14.2 Creating an interface layout

14.2.3 Panes, Interfaces, and Layouts areas

These three areas list the types of CAPI interface class that can be used in the design of the current interface.

The Panes area lists window elements such as buttons, text panes, and lists. These can be thought of as the most basic interface components that can be displayed on-screen.

The Interfaces area lists the available interface elements. These are pre-designed interfaces which are already used throughout the Common LispWorks environment, and which may be useful in your own applications. Many of the tools described in this manual area listed in this pane.

The Layouts area lists all the available layout elements. Pane and interface elements must be contained in layouts in order for them to be displayed.

The precise list of items available depends on the package of the current interface. To change this package, choose File > Package and specify a package name in the dialog that appears. You must specify a package which already exists in the environment.

Note: The package of the current interface is not necessarily the same as the current package of the interface builder. Like all other tools, the interface builder has its own current package, which affects the display of symbol names throughout the tool; see Section 3.7.1 on page 42 for details. By contrast, the package of the current interface is the package in which the interface is actually defined. The window elements which are available for the current interface depend on the visibility of symbols in that package. By default, both the package of the current interface and the current package of the interface builder are set toCL-USER by default.

An item selected in any of these areas can be operated on by commands in the Symbol menu. This menu contains the standard action commands described in Section 3.8 on page 43.

Common LispWorks User Guide, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 18 OCT 1996

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