3.1 Configuring Liquid Common Lisp software




Syntax:load-submodule name &rest load-args

The name argument must be a string designator (that is, astring or asymbol), which names a registered submodule. The submodule name can be upper, lower, or mixed case, but is understood as the root filename of the module in a Unix system, and is taken in lower-case. The full path for this file includes thesubmodules subdirectory of the Lisp installation's "library area" (which is returned as the value of callingsys:lisp-library-directory). The file is then loaded as ifload had been called on this pathname and the remaining load-args arguments.

In addition, if any other submodules are known to be required for this one and have not been loaded previously,load-submodule loads the required submodules as well. For example,common-lispworks requiresclos, so loading thecommon-lispworks submodule automatically loadsclos first.

If any Lisp patches are applicable to a module being loaded by
load-submodule, then these patches are explicitly loaded automatically after completion of the module loading. Also, certain other internal operations may take place just prior to, or just after completion of, the submodule loading phase

If the submodule indicated by name has already been loaded,
load-submodule has no effect.

This function returnst if it loads the submodule. The function returnsnil if the submodule has already been loaded.

A equivalent shortcut to callingload-submodule is to use the command-line option "-s". For example, the following command line is equivalent to starting Lisp and then callingload-submodule with an argument ofcommon-lispworks:

lisp -n -s common-lispworks

Liquid Common Lisp 5.0 Release and Installation Notes - 9 JUN 1997

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