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Modify the columns of a multi-column-list-panel.




modify-multi-column-list-panel-columns self &key columns x-adjust reorderable-columns sort-descriptions column-function item-print-functions



A multi-column-list-panel.


The function modify-multi-column-list-panel-columns modifies the columns of self .

All the keyword arguments have the same meaning as the corresponding initargs in multi-column-list-panel. See the entry for multi-column-list-panel for details.

For all the keyword arguments, if they are not supplied the value does not change. For all keyword arguments except sort-descriptions , if they are passed as nil the corresponding value does not change. If sort-descriptions is passed as nil, the sort-descriptions are changed to nil.

  1. The columns and the column-function need to match, so normally you modify them both. The new option to have column-function as a list of functions makes it easier to match, by just making column-function a list parallel to the columns .
  2. An alternative solution is to use a column-function that decides dynamically what values to return based on some value that you set when you call modify-multi-column-list-panel-columns. For example you can make the column-function a function that closes over the containing interface, and check a slot in it to decide which columns to return, and then update this slot whenever you call modify-multi-column-list-panel-columns.
  3. If item-print-functions is a list, it will also have to be updated when the columns are updated.
  4. Since sort-descriptions are searched, they do not need to be updated when columns is updated, provided that they already contain all the sort kinds that any column may use.
See also


CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 3 Aug 2017
