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set-application-interface Function


Specifies the main Cocoa application interface.




set-application-interface interface


The function set-application-interface sets interface as the main application interface. This interface is used to supply the application menu and receives various callbacks associated with the application.

set-application-interface must be called before any CAPI functions that make the screen object (such as convert-to-screen and display).

interface should not be displayed like a normal interface.

An application can only have one application menu and one dock menu. Because the LispWorks IDE already provides these menus, calling set-application-interface while running the LispWorks IDE will add a submenu to the LispWorks application menu to contain the application-menu and menu-bar-items of your application, and you can test them there. Likewise, a submenu will be added to the LispWorks Dock icon menu. Other aspects of the application interface can only be tested when running it standalone.

set-application-interface is only applicable when running under Cocoa.

(example-edit-file "capi/applications/cocoa-application")
(example-edit-file "capi/applications/cocoa-application-single-window")
(example-edit-file "delivery/macos/multiple-window-application")
(example-edit-file "delivery/macos/single-window-application")
See also


CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Windows version) - 01 Dec 2021 19:33:57