
20 The Process Browser

Note: Each individual window in the Lisp environment runs as a distinct process in the LispWorks multiprocessing model. The whole of LispWorks runs in a single UNIX thread.

The Process Browser allows you to view and control the processes in the LispWorks multiprocessing model. See the LispWorks User Guide for more information about multiprocessing.

To create a Process Browser, choose Works > Tools > Process Browser or click in the Podium.

Figure 20.1 .The Process Browser

The Process Browser consists of a main area in which all the current processes in the environment are listed, and a Filter area which you can use to restrict the information displayed in the main area.

Like other filter areas in the environment, type a string in the Filter area and press Return to limit the display to only those items which contain the string. See Filtering information for details on using the Filter area.

Figure 20.2 Process browser

Notice the tool bar buttons in Process browser: these buttons provide the same actions as the Process contextual menu: Break. Stop, Unstop, Kill, Remote Debug, Inspect and Listen.

20.1 The process list

20.2 Process control

20.3 Other ways of breaking processes

20.4 Updating the Process Browser

Common LispWorks User Guide (Unix version) - 11 Apr 2005
