All Manuals > LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide > 15 Release Notes


15.9 More new features

For details of these, see the documentation in the LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual , unless a manual is referenced explicitly.

15.9.1 Java interface

The LispWorks Java interface allows you to:

See the Chapter "Java interface" in the LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual .

15.9.2 Android interface

The Android interface allows your Android project, written in Java, to link to a dynamic library runtime built with LispWorks for Android Runtime and thus create an Android app with LispWorks inside.

It uses the LispWorks Java interface.

See the Chapter "Android interface" in the LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual .

15.9.3 iOS interface

The iOS interface allows your Xcode project to link to a static object runtime built with LispWorks for Android Runtime and thus create an iOS app with LispWorks inside.

It uses the LispWorks Objective-C interface.

See the Chapter "iOS interface" in the LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual .

15.9.4 Unicode support extended

The character implementation in LispWorks now covers the full range of the Unicode standard, including the supplementary planes in addition to the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). This involves the following changes:

cl:char-code-limit is now #x110000, which covers exactly the Unicode range. The surrogate code points (codes #xd800 to #xdfff) are illegal as character codes.

cl:code-char accepts integers from 0 below cl:char-code-limit. Other values cause an error. For codes in the surrogate range it returns nil. Reading characters from streams and converting characters from foreign strings can generate characters in the whole range (depending on the external format used), and can never generate character objects corresponding to surrogate code points.

Character bits and font attributes (as specified in Common Lisp: the Language (2nd Edition) are no longer supported. char-bits, char-bit, (setf char-bit), char-bits-limit, char-font and char-font-limit have been eliminated from the LISPWORKS package. The syntax for reading characters with bits is now illegal and trying to read such a character (for example #\c-a) will signal an error.

LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions also accept some special characters representing keystrokes that do not correspond to Unicode characters, such as #\F1 and #\Home. These are illegal in LispWorks 7.0 and later and will signal an error too.

Use strings rather than characters to define LispWorks Editor key sequences with modifiers. See Editor bindings for keystrokes with modifiers for examples.

In other situations when you previously used character bits, you should use Gesture Spec objects (see sys:make-gesture-spec and sys:coerce-to-gesture-spec). The function sys:gesture-spec-to-character will now signal an error if the gesture spec has bits or corresponds to a non-character key like F1, unless the new errorp argument is supplied as nil.

lw:text-string and lw:simple-text-string now can store the full range of Unicode characters.

lw:simple-char is now a synonym for cl:character, and is deprecated.

16-bit characters and 16-bit strings are implemented by the new types lw:bmp-char and lw:bmp-string and lw:simple-bmp-string (BMP is Basic Multilingual Plane, comprising the Unicode code points 0 to #xffff).

The implementation of 8-bit characters has not changed.

Performance note: lw:text-string and lw:simple-text-string consume 32 bits per character now, but in LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions they consume only 16 bits per character. If you have an application that uses many 16-bit strings and you are worried about memory size, you may consider using strings of type lw:bmp-string instead of lw:text-string. That will work provided that all the characters you ever use have codes less than #x10000. If the codes are all below 256, you can use cl:base-string instead. External formats :unicode and :bmp

External format :unicode (synonym :utf-16) now includes the entire Unicode range. The new external format :bmp means only the BMP (which is the meaning of :unicode in LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions).

15.9.5 Case-insensitive character comparisons and categories

The functions lw:unicode-string-equal, lw:unicode-string-greaterp, lw:unicode-string-not-lessp, lw:unicode-char-equal, lw:unicode-alpha-char-p and so on have been updated to follow the rules specified in Unicode 6.3.0.

15.9.6 Code Coverage

Code Coverage allows you to compile your code with code execution counters which record when each piece of code is executed. After exercising your code you use a web browser or the LispWorks IDE tools to visualize which parts of your program were executed and how frequently.

Alternatively you can compile your code with a binary flag to record simply whether each piece was executed or not.

See "Code Coverage" in the LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual , and New Code Coverage tool.

15.9.7 Asynchronous I/O on socket streams

You can now perform socket I/O operations that invoke a callback when they are complete, rather than synchronously calling a function that returns a value (like cl:read-line). This allows many operations to run in a single thread. See "The Asynchronous I/O API" in the LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual .

UDP sockets are now supported.

15.9.8 Funcall a function asynchronously

The new functions mp:funcall-async and mp:funcall-async-list call a function as cl:funcall would do, but asynchronously.

15.9.9 Fast access to files in a directory

The new function hcl:fast-directory-files is a faster way to access files than cl:directory, especially in situations when you need to filter based on simple features such as size and access time, or filter based on the name in a more complex way than cl:directory can.

15.9.10 Unlocked queues

The new hcl:unlocked-queue is a FIFO queue that is unlocked, not thread-safe and does not have waiting functionality, but is faster than mp:mailbox.

hcl:unlocked-queue is useful when accessing the queue is always done together with other operations that need to be "atomic", so that you need a lock around them anyway, or when adding and removing items is done in the same process.

15.9.11 find-regexp-in-string improvement

lw:find-regexp-in-string can now return a vector specifying the matches of \( and \) in the pattern.

