All Manuals > LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual > 15 Multiprocessing > 15.2 The process programming interface > 15.2.6 Old interrupt blocking APIs removed

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 (push value *global-list*))
      (setq *global-list* (delete value *global-list*)))

New: use a lock, because delete cannot be done atomically since it reads more than one object before modifying one of them.

(defvar *global-list-lock* (mp:make-lock :name "Global List"))
(mp:with-lock (*global-list-lock*)
	      (push value *global-list*))
(mp:with-lock (*global-list-lock*)
	      (setq *global-list* (delete value *global-list*)))

LispWorks User Guide and Reference Manual - 21 Dec 2011
