in source code 216

prompt 292

systems. See system

Common Lisp symbols 35

Common LispWorks menus and the toolbar 101 - 103

compilation conditions browser 141 - 146

pathnames 146

preference dialog 145

Compilation Options menu

Force 380

Preview 380

Source 380

Compile and Load command 44 , 156 , 212 , 369 , 375

Compile and Load... command 212

Compile command 44 , 211 , 212 , 369 , 375

Compile Region command 298

in editor 211

Compile... command 212

compiler output 211

compile-system function 364

compiling code

editor 211 - 212

compiling files in the listener 44

completion 63 , 181

in class browser 111 , 162

dynamic 36

in generic function browser 239

in-place 28 , 36

using Tab 63

Concatenate... command 370 , 380

Condition menu

Actions. See Actions menu

Report Bug 158

consistency in the IDE. See common features in the IDE

contain function 12 , 109 , 277

Contents radio button 71

Control key, use of xxv , 182


choosing xxiv

conventions used in the manual xxi - xxv

Copy command 49 , 201 , 202 , 276 , 277

in Actions menu 331

standard action command 49

Copy Object command 40

copying windows 23

create snapshot 75 - 87

creating new files 43 , 195

cross-referencing 227


object. See selected object

package of any tool 46

prompt 293

value, operating on 299

current buffer 209

current class, operations specific to the 115 , 118 , 120 , 124 , 127 , 129

current definition 210

current expression 209

displaying lambda list for 216 , 298

displaying value 217 , 298

stepper breakpoint 298

toggling stepper breakpoint 298

tracing 298

current form

macro expanding 298

macroexpanding 298

walking 298

Customize menu

Reusable 22 , 187

Cut command 201 , 202

Cut Object command 40


Debug command 315

Debug menu

Debugger 8 , 147 , 148 , 154 , 156 , 158

Listener 8

Restarts 299

debugger 147 - 167

abort restart 154

backtrace tree 151

binding frames 161

call frame 151

call frames 155 , 161

catch frames 161

closure variable 151

colors of variables 151

continue restart 154

controlling from the listener 299 - 300

debugger tool 300

description 153

displaying documentation for object in current frame 159

example session 156 - 158

finding source code for object in current frame 159

handler frames 161

invisible frames 162

invoking 149

invoking from the process browser 315

invoking from the tracer 56

lexical variable 151

menu commands in the listener 299

other frame 151 , 343

restart frames 161

restart options 154 - 155

special variable 151

stack 155

stack frames 155

See also debugger tool

Debugger command 8 , 148 , 148 , 154 , 156 , 300

debugger level 295

debugger prompt

colon 295

debugger tool 147 - 167

Backtrace area 150

buttons 153

Condition area 150

invoking 147

invoking from notifier 149

package information 162

types of frame, displaying 161

See also debugger

debugging a process 315

default font 24

defclass macro 123

Definitions menu 188 , 189 , 209

Compile 211

Evaluate 211

Generic Function 216

Trace. See Trace menu

Undefine 216

defsystem macro 255 , 366

examples of use 365

deleting text in the editor 198

See also kill ring

Describe Generic Function editor command 237

Describe System editor command 366


of compilation conditions 144

Description menu 144 , 231 , 240

Listen 289

Deselect All command 41 , 170 , 201

Destroy command 387

Display Backtrace command 395

Display Error command 395


package information 44 - 47

windows 18

Documentation command 49 , 159 , 297

documentation, online. See online help

$ variable 281

drag and drop 179

dynamic library 397


Edit > Object menu

Copy Object 40

Cut Object 40

Paste Object 40

Edit menu 38

Copy 39 , 49 , 201 , 202

Cut 39 , 201 , 202

Deselect All 41 , 170 , 201

Find 205 , 208

Find Next 41 , 207

Find Next, for graph view 91

Find, for graph view 91

Find... 41

Link. See Link Menu

Paste 39 , 114 , 201 , 239

Replace 208

Replace... 41

Search Files... 249

Select All 41 , 170 , 201 , 375

Undo 39 , 200

Edit Script command 395

Editing menu

Command to Key 217 , 305

Key to Command 217 , 305

editing the history list 43


aborting commands 200

breakpoints 212

buffers view 184 , 198

buffers. See buffers

changed definitions list 189

closing buffers 199

compiling source code 211 - 212

creating a new window 199

creating files 43 , 195

