All Manuals > LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual > 10 Code Coverage


10.2 Manipulating code coverage data

Optionally you can manipulate code-coverage-data before displaying it, using the functions described in this section.

The code-coverage-data structure contains information about some set of files. Except for the internal code-coverage-data, this information does not change. The internal code-coverage-data object is updated whenever code that was compiled with code coverage runs. Also, when a binary file that was compiled with code coverage is loaded it adds itself to the internal code-coverage-data (overwriting any existing data associated with that file). Most of the functions for manipulating code-coverage-data can operate on the internal code-coverage-data structure by passing t as the data argument. See the specific functions for details.

The interface to code coverage data allows you to:

LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 13 Feb 2015
