LispWorks CAPI User Guide > 5 Choices > 5.7 General properties of choices


5.7.1 Interaction

All choices have an interaction style, controlled by the :interaction initarg. The radio-button-panel and check-button-panel are simply button-panels with their interactions set appropriately. The possibile values for interaction are listed below.


Only one item may be selected at a time: selecting an item deselects any other selected item.


A multiple selection choice allows the user to select as many items as she wants. A selected item may be deselected by clicking on it again.


An extended selection choice is a combination of the previous two: only one item may be selected, but the selection may be extended to more than one item.


Forces no interaction. Note that this option is not available for list panels. To display a list of items with no selection you should use a display pane instead.

Specifying an interaction style that is invalid for a particular choice causes a compilation error.

The accessor choice-interaction is provided for accessing the interaction of a choice .

LispWorks CAPI User Guide (Windows version) - 22 Dec 2009
