7 Color in the Window Tool Kit

7.4 Color demonstration code

The following code shows how to register colors and display all the colors in a window. The last function sets up a color palette that allows you to create new colors by mixing primary shades with the mouse.

;;; Register primary and extended library colors if they aren't
;;; already registered.  It is okay to make this call more than
;;; once.
  :primary-colors t                   ; register primary colors
  :extended-colors t                  ; register extended colors

;;; The function GET-CONTRAST-COLOR returns a good contrast color ;;; for the given color. If the given color is light, use BLACK; ;;; if it's dark, use WHITE. (defun get-contrast-color (colorname) (multiple-value-bind (red green blue) (find-mic :color colorname) (if (> (/ (+ red green blue) 3) (/ max-mic-value 2)) "BLACK" "WHITE")))

;;; The function DISPLAY-ALL-COLORS displays all existing colors ;;; in a scrolling window. (defun display-all-colors (&optional (x 0) (y 0) (width 200) (height nil)) (let* ((x 5) (font *default-font*) (font-height (font-height font)) (height (or height (- (bitmap-height (root-viewport)) 30))) (bitmap (make-bitmap :width (- width 10) :height (max height (+ (* font-height (color-registry-size)) x)) :depth (display-depth))) (window (make-window :x x :y y :width width :height height :depth (display-depth) :scroll t :bitmap bitmap :activate t :depth 8)) )

(loop for color from 0 to (1- (color-map-size)) do (let ((rcolor (find-color :color color))) (when rcolor ; many will not be colors (stringblt bitmap (make-position x (* font-height (1+ color))) font (format nil "~D ~A" color rcolor) :foreground (get-contrast-color rcolor) :background rcolor)))) window))

;;; The function PALETTE allows color shade selection with left ;;; click of the mouse on the color bars. With this function, you ;;; can create a new color by mixing red, blue, and green. (defun palette (&optional (x 0) (y 0) (width 150) (height 100)) ;; new color entry to change (let* ((palette-entry (allocate-color)) (current-red 0) (current-green 0) (current-blue 0) (bar-margin 5) (bar-height (- height bar-margin 20)) (bar-width 15) (red-pos 5) (green-pos 35) (blue-pos 65) window) ;; It is always a good idea to check. (unless palette-entry (error "We appear to be out of color map entries!")) (setq window (make-window :x x :y y :inside-width width :inside-height height :depth (display-depth) :title "Palette")) (set-color-map-mic palette-entry current-red current-green current-blue) (draw-circle window (make-position 120 50) 20 :foreground palette-entry :width 20)

;; Draw a color bar with a level indicator showing current ;; color amount. (flet ((draw-bar (window x color line-y mic-value) (draw-rectangle window x bar-margin :width bar-width :height bar-height :foreground color) (draw-line window (make-position x line-y) (make-position (+ x bar-width -1) line-y) :width 2) (stringblt window (make-position x (+ bar-height 20)) *default-font* (format nil "~2,2F" (/ mic-value max-mic-value))))) ;; RED (draw-bar window red-pos "RED" (+ bar-margin 2) 0) (make-active-region (make-region :x red-pos :y bar-margin :width bar-width :height bar-height) :bitmap window :mouse-documentation "Mouse-Left: Change color amount" :mouse-left-down #'(lambda (viewport region extent x y) (declare (ignore region extent x)) (setq current-red (round (* max-mic-value (/ (- y bar-margin) bar-height)))) (draw-bar viewport red-pos "RED" y current-red) (set-color-map-mic palette-entry current-red current-green current-blue)))

;; GREEN (draw-bar window green-pos "GREEN" (+ bar-margin 2) 0) (make-active-region (make-region :x green-pos :y bar-margin :width bar-width :height bar-height) :bitmap window :mouse-documentation "Mouse-Left: Change color amount" :mouse-left-down #'(lambda (viewport region extent x y) (declare (ignore region extent x)) (setq current-green (round (* max-mic-value (/ (- y bar-margin) bar-height)))) (draw-bar viewport green-pos "GREEN" y current-green) (set-color-map-mic palette-entry current-red current-green current-blue))) ;; BLUE (draw-bar window blue-pos "BLUE" (+ bar-margin 2) 0) (make-active-region (make-region :x blue-pos :y bar-margin :width bar-width :height bar-height) :bitmap window :mouse-documentation "Mouse-Left: Change color amount" :mouse-left-down #'(lambda (viewport region extent x y) (declare (ignore region extent x)) (setq current-blue (round (* max-mic-value (/ (- y bar-margin) bar-height)))) (draw-bar viewport blue-pos "BLUE" y current-blue) (set-color-map-mic palette-entry current-red current-green current-blue))))))

The Window Tool Kit - 9 SEP 1996

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