4.3 The Stepper

4.3.1 Using the Stepper

The Stepper is entered by calling the macrostep with a form or one or more function names as arguments. If you call the Stepper on a single expression, that expression is immediately evaluated in step mode. If you call the Stepper on one or more functions, the Stepper is entered only when one of the functions in the list is called by interpreted code. This method of evaluation is equivalent to typing the following expression:

(trace ((fun1 ... funn) :cond nil :step t)) 
To remove functions from step mode, call the macrountrace with the function names as arguments. The expression(untrace fun1 fun2) removes the functionsfun1 andfun2 from the Stepper; thus, when these functions are next called, they are no longer evaluated in step mode.

Information on the macrountrace is provided in Section 4.2 on page 49.

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