
5.6.2 Displaying different graph layouts

As already mentioned, graphs are laid out from left to right by default, but they can be laid out in other orientations. This can be configured in the Layout panel of the graph layout tab in the Preferences dialog.

Click "Left to Right" to layout a graph from the left of the screen to the right, as shown in Left to right layout. This is the default orientation for every graph in the environment.

Figure 5.8 Left to right layout

Click "Right to Left" to layout a graph from the right of the screen to the left, as shown in Right to left layout.

Figure 5.9 Right to left layout

Click "Top Down" to layout a graph from the top of the screen to the bottom, as shown in Top down layout.

Figure 5.10 Top down layout

Click "Bottom Up" to layout a graph from the bottom of the screen to the top, as shown in Bottom up layout.

Figure 5.11 Bottom up layout

Common LispWorks User Guide (Unix version) - 11 Apr 2005
