All Manuals > Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual > 7 Function, Macro and Variable Reference

*locale-external-formats* Variable


Provides a mapping from locale names to encodings.



Initial Value

Not specified.


The variable *locale-external-formats* contains the mapping from locale names to external formats that set-locale uses to set the correct defaults for FLI. The value is an alist with elements of the form:

(locale multi-byte-ef wide-character-ef)

The locale names are given as strings. If the first character of the string is #\*, then that entry matches any locale having the rest of the string as a suffix. If the last character of the string is #\*, then that entry matches any locale having the rest of the string as a prefix. Either external format may be given as nil, in which case the corresponding foreign type cannot be used without specifying an external format.


*locale-external-formats* is used only on non-Windows platforms. On Windows, the external formats are based on the Windows Code Page.

See also


Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 01 Dec 2021 19:34:58