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9 Adding Toolbars

You can add a toolbar for an interface using the interface initarg :toolbar-items. This creates a toolbar which is automatically positioned correctly in the window, which the user can customize, and which has platform-standard behavior such as folding on Cocoa. Such a toolbar is referred to as an interface toolbar .

You can also create toolbars using the toolbar class explicitly, and arrange them using layouts in the same way as other elements. This approach is used to implement buttons on a text-input-pane as seen in various tools in the LispWorks IDE such as the Class Browser, but you should note that it has some disadvantages. For more information see Non-standard toolbars.

Toolbar buttons typically have images. The examples in this chapter use three standard image identifiers. To run the example code that follows, first evaluate this form:

(setq file-images (list :std-file-new

You also should define these callback functions before attempting any of the examples in this chapter:

(defun test-callback (data interface)
  (display-message "Data ~S in interface ~S" 
                   data interface))
(defun print-callback (data interface)
  (declare (ignore data interface)) 
  (display-message "Print Something"))
(defun hello (data interface)
  (declare (ignore data interface))
  (display-message "Hello World"))

9.1 Creating a toolbar button

9.2 Creating a toolbar with several buttons

9.3 Specifying the image for a toolbar button

9.4 Specifying toolbar callbacks

9.5 Specifying tooltips for toolbar buttons

9.6 Modifying toolbars

9.7 Advanced toolbar features

9.8 Disabling toolbar items

9.9 Non-standard toolbars

CAPI User Guide and Reference Manual (Unix version) - 25 Feb 2015