current expression, displaying value 217

current package and displayed package 195

definitions list 187

definitions, operating on 216 - 217

deleting text 198

Emacs, comparison with 177

evaluating source code 210 - 211

expressions, operating on 216 - 217

History menu 198 , 200

indenting forms 216

inserting files into the current buffer 198

inserting text 198

invoking 178

keyboard commands, use of 182

kill ring. See kill ring

Lisp-specific commands 209 - 217

macro expanding forms in the 217

macroexpanding forms in the 217

menu and keyboard commands, distinctions 195

menu commands. See menu or command name

moving around in the buffer 196 - 197

new files 43 , 195

online help 217 , 305

opening files 43 , 178 , 195

opening recent files 44

output view 183

overview 3

package information 194

package usage 215

repeating commands 200

replacing text 208

reverting to last saved version 196

saving files 195 , 199

saving text regions 196

scrolling text 197

searching 205 - 208

sorting entries 194

swapping between buffers 198

tracing 214

undefining symbols 216

undoing commands 200

using the clipboard 201

viewing two sections of the same file 199

views available 178

walking forms 217

editor commands

Buffer Changed Definitions 190

Code Coverage Goto Next 224

Describe Generic Function 237

Describe System 366

Find Dspec 351

finding keyboard command for 305

Indent Selection or Complete Symbol 63

Search Files 249

Shell 338

View Source Search 191

Visit Tags File 182

editor emulation 24

editor font 24

editor-color-code-coverage function 222

Emacs 32

comparison with built-in editor 177

Enable Display command 167

encoding 38

Enter Search String dialog 70


common features 17 - 68

quitting 29

EOF command 338

error conditions 144

Escape key, use of xxv , 182

Evaluate command

in editor 210 , 211

Evaluate Last Form in Listener editor command 305

Evaluate Region command

in editor 210

in listener 298


code in the editor 210 - 211

forms 293 - 294


next 301

previous 301

repeating 43

examining objects 271

example source files

searching 71


searching 71

execute mode 300

Expand Nodes command 92

expanding graphs 91

Expression menu 209

Arguments 216 , 298

Browse Symbols Like 299

Class 297

Compile Region 211 , 298

Documentation 297

Evaluate Region 210 , 298

Find Source 29 , 297

Function Calls 298

Generic Function 298

Inspect Value 298

Macroexpand 217

Macroexpand Form 298

Toggle Breakpoint 298

Trace. See Trace menu

Value 217 , 298

Walk 217

Walk Form 298


browsing the class of 297

displaying documentation 297

finding source code 297

extended editor commands, finding keyboard command for 305

external format 38


fg UNIX command 338

File menu 6 , 186

Browse Parent System 44 , 216 , 366

Close 183 , 199

Compile 44 , 212

Compile and Load 44 , 156 , 212 , 214

description 43 - 44

Insert 198

Load 44 , 211 , 212 , 214 , 366

New 43 , 195

Open 43 , 178 , 183 , 195

Print 44 , 196

Recent Files 44 , 178

Revert to Saved 196

Save 183 , 186 , 195

Save All 199

Save As 196

Save Region As 196


completion of 181

extensions for CL files 195


compiling in listener 44

creating new 43 , 195

inserting one into another 198

loading 44

navigating in the editor 196 - 197

opening 43 , 178 , 195

opening recent 44

printing 44

reverting to last saved version 196

saving 195

saving all 199

filtering information 57 - 61 , 109 , 374

in inspector 269

filtering results 57

filters 57

Find command 41

in editor 208

in graph view 91

Find Dspec editor command 351

Find Next command 41 , 207

in graph view 91

Find Source command 29 , 49 , 159 , 178 , 297

in Debug menu 300

displaying list of results 29

shortcut in debugger tool 157

Find... command 41

in editor 205

font size 24

Force command 380


compiling in editor 211 - 212

evaluating 293 - 294

evaluating in editor 210 - 211

indentation of 216

re-evaluating 294 - 297

Frame menu

Break On Return From Frame 160

Documentation 159

Find Source 157 , 159 , 178

Inspect Function 159

Method Combination 159 , 241

Restart Frame 159 , 161

Restart Frame Stepping 159 , 342

Return from Frame 159

Trace. See Trace menu

function call browser 227 - 235

By Name command 233

By Package command 233

Callees area 232

Callers area 232

description 227

Documentation area 231

