5.3 Documentation addenda

5.3.2 The backtrace logging facility

The Backtrace Logging Facility is a tool for understanding the dynamic behavior of an application program by examining the contents of the Lisp function call stack at regular intervals during program execution. The results of each glimpse at the stack are collated into a call tree structure, which shows the sequence of functions that are called during the execution of a specified root function. Each node in the tree represents a function call; a leaf node represents a function at the top of the stack. A function appears at the top of the stack when it is the currently executing function at the time the stack is examined.

In the printed representation of the structure, each node is preceded by a number that represents its level in the call tree, where the root function is at level 1; the depth of the call tree is the maximum level reached. Each node is followed by a number that represents the percentage of total execution time spent in that function.

The call tree includes calls to system-support and internal functions that implement the code being traced. You cannot modify the performance of these functions. You can use the information in the call tree to determine how the program spends its execution time.

You should examine any function whose execution-time percentage is significantly higher than any of its leaves. You should monitor such functions more carefully by using the facility described in the section "The Performance Monitor."

The following functions control the Backtrace Logging Facility:

summarize-backtrace-logging - Using the Backtrace Logging Facility - Dynamic closures and the backtrace logging facility - Backtrace logging functions

Liquid Common Lisp 5.0 Release and Installation Notes - 9 JUN 1997

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