1 CAPI Reference Entries


Generic Function


Theset-button-panel-enabled-items generic function sets the enabled state of the items in a button panel.


set-button-panel-enabled-items button-panel
                               &key enable disable set test key


This function sets the enabled state of the items in a button panel. If set ist, then enable is ignored and all items are enabled except those in the disable list. If set isnil, disable is ignored and all items are disabled except those in the enable list. If set is not given, the items in the enable list are enabled and the items in the disable list are disabled. If an item is in both lists, it is enabled. A button is in a list when the data of the button matches one of the items in the list. A match is defined as a non-nil return value from the test function. The default test function isequal.

See Also


CAPI Reference Manual, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 3 OCT 1997

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