Function area 228

Function description area 231

Function menu 235

Trace submenu 235

Graph area 229

graphing callers and callees 229

invoking on selected object 49 , 298

menu commands, see menu or command name

operating on functions 235

package information 233

Show Package Names command 233

sorting entries 233

text view 231

tracing from 235

Unsorted command 233

views available 227

Function Calls command 49

Function menu 239

in the profiler 331

Trace. See Trace menu


apropos 285

code-coverage-file-stats 221

compile-system 364

contain 12 , 109 , 277

deliver 389

editor-color-code-coverage 222

save-code-coverage-data 220

save-current-code-coverage 220

save-image 75 , 389 , 391 , 397

undefining 124

Functions menu

in the class browser 124

in the function call browser 235


generic function browser 237 - 247

Arguments types area 244

description 237

Description area 240

displaying signatures 245

Filter area 240

Function area 239

invoking on selected object 50 , 216

menu commands. See menu or command name

Method combination list 244

method combinations, viewing 241

methods list 240

operating on signatures 245

Signatures area 243

Generic Function command 50 , 216 , 285 , 298 , 331

generic functions

browsing from listener 298

in class browser 124

defined on selected object 50 , 216

get-inspector-values 281

Getting help from the LispWorks website 72

Getting public patches 72

global preferences

When modified buffers 29

graph layout menu 89

Collapse Nodes 92

Expand Nodes 92

Preferences 95

Reset Graph Layout 93

graph view

system browser 367 - 369

graphs 89 - 99

altering breadth 96

altering depth 96

different layouts 97 - 99

expanding and collapsing nodes 91

menu commands. See menu or command name

searching 90

sorting items 51


search kind 256


handler frames 161

Handlers button 161

Help menu 69

Editing. See Editing menu

Lisp Knowledgebase 72

LispWorks Patches 72

Manuals 71

On Symbol 69

On Tool 70

Register... 73

Report Bug 72

Search 70

Search Examples 71

help. See online help

Hidden Symbols button 161

hierarchy view

in class browser 111


compiler messages 35

interactive input 35

matching parentheses 35 , 209

selected text 35

history list 42

editing the 43

in the listener 297

repeating next event 43 , 301

repeating previous event 43 , 301

searching the 301

History menu 42

in editor 198 , 200

in the listener 297

in listener 297

Modify 43

Next 43

Previous 43


Include Inherited Slots button 108 , 114

Include Inherited Slots checkbox 15

incremental search 207

Indent Selection or Complete Symbol editor command 63

Index radio button 71

init file 393

initargs of slot, displaying 115

initform of slot, displaying 115

initial I/O streams 67

initialization file 29

initialization files 393

in-package 214

in-place completion 28

Insert... command 198

inserting files in editor 198

inserting text in editor 198

Inspect command 12 , 23 , 49 , 267 , 273 , 275 , 288 , 314

Inspect Function command 159

Inspect Value command 298

inspecting listener values automatically 281

inspector 267 - 284

changing values 274 - 277

description 268

display options 278 - 280

filtering display 269

inspecting selected object 49

menu commands. See menu or command name

overview 3

simple use 271

sorting entries 278

tracing 274

tracing in the 274

viewing local class slots 271

Inspector command 267

Interface menu 68

interrupting evaluation 296

invisible frames 162

Invisible Functions button 162

:items keyword 109


key input 32

Key to Command command 217 , 305

keyboard commands

comparison with menu commands 195

finding editor command for 305

in the editor 182

keyboard conventions xxiv - xxv


:items 109

Kill All command 397

Kill Application menu 397

kill ring 201 - 205

copying text from 203 - 205

marking the region 202

putting text into 202

rotating 204

summary of use 205

killing a process 314

Known Definitions

search kind 255


lambda list, displaying 216 , 298

layouts, displaying in window browser 385

Link from command 57

linking tools together 57

.lisp files 195

Lisp Knowledgebase command 72

LispWorks IDE tools

Process Browser 42

LispWorks menu

Preferences 22 , 24 , 29 , 64 , 67 , 192 , 193 , 221 , 247 , 261 , 275 , 289 , 304 , 315 , 330 , 334 , 360 , 379 , 384 , 398

