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15.10 IDE changes

This section describes new features and other changes in the LispWorks Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

See the LispWorks IDE User Guide for details of the features mentioned. This section is not relevant to LispWorks for Mobile Runtime.

15.10.1 Support for remote debugging

Support for remote debugging has been added, which allows you to debug a LispWorks process that is running on one machine using a LispWorks IDE that is running on another machine. It is intended to make it easier to debug applications running on machines that do not have the LispWorks IDE, mainly mobile device applications on iOS and Android, but also applications running on servers where you cannot run the LispWorks IDE.

15.10.2 Profiler layout changes

The Code To Profile panel has been redesigned, to increase the area that is dedicated to displaying the results.

Its text pane has been moved to a separate tab.

Its Symbols... and Packages... buttons have been moved to the profiling parameters, opened using the Profiler > Set Profiling Parameters menu item.

Its Profile button has been moved to the toolbar and is also available from the Profiler > Profile the 'Code To Profile' menu item.

15.10.3 New way to display the Profiler results

There is a new Stacked Tree tab in the Profiler, which displays the profiler call tree using a rectangle per function call The width of the rectangle corresponds to the time spent in that call.

15.10.4 New ways to filter the Profiler results

Two new context menu items have been added to Profiler result panels.

Set Function As Root displays a combined tree for all of the calls to the specified function. This is useful when the function is called in many places but you need to know now it behaves in aggregate.

Show Calls to Function [inverted] displays an inverted tree with function at its root, and the children being all of the callers of the function. This is a useful way for exploring why a function seems to be on the stack more than expected.

15.10.5 Storing the Profiler results in a file

The Profiler results can now be saved in a file and can be read from a file.

15.10.6 Importing Profiler results

The Profiler results can now be imported from the last use of hcl:stop-profiling or hcl:profile.

15.10.7 Profiling background processes

The Profiler can now collect and display results from background processes (as well as those running within the Code To Profile panel) using the Start Profiling and Stop Profiling and Import toolbar buttons and Profiler menu items. You can choose which processes to include.

15.10.8 Improved setting of profiling parameters

A dialog is now used to set profiling parameters, including packages, symbols and the interval. It also controls whether profile the GC, add call counters, show unknown call frames and include KnowledgeWorks forward chaining contexts.

The profiler now defaults to profiling all packages.

15.10.9 Syntax coloring in the Listener

The Listener now supports syntax coloring for input.

15.10.10 Protection from deletion of prompts

Text editing commands in the Listener and Echo Area now perform additional checks to try to prevent accidental deletion of the text in the prompt.

15.10.11 Position of the point after double-click in the Editor

Double-clicking in the Editor now leaves the point at the end of the region rather than the start. This is for compatibility with GNU Emacs.

15.10.12 Customizing text and background colors

The text and background colors of various types of text editing pane can now be changed using the Main Colors section of the Styles tab in the Environment page of the Preference dialog. You can also apply more detailed customization using the new functions capi:set-interface-pane-name-appearance and capi:set-interface-pane-type-appearance.

15.10.13 New multiple-click-drag behavior in the Editor

Double-clicking in the Editor and then dragging without releasing the mouse button now increases the selection by forms, either forward or backward. It stops when it reaches the start or end of an enclosing form.

Likewise, triple-clicking in the Editor (on GTK+ and Cocoa) and then dragging without releasing the mouse button now increases the selection by lines.

15.10.14 Chrome, Opera and newer versions of Firefox supported

The Chrome and Opera browsers are now supported to display documentation on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX. In addition, newer version of Firefox are now supported correctly.

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 19 Oct 2017
