13 The Generic Function Browser

13.2 Examining information about method combinations

The method combinations view of the generic function browser lets you examine information about the method combinations of the current generic function, as well as the signatures of the methods defined on the current generic function.

Method combinations show you the order in which methods defined on a generic function are called. They use the class precedence lists of the classes on which the methods of a generic function operate. Being able to view these combinations gives you a simple way of seeing how before, after, and around methods are used in a particular generic function.

You can display this view by choosing View > Method Combinations. The generic function browser appears as shown in Figure 13.2 below.

Figure 13.2 Generic function browser displaying method combinations

The method combinations view has a number of areas, described below.

13.2.1 - Function area
13.2.2 - Filter area
13.2.3 - Signatures area
13.2.4 - Arguments types area
13.2.5 - Method combination area
13.2.6 - Description area
13.2.7 - Performing operations on signatures

Common LispWorks User Guide, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 18 OCT 1996

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