5.3 Documentation addenda




summarize-monitors &key :stream :number of calls 
                        :includive-consing :exclusive-consing
                        :inclusive-time :exclusive-time
The function summarize-monitors prints a cumulative summary of the monitoring information for all monitored functions and methods. It returns nil.

The function summarize-monitors accepts the following keyword arguments:

This keyword argument specifies a stream to which the summary is sent. The default value is the stream that is the value of the Common Lisp variable *standard-output*.

If this keyword argument has a non-nil value, the summary includes the number of function invocations. The default value is nil.

If this keyword argument has a non-nil value, the summary includes the number of words of storage allocated for the monitored functions and for all the functions that they call. The default value is nil.

If this keyword argument has a non-nil value, the summary includes the number of words of storage allocated exclusively for the monitored functions. The default value is t.

If this keyword argument has a non-nil value, the summary includes the number of seconds spent in the monitored functions and in the functions that they call. The default value is nil.

If this keyword argument has a non-nil value, the summary includes the number of seconds spent exclusively in the monitored functions. The default value is t.

Note that the summary does not include zero counts.

Liquid Common Lisp 5.0 Release and Installation Notes - 9 JUN 1997

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