3.2 Entering and exiting the Debugger

3.2.2 Reading the Debugger display

When you enter the Debugger, a message is displayed that describes the signaled error and the options you can use to proceed. The display normally describes the type of error that occurred, the function that was active when the Debugger was invoked, the current values of the arguments passed to that function, and options to proceed. For an interpreted function, the message also displays the function's source code.

For example, entering the name of an unbound symbol invokes the Debugger and displays a message similar to the following:

> test
;; condition description
>>Error: The symbol TEST has no global value.  
SYMBOL-VALUE:                           ; current function
   Required arg 0 (S): TEST             ; argument description
:C  0: Try evaluating TEST again        ; option descriptions
:A  1: Abort to Lisp Top Level

-> ; the Debugger prompt

The Debugger display gives you the following information:

You can modify the Debugger display by using the following variables, which control the length and level of printing in the Debugger:


The User's Guide - 9 SEP 1996

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