7 Additional Extensions to Common Lisp

7.5 The Load Facility

The Common Lisp functionload reads in a file and evaluates each form contained in it. There are two types of files that are significant toload: a source file is a text file that contains Common Lisp expressions; a binary file is a file produced from a source file by the Compiler. The default behavior ofload is to load the binary file whenever it is newer than the source file.

In Liquid Common Lisp,load can accept additional keyword arguments that allow it to discern the most appropriate action to take under certain situations, such as compiling a source file before loading it.

For example, if you wantload to load the source file if it is newer than the binary file, you would set:if-source-newer to:load-source. If you want to load the binary file even though the source file is newer, set:if-source-newer to:load-binary.

By default,load reports its progress by printing the names of the files being loaded to the standard output stream.

The load facility also provides several variables that contain the initial values for the keyword extensions toload:


Modifying the values of these variables also affects the loading behavior.

7.5.1 - Specifying pathnames
7.5.2 - Reference pages

The Advanced User's Guide - 9 SEP 1996

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