All Manuals > LispWorks IDE User Guide > 3 Common Features > 3.1 Displaying tool windows


3.1.6 Toolbar configurations

Most tools have toolbars offering one-click access to frequently-used commands. For example, the Editor has a toolbar for operating on source code.

Figure 3.1 The Editor's source operations toolbar

You may prefer to remove such toolbars. You can control whether a tool displays its toolbars by the option Show Toolbar .

To hide toolbars for a particular type of tool:

  1. Raise the Preferences dialog as described in Setting preferences.
  2. Select the tool in the list on the left side of the dialog.
  3. Select the General tab on the right side of the dialog.
  4. Uncheck Show Toolbar and click OK to confirm the setting.

You can also customize the toolbar by removing rarely-used buttons and adding or removing separators between groups of buttons. To do this, raise the context menu on the toolbar, choose Customize and make your selections in the Customize Toolbar dialog. You can also use this menu to select whether this toolbar's buttons show an image, or text, or both.

Note: The functionality of each toolbar is available elsewhere. For example the Editor's source code operations are also available on the Buffer , Definitions and Expression menus.

LispWorks IDE User Guide (Unix version) - 25 Nov 2011