Saved Sessions... 78

LispWorks Patches command 72

Listen command 49 , 277 , 288 , 289 , 315


basic tutorial 293 - 297

browsing generic functions from 298

compiling files in 44

current expression, displaying value 298

current expression, stepper breakpoint 298

current expression, toggling stepper breakpoint 298

debugger commands 302

debugging in the 299

description 292 - 293

evaluating forms 293 - 294

execute mode 300

Expression menu. See Expression menu

history commands 300

history list 297

History menu 297

loading files in 44

macro expanding forms 298

macroexpanding forms 298

miscellaneous commands 303

next event 301

online help 305

operating on expressions 297

overview 3

pasting selected object into 49

previous event 301

prompt 292

re-evaluating forms 8 , 294 - 297

searching history list 301

size of the stack 304

stack size 304

*** variable 11

** variable 11

* variable 11 , 15 , 277 , 294

tracing current expression 298

Values submenu. See Values menu

walking forms 298

Listener Bind $ command 281

Listener command 292

list-panel class 109

Load command 44 , 211 , 366 , 369 , 375

Load... command 211 , 366

loading files 44

loading tools into the environment 19

local slots, inspecting 271

Long Names button 386

Lower command 387


Mac OS editor emulation 32 , 192

Macroexpand command 217

Macroexpand Form command 298


defclass 123

defsystem 255 , 366

trace 56 , 169

major tools, overview 2 - 4

Make a New Script command 392

manipulating values with inspector 274 - 277

Manuals command 71

manuals, online. See online help

menu commands

choosing xxiv

comparison with keyboard commands in editor 195

debugger commands 299

Meta key 32

use of xxv

Method Combination command 159 , 242


displaying signatures 245

operating on signatures 245

undefining 124

viewing method combinations 241

Methods menu 123 , 240

Trace. See Trace menu

Trace submenu. See Trace menu

Undefine 124

Modify command 43

module-children generic function 379

module-is-system-p generic function 378

module-name generic function 378


navigating within files in the editor 196 - 197

New command 43 , 195

new files, creating 43 , 195

New in LispWorks 7.0

Code Coverage Browser 219

Handling of Cocoa Event Loop hanging 165

Preference option controlling anti-aliasing 28

Preference option controlling quality drawing 28

Restore display after fixing error in callback 167

Search Files tool reports file count after failed search 259

Session saving preserves the Listener tool's current package 76

Next command

command line debugger 300

history list 43

next event

repeating 43 , 301

Notifier window 148 , 163


object clipboard

menu commands, see menu or command name

Object menu 47

Clip 278

Copy 277


inspecting 271

operating on 47 - 50

searching for 41

selecting 41

See also selected object

On Symbol command 69

On Tool command 70

online help 69 - 73

browsing manuals 69

current symbol 69

current tool 70

packages, searching 71

searching 69 - 71

Open command 43 , 178 , 195 , 198

Opened Buffers

search kind 256

opening files 43 , 178 , 195

opening recent files 44

operating on objects 47 - 50

See also objects

Operations menu

Break 338

EOF 338

Suspend 338


compiler 211

editor 183

standard 307 - 310

output browser 10 , 307 - 310

menu commands. See menu or command name

overview 3

overview of major tools 2 - 4

overview of profiling 322



current package 46

display of 44 - 47

in editor 215

searching for documentation 71

Packages button 335

Packages... button 326 , 335

Page Down key 197

Page Up key 197

Partial Search radio button 71

Paste command 201

in class browser 114

in generic function browser 239

in inspector 274 , 276 , 277

Paste Object command 40 - 41


numbered 72

public 72

Plain Directory

search kind 252


setting 24

Preferences command 67 , 192 , 193 , 221 , 261 , 304

Preferences... command 95 , 247 , 275 , 289 , 315 , 330 , 334 , 360 , 379 , 384 , 398

