All Manuals > LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide > 13 Release Notes


13.9 IDE changes

This section describes new features and other changes in the LispWorks Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

See the LispWorks IDE User Guide for details of the features mentioned.

13.9.1 Help menu improvements

13.9.2 Tool pre-selected in Preferences

13.9.3 Graph preferences pre-selected

13.9.4 "...Alt is Meta key" preference applies to all tools

13.9.5 New preference "Use separate Editor windows for each file"

13.9.6 Triple-click line selection

13.9.7 Better placement of the Find dialog

13.9.8 Compilation Conditions Browser tabs and preferences

13.9.9 Notifier buttons changed on Windows

13.9.10 Editor tool solely as buffers list

13.9.11 Controlling the style of incremental search highlight

13.9.12 Searching buffers

13.9.13 Searching very large files

13.9.14 Better handling of errors in display callbacks

13.9.15 Improved Saved Sessions GUI

13.9.16 Layout Dividers in the Interface Builder

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 23 Dec 2011