15.9.12 Optimal 64-bit arithmetic

The new INT64 API provides a way to perform optimal raw 64-bit arithmetic. See the section "Fast 64-bit arithmetic" in the LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual

15.9.13 KOI8-R encoding supported

A new external format and charset :koi8-r has been added to support the KOI8-R (RFC 1489) encoding. You can use this in file I/O as well as the FLI functions.

15.9.14 run-shell-command implemented for Windows

The function sys:run-shell-command is now implemented for Microsoft Windows, as well as Unix/Linux/Mac OS X. It allows you to call executables and DOS or Unix shell commands from Lisp code.

15.9.15 Change to run-shell-command with :save-exit-status t

When sys:run-shell-command is called with :wait nil and :save-exit-status t, it now always returns three values (stream, error-stream, process) even if none of the input, output or error-output arguments have the value :stream. This allows the exit status of the process to be recovered by calling sys:pipe-exit-status on stream.

15.9.16 Command line parsing on Windows

Command line parsing on Microsoft Windows now uses the standard algorithm.

The main change is the interpretation of backslash and double-quote (see the CommandLineToArgvW function at ).

The command line parser sets system:*line-arguments-list* on startup.

15.9.17 Windows event log API

The new function win32:record-message-in-windows-event-log and new macro win32:with-windows-event-log-event-source comprise an API for recording messages in the Windows event log.

15.9.18 Rings

Ring objects can be used to hold Lisp objects and provide stack-like behavior. Each ring is limited to a maximum number of elements and can be rotated. You can control the insertion point where elements get added and removed, and iterate across the elements. For more information, see hcl:make-ring.

15.9.19 find-encoding-option now looks for "coding"

system:find-encoding-option now looks in the file options (EMACS-style -*- line) for an option called "coding", in addition to options called "encoding" or "external-format".

This addition is for compatibility with GNU Emacs. system:find-encoding-option is part of the default algorithm whereby open detects the encoding of a text file.

15.9.20 Process terminate methods

You can now specify the terminate method for a process. The terminate method is used by the new function mp:process-terminate.

See the new keywords :remote-terminator, :local-terminator and :terminate-by-send in mp:process-run-function, and also mp:current-process-set-terminate-method.

15.9.21 Predicate for dynamically bound symbols

The new function hcl:symbol-dynamically-bound-p is the predicate for whether a symbol is dynamically bound in the current environment.

15.9.22 Efficient access for 8-bit simple vectors

The new functions system:octet-ref and system:base-char-ref allow efficient access to simple vectors of element type (unsigned-byte 8) and strings of type simple-base-string in the same code.

15.9.23 Reducing size of 32-bit LispWorks when memory is low

The new function hcl:reduce-memory frees memory and tries to reduce the size of a 32-bit LispWorks image, without enlarging it even temporarily. It is therefore better than hcl:clean-down when the operating system has signalled that memory is low.

15.9.24 Timing Garbage Collector operations

Three new functions allow you to time Garbage Collector (GC) operations.

hcl:get-gc-timing reports time spent in the GC as total, user and system times, like hcl:extended-time except that the timing is done between your calls to hcl:start-gc-timing and hcl:stop-gc-timing.

15.9.25 Temporarily suspending profiling

After calling hcl:start-profiling, you can now suspend profiling by executing:

(stop-profiling :suspend t)

Profiler information already collected is retained, so if you restart profiling like this:

(start-profiling :initialize nil)

then new profiler information is added to that which was previously retained.

15.9.26 New macro dspec:replacement-source-form

Source level stepping of subforms occurring within a macro expansion works, provided that the subform is eq to the original subform in the call to the macro. In the rare case where a macro copies a subform, making it non-eq, you can use the dspec:replacement-source-form macro to indicate which original subform should be identified as the source code for the new form.

One example where this is helpful is iterate: .

15.9.27 Representing the state of Caps Lock

The new constant system:gesture-spec-caps-lock-bit is used to represent the state of the Caps Lock key in a Gesture Spec where the bits are used to represent the keyboard state.

15.9.28 Test for delivered images

The predicate function hcl:delivered-image-p returns true when called from a delivered image, that is an image saved by a call to lw:deliver. It returns nil otherwise. It exists in LispWorks 6.1, but is now documented in LispWorks 7.0.

15.9.29 load-data-file additional functionality and package change

hcl:load-data-file is now more flexible with respect to the file type of the loaded file; you can control whether loaded forms are evaluated; and you can provide a custom callback as an alternative to printing the result of each form. It still allows you to load data files created with previous versions of LispWorks and on most platforms.

load-data-file is now exported from the HCL package.

15.9.30 Compile and load without leaving the fasl file on disk

The cl:compile-file keyword argument :load now accepts the special value :delete, which means load the compiled file and then delete it (not affecting the source file). This is especially useful when using :output-file :temp, to avoid leaving compiled (fasl) files on disk.

15.9.31 New function socket-stream-shutdown

comm:socket-stream-shutdown performs a shutdown on one or both sides of a TCP socket connection.

15.9.32 backlog argument to TCP server functions

comm:start-up-server and comm:accept-tcp-connections-creating-async-io-states now accept a backlog argument which specifies the maximum number of pending connections for the socket in the operating system.

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 2 Mar 2015
