LispWorks Editor User Guide > 4 Editing Lisp Programs > 4.9 Evaluation and compilation


4.9.2 Evaluation commands

Evaluate Defun

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: Meta+Ctrl+X

Evaluates the current top-level form. If the current point is between two forms, the previous form is evaluated.

If the form is a defvar form, then the command may first make the variable unbound, according to the value of evaluate-defvar-action, and hence assign the new value. This is useful because, whilst defvar does not reassign the value of a bound variable, when editing a program it is likely that you do want the new value.


Editor Variable

Default value: :reevaluate-and-warn

This affects the behavior of Evaluate Defun and Compile Defun when they are invoked on a defvar form. The allowed values are:


Do not make the variable unbound before evaluating the form, and warn that it was not redefined.


Do not make the variable unbound before evaluating the form, but do not warn that it was not redefined.


Make the variable unbound before evaluating the form, and warn that it was therefore redefined.


Make the variable unbound before evaluating the form, but do not warn that it was therefore redefined.

Reevaluate Defvar

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: None

Evaluates the current top-level form if it is a defvar. If the current point is between two forms, the previous form is evaluated. The form is treated as if the variable is not bound.

Re-evaluate Defvar is a synonym for Reevaluate Defvar .

Evaluate Expression

Editor Command

Argument: expression
Key sequence: Esc Esc expression
Key sequence: Meta+Esc expression

Evaluates expression . The expression to be evaluated is typed into the Echo Area and the result of the evaluation is displayed there also.

Evaluate Last Form

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+X Ctrl+E

Evaluates the Lisp form preceding the current point.

Without a prefix argument, prints the result in the Echo Area. With a non-nil prefix argument, inserts the result into the current buffer.

Evaluate Region

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: Ctrl+Shift+E

Evaluates the Lisp forms in the region between the current point and the mark.

Evaluate Buffer

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: None

Evaluates the Lisp forms in the current buffer.

Load File

Editor Command

Argument: file
Key sequence: None

Loads file into the current eval server, so that all Lisp forms in the file are evaluated.

Toggle Error Catch

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: None

Toggles error catching for expressions evaluated in the editor. By default, if there is an error in an expression evaluated in the editor, a Notifier window is opened which provides the user with a number of options, including debug, re-evaluation and aborting of the editor command. However, this behavior can be changed by using Toggle Error Catch , so that in the event of an error, the error message is printed in the Echo Area, and the user is given no restart or debug options.

Evaluate Buffer Changed Definitions

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: None

Evaluates definitions that have been changed in the current buffer during the current LispWorks session (use Buffer Changed Definitions on Buffer Changed Definitions to see which definitions have changed). A prefix argument equal to the value of prefix-argument-default causes evaluation of definitions changed since last evaluated. A prefix argument of 1 causes evaluation of definitions changed since last saved.

Evaluate Changed Definitions

Editor Command

Argument: None
Key sequence: None

Evaluates definitions in all Lisp buffers that have been changed during the current LispWorks session. The effect of prefixes is the same as for Evaluate Buffer Changed Definitions.

Evaluate System Changed Definitions

Editor Command

Argument: system
Key sequence: None

Evaluates definitions that have been changed in system during the current LispWorks session.

LispWorks Editor User Guide (Macintosh version) - 22 Dec 2009