Preview command 380

previewing a system plan 372 - 375 , 380

Previous command

command line debugger 300

history list 43

previous event

repeating 43 , 301

primary package in editor 215

Print command 44

Print... command 196

printing files 44


breaking 42

process browser 311 - 316

menu commands. See menu or command name

sorting processes 314

Process Browser tool 42

process-break function 315


breaking 42

inspecting 314

killing 314

sorting 314

terminating 314

Processes menu 314

profiler 317 - 336

choosing packages 326 - 330

choosing symbols 323 - 330

description 319

example of use 334 - 336

information returned 322 , 331 - 332

interpreting results 332

menu commands. See menu or command name

overview of profiling 322

pitfalls 332

running a profile 331

sorting results 331

specifying code to run 330

symbols that can be profiled 332

prompt in the listener 292

push-button-panel class 111


Quit command 387

quitting the environment 29


Raise command 387

readers of a slot, displaying 115

Recent Files command 44 , 178

Recompute Events button 374

recursive macro expansion 298

recursive macroexpansion 298

re-evaluating forms in listener 8 , 294 - 297

Refresh command 13 , 23

regexp 61

syntax 61

Register...command 73

regular expressions 61

syntax 61

Remote Shell tool 339

repeating commands 42

in the editor 200

repeating the next event 43

repeating the previous event 43

Replace command 41 , 208 , 370

Replace... command 41 , 208

replacing text 208

Report Bug command 72 , 158 , 300

reporting bugs 158 , 300

Restart Frame command 159 , 161

Restart Frame Stepping command 159 , 342

restart frames 161

Restarts button 161

Restarts menu 154 , 351

Restarts submenu 299

Return from Frame command 159

re-using windows 21

Revert to Saved command 196

reverting a file to the version stored on disk 196

Root and Patterns

search kind 253

Run command 396

Run With Arguments command 396


Save All... command 199

Save As... command 196

Save command 195

Save Region As... command 196

save-code-coverage-data function 220

save-current-code-coverage function 220

saving all files 199

saving files 195

saving regions of text 196

scrolling text in editor 197

Search command 70

Search Examples command 71

Search Files editor command 249

Search Files tool

Grep searches 256

Known Definitions searches 255

Opened Buffers searches 256

Plain Directory searches 252

Root and Patterns searches 253

System searches 255

Search Files... command 370


example source files 71

examples 71

for objects 41

for text 41 , 205 - 208

history list 301

online manuals 70

Select All command 41 , 170 , 201 , 375

selected object

browsing 48

browsing the class of 49

copying 49

displaying documentation 49

finding source code 49

inspecting 49

pasting into listener 49

placing on object clipboard 49

showing function calls 49 , 298

showing generic functions 50 , 216

showing similar symbols 50


saving 75 - 87

Set command 274 , 275

debugger 160

Shell editor command 338

Shell tool 337

shell tool 337 - 339

break signal, sending 338

creating 337

EOF signal, sending 338

menu commands. See menu or command name

recalling commands 339

suspend signal, sending 338

type of shell 339

*shell-shell* variable 339

Shift key, use of xxv , 182

Short Names button 386

Show in Tracer command 56 , 169

Show Package Names button 45 , 162 , 279 , 385

Show Toolbar button 22

Signature menu 245 - 246


displaying 245

operating on 245

simple-pane-foreground reader 15

siteinit file 393

Slots menu 47 , 114 , 126

Clip 278

Copy 278

Inspect 273

Paste 274 , 276 , 277

Set 274 , 275


of running image 75 - 87

snapshot Debugger 164

sort options

By Name 55

By Package 55

Unsorted 55


in class browser 112

in editor 194

in inspector 278

in process browser 314

views 51

in window browser 384

source code

debugging 147 - 167

for current expression 297

for object in current frame of debugger 159

for selected object 49

Source command 380

stack frames in the debugger 155

stack overflow 304

standard action command

Browse 48

Browse Symbols Like 285 , 299

Class 49

Copy 49

Documentation 49

Find Source 49

Function Calls 298

Generic Function 50 , 216 , 298

Inspect 49

Listen 49

standard output 307 - 310

standard streams 67

*standard-output* variable 10

*** variable 11

** variable 11

* variable 11 , 15 , 277 , 294


active frame 343

backtrace tree 343

call frame 343

calling a function 343

evaluating a form 343

returning from a form 343

status item 343

stepping through code 341 - 362

Stop command 314

stopping a process 314

Suspend command 338

swapping editor buffers 198

Symbol Browser 285 - 290

symbol browser

invoking on selected object 50

Symbol menu

Inspect 288

Listen 288

Unintern... 288


online help for 69

tracing 214

undefining 216

Symbols... button 324 , 335

syntax coloring 35 , 36 , 209

syntax styles 36


search kind 255



browsing 366

compiling and loading 369

concatenating 370

creating plans for 374

defining 364 - 366

