8.1 Displaying and editing files

8.1.4 Using keyboard commands

A full description of the keyboard commands available in the editor is beyond the scope of this manual, and you are advised to study the Common LispWorks Guide to the Editor to gain a full appreciation of the capabilities of the editor. However, of necessity, certain basic keyboard commands are discussed in this chapter.

As with other keyboard commands used in the environment, the keyboard commands used in the editor are invoked by using a combination of the Control, Shift and Escape or Meta keys in conjunction with the letters of the alphabet. Some of the commands available perform the same, or a similar task as a menu command.

Each keyboard command in the editor is actually a shortcut for an extended editor command. You can invoke any extended command by typing its command name in full, preceded by the keyboard commandMeta-x. Thus, to invoke the extended command Visit Tags File, typeMeta-X visit tags file. Case is not significant in these commands, and tab completion (described below) may be used to avoid the need to type long command names out in full. This method is often useful if you are not certain what the keyboard shortcut is, and you there are many extended commands which do not have keyboard shortcuts at all.

Many of the keyboard commands described in this chapter and in the Common LispWorks Guide to the Editor also work in the listener. Feel free to experiment in the listener with any of the keyboard commands that are described.

Common LispWorks User Guide, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 18 OCT 1996

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