1 CAPI Reference Entries




Theprompt-for-form function pops up a text input pane and prompts the user for a form.


prompt-for-form message
                package initial-value
                evaluate quotify
                ok-check value-function
                pane-args popup-args


This function prompts the user for a form by providing a text input pane that the form can be typed into.

The form is read in the package if specified or*package* if not. If evaluate is non-nil then the result is the evaluation of the form, otherwise it is just the form itself. The printed version of initial-value will be placed into the text input pane as a default, unless quotify, which defaults to evaluate, specifies otherwise. If value-function is provided it overrides the default value function which reads the form and evaluates it when required. If the ok-check is provided it will be passed the entered form and should returnt if the form is a valid result.

Finally, as with all of the prompting functions, the prompter is created by passing an appropriate pane (in this case a text input pane) topopup-confirmer. Arguments can be passed to themake-instance of the pane and the call topopup-confirmer using pane-args and popup-args respectively.


Try the following examples, and each time enter(+ 1 2) into the input pane.

(capi:prompt-for-form "Enter a form:")

(capi:prompt-for-form "Enter a form:" :evaluate nil)

See Also


CAPI Reference Manual, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 3 OCT 1997

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