14 The Interface Builder

14.2 Creating an interface layout

Once you have created or loaded at least one interface, the interface builder displays the layouts view, as shown in Figure 14.3. You use this view to specify the entire GUI design, with the exception of the menus. Choose View > Layouts to swap to this view from any other in the interface builder.

Figure 14.3 Displaying the layouts in the interface builder

The interface builder has five areas in the layouts view.

14.2.1 - Interface area
14.2.2 - Layout hierarchy area
14.2.3 - Panes, Interfaces, and Layouts areas
14.2.4 - Adding new elements to the layout
14.2.5 - Creating different views
14.2.6 - Inheriting parts of the layout

Common LispWorks User Guide, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 18 OCT 1996

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