5.1 Changes in this release

5.1.14 Changes to the inspector

The interface to the inspector (invoked by theinspect function) is now the same as the interface to the LispWorks tty inspector. The teletype inspector provides a simple inspector facility which can be used on a stream providing line breaks as the only type of formatting. It is built on top of thedescribe function which is briefly described below and modifies the top level loop in a similar way to the debugger.

Certain types of objects, for examplehashtables andarrays, now display differently than they did in Lucid Common Lisp. However, by using the new inspector command:m, you can alter the "view" or presentation of the data so that it appears similar to how it used to be done. - Describe - Inspect

Liquid Common Lisp 5.0 Release and Installation Notes - 9 JUN 1997

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