executing plans for 374

forcing compilation and loading of members 380

introduction to 363 - 364

parent system, browsing 368

plan 372

previewing a plan 372 - 375 , 380

searching 370

using source files 380

system browser 363 - 380

Actions area 374

compiling and loading systems 369

creating plans 374

description 366

executing plans 374

File description area 369

Filter area 374

forcing compilation and loading 380

Graph area 368

graph view 367 - 369

menu commands. See menu or command name

output view 375 - 376

package information 379

parent system, browsing 368

Plan area 374

previewing the plan 372 - 375

sorting information 379

System area 368

system plan, previewing 372 - 375 , 380

text view 370 - 372

using 366 - 369

using source files 380

views available 366

Systems menu 369

Browse All Systems 369

Browse Systems For Directory 369

Compile 369 , 375

Compile and Load 369 , 375

Concatenate... 370

Hide Files 370

Load 369 , 375

Parent 368

Replace 370

Search Files 370

Show Files 370


Tab completion 63

Tab key

on Mac OS X 68

tabbing between buttons on Mac OS X 68


choosing xxiv

Terminate command 314

terminating a process 314


deleting 198

inserting 198

replacing 208

saving regions of 196

scrolling in editor 197

searching for 41 , 205 - 208

selecting 41

See also under editor

text color 24

text style 24

text view

in editor 179

in function call browser 231

in system browser 370 - 372

The Break gesture 42 , 296

Toggle Breakpoint command 298

Toggle Tracing command 56


customizing 22

hiding 22

toolbar buttons

size 22

text labels 22


hiding 22

removing 22


current package of 46

linking together 57

loading into the environment 19

online help for 70

overview of major 2 - 4

reusing 28

switching between 16

tracing from 56

Tools menu 2 , 19

accelerators 19

Application Builder 389

Class Browser 106 , 132

Code Coverage Browser 219

Compilation Conditions Browser 142

Editor 178 , 178 , 219

Generic Function Browser 237

Inspector 267

Listener 292 , 292

Object Clipboard 132 , 137 , 142 , 227 , 237

Output Browser 307

Process Browser 312

Profiler 317

Search Files 249

Shell 337

Stepper 341 , 344

System Browser 366

Tracer 169

Window Browser 285 , 381

Trace command 56 , 214 , 298

Trace Inside command 56

trace macro 56 , 169

Trace menu

Break on Access 274

Break on Read 274

Break on Write 274

Show in Tracer 56 , 169

Trace 56

Trace Inside 56

Trace Read 274

Trace with Break 56

Tracing 56

Untrace 56 , 274

Untrace All 56

Trace with Break command 56

Tracer 169 - 175

Function menu 170

tracing 169 - 175

classes 124

in function call browser 235

in the inspector 274

in inspector 274


Undefine command 124 , 216

Undefine... command 216 , 241


current definition 216

functions 124

generic functions 241

methods 124

Undo command 39

editor 200

Unintern... command 288

Unsorted option 55

Unstop command 314

unstopping a process 314

Untrace All command 56

Untrace command 56 , 274

updating windows 23

using the clipboard 40 - 41

See also kill ring

using the keyboard xxiv - xxv

using the mouse xxi - xxiv


Value command 217 , 298

Value menu

Listen 277


changing in inspector 274 - 277

Values menu

Class 14 , 106 , 109

Copy 276 , 277

Inspect 23 , 267 , 273 , 275


* 303

$ 281

* 11 , 15 , 277 , 294

** 11

*** 11

*active-finders* 256

*enter-debugger-directly* 153

*grep-command* 266

*grep-command-format* 266

*grep-fixed-args* 266

*packages-for-warn-on-redefinition* 329

*shell-shell* 339

*standard-output* 10

*trace-verbose* 174

Variables menu

Set 160

View Source Search editor command 191


in class browser 105

description 51 - 56

in editor 178

in function call browser 227

in generic function browser 237

graph 89 - 99 , 367 - 369

hierarchy 111

in inspector 278

output 183 , 307 - 310 , 375 - 376

slots 108 - 110

sorting items in 51

in system browser 366

text 231 , 370 - 372

Visit Tags File editor command 182


Walk command 217

Walk Form command 298

web browsers 69

Whole Word radio button 71

window browser 381 - 387

changing root of graph 383

complete window names, displaying 386

destroying a window 387

different types of window 385

lowering a window 387

menu commands. See menu or command name

moving around different windows 387

package information 385

quitting a window 387

raising a window 387

sorting entries 384

using 383

whole environment 387

window colors 36

Window menu 13 , 18

Clone 23 , 57

Close Window 183

Refresh 23


displaying 18

making copies of 23

re-using 21

switching between 16

updating 23

Windows menu 386

Actions. See Actions menu

Browse 383

Browse Parent 387

Browse Screen 387

Destroy 387

Enable Display 167

Lower 387

Quit 387

Raise 387

in window browser 387

Works menu

Object submenu. See Object menu

Packages submenu. See Packages menu

Refresh 23

Symbols submenu. See Symbols menu

writers for a slot, displaying 115


xrefs 227

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Macintosh version) - 12 Feb 2015
