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Loads a binary data file created by dump-forms-to-file or with-output-to-fasl-file.




load-data-file pathname &rest load-args &key eval allow-any-type callback => result



A pathname designator naming a file which must have been created by dump-forms-to-file or with-output-to-fasl-file.


Arguments which are passed to load, after removing the keyword-value pairs for :allow-any-type and :callback (if supplied).


A generalized boolean. When allow-any-type is true and the supplied pathname has a type, load-data-file tries to load it as a binary file without checking whether the type is known. When allow-any-type is nil, load-data-type tries to load only pathnames with known binary types (that is, either *binary-file-type* or in the list *binary-file-types*), exactly like load. The default value of allow-any-type is t.


A function of one argument which is called with the result of the evaluation of each form in the file (or the form itself if eval is nil). When callback is supplied, the keyword :print (which normally would be processed by load) has no effect.

Note: callback works only when the file was generated by LispWorks 7.0 or later.


A generalized boolean which controls whether the form is actually evaluated. When it is nil, the form as loaded from the file (without evaluation) is passed to the callback (if supplied) and printed (if :print t is supplied). When eval is non-nil, the form is evaluated before being passed to the callback and/or printed. The default value of eval is t.



A generalized boolean.


The function load-data-file loads a fasl file created by dump-forms-to-file or with-output-to-fasl-file.

load-data-file has similar semantics to load, but treats fasl files differently:

Fasl files generated by dump-forms-to-file or with-output-to-fasl-file must only be loaded using load-data-file.

load-data-file never loads a file as a text file, only files that are recognized as binary, which can be one of these possibilities:

If load-data-file ends up trying to load a file that is not a proper binary file, it signals an error of type fasl-error.

During the load, each form is loaded and, if eval is true, evaluated. If there is a callback, it is called with the result of the evaluation. Otherwise, the result may be printed if :print t was passed, and is then discarded.

  1. The default value of eval is t to give the same behavior as in LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions. Passing eval as nil and using a callback is probably a better way of transferring data around, because it avoids the calls to eval. If needed, callback can call eval explicitly.
  2. All x86/x64 and ARM architectures have the same byte order, so load-data-file on any x86/x64 or ARM architecture can be used to load a data file that was generated on any x86/x64 or ARM architecture. The reverse byte order is used by Power architecture (IBM AIX and old Mac OS X) and SPARC (old Solaris).
  3. load-data-file returns the same value as load. In particular, the return value has nothing to do with the forms in the file. To actually have an effect, either the forms themselves have side effects, or the callback argument is used to perform any required side effects.
  4. load-data-file does not do any read operation, but if the forms in the file contain symbols (except nil) such symbols need to be interned.
Compatibility notes
  1. In LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions load-data-file was in the SYSTEM package. It is still exported from SYSTEM for backwards compatibility.
  2. In LispWorks 6.1 and earlier versions load-data-file gave errors if the type was not recognized, but now by default it allows any type.
  3. callback works only when the fasl file was generated by LispWorks 7.0 or later.

For a simple example see dump-forms-to-file.

See also

Transferring large amounts of data

LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 13 Feb 2015
