1 CAPI Reference Entries


Generic Function


The functionchoice-selected-items returns the currently selected items in a choice as a list of the items.


choice-selected-items choice


The functionchoice-selected-items returns the currently selected items in a choice as a list of the items. Asetf method is provided as a means of setting the currently selected items. In the case ofsingle-selection choices, it is usually easier to use the complementary functionchoice-selected-item, which returns the selected item as its result.

Compatibility Note

In LispWorks 3.1,choice-selected-items returned a single item forsingle-selection list panels but this was considered to cause problems and so it was changed to always return a list, and the alternative functionchoice-selected-item was provided for single selection panes.


First we set up a multiple selection choice -- in this case, a list panel.

(setq list (capi:contain
             :items '(a b c d e)
             :interaction :multiple-selection
             :selection '(1 3))))

The following code line returns the selections of the list.

(capi:choice-selected-items list)

The selections of the list panel can be changed and redisplayed using the following code.

(setf (capi:choice-selected-items list) '(a c e))
(capi:choice-selected-items list)

See Also


CAPI Reference Manual, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 3 OCT 1997

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