All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 26 The Stepper > 26.9 Configuring the Stepper


26.9.2 Backtrace preferences

To control the amount of information displayed automatically in the Backtrace area, select the Backtrace tab of the Stepper Preferences:

Figure 26.10 Stepper Preferences Backtrace tab

By default the status item in the Backtrace area automatically expands to show the arguments or return values. To change this behavior, select No against Expand status automatically .

By default the active frame in the Backtrace area automatically expands to show the local variables and arguments. To change this behavior, select No against Expand active frame automatically .

Compatibility Note: in LispWorks 5.0 these Backtrace options have the opposite default values. This is changed in LispWorks 5.1 and later versions.


LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 25 Nov 2011
