All Manuals > LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual > 21 TCP/IP socket communication and SSL > 21.6 Socket Stream SSL interface


21.6.8 Initialization

All the functions that make a SSL_CTX first call ensure-ssl, so normally you do not need to initialize the library. If your code makes a SSL_CTX itself (that is, not by calling any of the LispWorks interface functions), it needs to initialize the library first. Normally that should be done by an explicit call to ensure-ssl, which loads the SSL library and calls SSL_library_init and SSL_load_error_strings, and also does some LispWorks specific initializations. If your code must do the initialization, ensure-ssl should still be called with the argument :already-done t , which tells it that the library is already loaded and initialized.

LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 21 Dec 2011
