3.2 Strings

3.2.1 New string operations

The following extensions to Common Lisp have been added to support the new string data types:


The predicates determine whether an object is a string.

The functions sbchar and sgchar are similar to the Common Lisp function schar, but the functionsbchar requires a simple base string argument, and the functionsgchar requires a simple general string argument.

The variable *default-character-element-type* specifies the type of string that is created by the Common Lisp functionmake-string and by the Common Lisp function make-sequence for string sequences. The initial value of*default-character-element-type* depends on the value of the environment variableLANG. It ischaracter if the value ofLANGis eitherjapanese orjapan. Otherwise, it isbase-character.

International Character Sets - 9 SEP 1996

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