5.3 Documentation addenda




monitor function-or-method
monitor-functions function-list
The macro unmonitor removes the specified functions or methods from the set of those being monitored. Calling this macro with no arguments removes all monitored functions and methods from that set.

The function unmonitor-functions is similar to unmonitor except that it takes a list of function names as its argument.

These constructs return a list of the constructs that were removed from the monitored set. If no functions or methods are being monitored when either of these constructs is invoked, nil is returned.

The function-or-method argument to unmonitor specifies a function name, a method object, or the name of a method that should become ineligible for monitoring. A method name has the following form:

(method generic-function-name {qualifiers}* ({specializer-name}*)) 

The function-list argument to unmonitor-functions specifies a list of function names.

These constructs are extensions to Common Lisp.

Liquid Common Lisp 5.0 Release and Installation Notes - 9 JUN 1997

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