LispWorks CAPI User Guide > 5 Choices > 5.2 List panels


5.2.3 Deselection, retraction, and actions

As well as selecting items, users often want to deselect them. Items in multiple-selection and extended-selection lists may be deselected.

In a multiple-selection list, deselection is done by clicking on the selected item again with either of the selection or extension gestures.

In an extended-selection list, deselection is done by performing the extension gesture upon the selected item. (If this was done using the selection gesture, the list would behave as a single-selection list and all other selections would be lost.)

Just like a selection, a deselection -- or retraction -- can have a callback associated with it.

For a multiple-selection list panel, there may be the following callbacks:

Consider the following example. The function set-title changes the title of the interface to the value of the argument passed to it. By using this as the callback to the check-button-panel , the title of the interface is set to the current selection. The retract-callback function displays a message dialog with the name of the button retracted.

  1. Display the example window:
  2. (defun set-title (data interface)
      (setf (interface-title interface)
            (format nil "~A" (string-capitalize data))))
    (make-instance 'check-button-panel
                   :items '(one two three four five)
                   :print-function 'string-capitalize
                   :selection-callback 'set-title
                   :retract-callback 'test-callback)
    (contain *)

    Figure 5.5 The example check button panel before the callback.

  3. Try selecting one of the check buttons. The window title will change:
  4. Figure 5.6 The example check button panel after the callback.

  5. Now de-select the button. Notice that the retract-callback is called.

For an extended-selection list pane, there may be the following callbacks:

Also available in extended-selection and single-selection lists is the action callback. This is called when you double-click on an item.

LispWorks CAPI User Guide (Windows version) - 22 Dec 2009
