4.1 The Foreign Function Interface

4.1.5 Examples

;;; OPENDIR-DIRECTORY uses OPENDIR(3) and READDIR(3) to walk
;;; through the directory named DIRECTORY-NAME. (The foreign
;;; function definitions for these two LIBC functions are in SYS-
;;; DIR-H.) Like the example in 
;;; Section 4.1.1.  The 
;;; function OPENDIR-DIRECTORY in this 
;;; example copies its Lisp string argument, DIRECTORY-NAME, into
;;; foreign storage and uses the foreign pointer as an argument
;;;for a foreign function. After OPENDIR-DIRECTORY is finished,
;;; it reclaims this foreign storage. OPENDIR-DIRECTORY has two
;;; values: the first is a list of strings that are names of files
;;; in DIRECTORY-NAME; the second is T if OPENDIR(3) succeeds.  ;;; OPENDIR(3) fails if DIRECTORY-NAME is not the name of a 
;;; directory.

;;; The example uses the following Lisp structure template for the ;;; LIBC functions.

> (def-foreign-struct DIR (dd_fd :type :signed-32bit) (dd_loc :type :signed-32bit) (dd_size :type :signed-32bit) (dd_buf :type (:pointer :character))) DIR

> (def-foreign-struct dirent (d_ino :type :signed-32bit) (d_off :type :signed-32bit) (d_reclen :type :unsigned-16bit) (d_name :type (:array :character (256)))) DIRENT

> (def-foreign-function (opendir (:language :c) (:return-type (:pointer DIR))) (fn (:pointer :character))) OPENDIR

> (def-foreign-function (readdir (:language :c) (:return-type (:pointer dirent))) (dirp (:pointer DIR))) READDIR

> (def-foreign-function (closedir (:language :c) (:return-type :null)) (dirp (:pointer DIR))) CLOSEDIR

> (load-foreign-libraries nil) T

;;; Once the template is defined, the following session could ;;; occur. > (defun opendir-directory (directory-name) (check-type directory-name string) (let* ((f-directory-name (malloc-foreign-string directory-name)) (dirp (opendir f-directory-name))) (multiple-value-prog1 (if (zerop (foreign-pointer-address dirp)) (values '() '()) (do ((filenames '()) (dirent (readdir dirp) (readdir dirp))) ((zerop (foreign-pointer-address dirent)) (closedir dirp) (values (nreverse filenames) 't)) ; DIRENT-D_NAME points to a character array that ; can hold the largest file name, but the actual ; string in that location, which is null terminated, ; is not that long. Thus, the foreign pointer ; must be converted into the type (:pointer :character) ; so that FOREIGN-STRING-VALUE works properly. (push (foreign-string-value (make-foreign-pointer :type '(:pointer :character) :address (foreign-pointer-address (dirent-d_name dirent)))) filenames))) (free-foreign-pointer f-directory-name)))) OPENDIR-DIRECTORY

;;; The value of MALLOC-FOREIGN-STRING is of type (:pointer ;;; :character), and it points to a newly created foreign array of ;;; characters. This array's contents are a null-terminated copy ;;; of MALLOC-FOREIGN-STRING's argument, a Lisp string. The ;;; expression (foreign-string-value (malloc-foreign-string ;;; <string>)) returns a copy of <string>, if <string> does not ;;; contain a null byte. ;;; The function MALLOC-FOREIGN-STRING was used in the example in ;;; the Section 4.1.1

> (defun malloc-foreign-string (str) (check-type str string) (let ((f-str (malloc-foreign-pointer :type '(:pointer (:array :character (,(1+ (length str)))))))) (setf (foreign-string-value f-str) str) (setf (foreign-pointer-type f-str) '(:pointer :character)) f-str)) MALLOC-FOREIGN-STRING

> (opendir-directory ".") ("." ".." "listdir.c" "listdir.o" "sys-stat-h.lisp" "directory.lisp~" "perror.lisp" "test-io" "directory.lisp" "sys-types-h.lisp" "getenv.lisp" "test-io.c" "check-stat.c" "sys-dir-h.lisp" "sys-errno-h.lisp" "sys-sysmacros-h.lisp" "stat.lisp" "c-types" "obsolete") T

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