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13.19.4 Problems with the LispWorks IDE on Cocoa

Multithreading in the CAPI is different from other platforms. In particular, all windows run in a single thread, whereas on other platforms there is a thread per window.

The debugger currently doesn't work for errors in Cocoa Event Loop or Editor Command Loop threads. However, there is a Get Backtrace button so you can obtain a backtrace and also a Debug Snapshot button which aborts from the error but displays a debugger with a copy (snapshot) of the stack where the error occurred.

The online documentation interface currently starts a new browser window each time.

Setting *enter-debugger-directly* to t can allow the undebuggable processes to enter the debugger, resulting in the UI freezing.

Inspecting a long list (for example, 1000 items) via the Listener's Inspect Star editor command prompts you about truncation in a random window. If you cancel, the inspect is still displayed.

The editor's Help about help ( Control+h Control+h ) dialog is messy because it assumed that a fixed width font is being used.

The Definitions > Compile and Definitions > Evaluate menu options cause multiple "Press space to continue" messages to be displayed and happen interleaved rather than sequentially.

The Buffers > Compile and Buffers > Evaluate menu options cause multiple "Press space to continue" messages to be displayed and happen interleaved rather than sequentially.

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 23 Dec 2011
