4.6 General properties of choices

4.6.1 Interaction

All choices have a selection interaction, controlled by the:interaction initarg. The radio-button-panel and check-button-panel are simplybutton-panels with their interactions set appropriately. The interaction possibilities are listed below.

Set:interaction to:single-selection to force single selection. Only one item may be selected at a time: selecting an item deselects any other selected item.

Set:interaction to the value:multiple-selection to create a multiple selection choice element. This lets you select as many items as you want. A selected item may be deselected by clicking on it again.

Set:interaction to the value:extended-selection to create an extended selection element. This is a combination of the other two: Only one item may be selected, but the selection may be extended to more than one item.

Set:interaction to the value :no-selection to force no interaction.

Specifying an interaction that is invalid for a particular choice causes a compilation error.

The accessor choice-interaction is provided for inspecting a choice's interaction.

CAPI User Guide, Liquid Common Lisp Version 5.0 - 2 OCT 1997

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