
9.2 Examining error conditions

The tree view is the default view in the Compilation Conditions Browser, and is therefore visible when the browser is first invoked. The Compilation Conditions Browser appears as shown in The Compilation Conditions Browser. The following code generated the compilation warnings seen:

(defun node-children (node)
  (setq *graph-name* "Test graph for tutorial")
  (if (equal node 'pets)
      (list 'dog 'parrot)
    (if (equal node 'dog)
        (list 'Kito 'Otis 'Sammy 'Teddy)
      (if (equal node 'parrot)
          (list 'Brady)))))
(setq test-graph
       (make-instance 'capi:graph-pane
                      :roots '(pets)
       :best-width 300
       :best-height 400))

It is not good coding style to have global variables that are not defined as special variables; this is done above to provide an example for the Compilation Conditions Browser.

Figure 9.1 The Compilation Conditions Browser

There are three tabs that can be selected. These show the same information, in different ways:

The description area that is seen in both the Text and Tree tab views of the Compilation Conditions Browser shows a description of any item selected in the compilation conditions area containing more detailed information about the conditions selected in the compilation conditions area. The following information is listed:


The error condition for the selected item in the message area.


The class of the selected condition.


The name of the form in which the condition was signaled.


The name of the file that contains the Lisp source code that caused the selected condition.

Items selected in this area may be examined using the Description menu which allows a variety of LispWorks tools to be invoked on the selected item in the description area.

Common LispWorks User Guide (Macintosh version) - 5 Jul 2006
