All Manuals > Delivery User Guide > 10 Delivery and Internal Systems

10.13 Delivery and Java interface

If you deliver an image as a shared library that is intended to be loaded into the Java VM, you should call lw-ji:setup-deliver-dynamic-library-for-java before calling deliver. lw-ji:setup-deliver-dynamic-library-for-java ensures that LispWorks will find the JVM that it was loaded in, and (by default) initializes the Java interface by calling lw-ji:init-java-interface.

If you call Lisp functions from Java using the methods in the Java class com.lispworks.LispCalls, you should ensure that these functions are not shaken out during delivery. The function deliver-keep-symbols is the intended interface to do that, but you can also use the :keep-symbols argument to deliver.

Delivery User Guide - 01 Dec 2021 19:35:04