14.2 CLIM Operators for Output Recording

14.2.2 The Output Record "Database" Protocol

All classes that are subclasses of output-record must implement methods for the following generic functions.

output-record-children [Generic Function]

Returns a fresh list of all the children of the output record record.

add-output-record [Generic Function]
child record
Adds the new output record child to the output record record. The bounding rectangle for record and all its ancestors is updated accordingly.

The methods for the add-output-record will typically specialize only the record argument.

delete-output-record [Generic Function]
child record&optional (errorp t)
Removes the output record child from the output record record. The bounding rectangle for record (and all its ancestors) is updated to account for the child having been removed.

If errorp is t (the default) and child is not contained within record, then an error is signaled.

The methods for the delete-output-record will typically specialize only the record argument.

clear-output-record [Generic Function]
Removes all of the children from the output record record, and resets the bounding rectangle of record to its initial state.

output-record-count [Generic Function]
Returns the number of children contained within the output record record.

map-over-output-records-containing-position [Generic Function]
function record x y&optional x-offset y-offset
Maps over all of the children of the output record record that contain the point at (x, y), calling function on each one. function is a function of one argument, the record containing the point; it has dynamic extent.

If there are multiple records that contain the point and that overlap each other, map-over-output-records-containing-position hits the most recently inserted record first and the least recently inserted record last.

map-over-output-records-overlapping-region [Generic Function]
function record region&optional x-offset y-offset
Maps over all of the children of the output record record that overlap the region region, calling function on each one. function is a function of one argument, the record overlapping the region; it has dynamic extent.

If there are multiple records that overlap the region and that overlap each other, map-over-output-records-overlapping-region hits the least recently inserted record first and the most recently inserted record last.

CLIM 2.0 User's Guide - OCT 1998

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