All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 3 Common Features > 3.3 Performing editing functions


3.3.3 Using the Object operations with the clipboard

You can use the clipboard to transfer a tool's "primary object" between tools. There are three commands available, as follows:

Use of Copy Object or Cut Object followed by Paste Object lets you transfer items between tools, or to different parts of the same tool. There are several ways to use these commands:

Note: You can also transfer data within the environment using the standard actions commands described in Performing operations on selected objects.

UNIX Implementation Note: The environment also interacts with the standard UNIX clipboard, so that data can be transferred to or from applications other than Lisp. To do this, the UNIX and the LispWorks IDE clipboards are kept in synchronization all the time, as follows:

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 25 Nov 2011
