
Conventions used for reference entries

Each entry is headed by the CAPI symbol name and type, followed by a number of fields providing further details. These fields consist of a subset of the following: "Package", "Summary", "Syntax", "Superclasses", "Subclasses", "Slots", "Accessors", "Readers", "Compatibility Note", "Description", "Examples", "Example File", and "See Also".

The default package containing each symbol is theCAPI package, unless stated otherwise in the "Package" section of an entry.

Entries with a long "Description" section usually have as their first field a short "Summary" providing a quick overview of the purpose of the CAPI symbol being described.

The "Syntax" section provides details of the arguments taken by the CAPI functions and macros. Variable arguments for the command are printed like this.

Only immediate sub- and superclasses are detailed in the "Subclasses" and "Superclasses" sections of each CAPI class entry.

Examples of the use of CAPI commands are given under the "Examples" heading. If the example is included in the LispWorks examples files this is indicated in the "Example File" section.

Finally, the "See Also" section provides a reference to other related CAPI symbols.

CAPI Reference Manual, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 3 OCT 1997

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