All Manuals > LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual


4 Advanced Uses of the FLI

Note: The some of the examples in this chapter only work for LispWorks for Windows.

This is the final chapter of the user guide section of this manual. It provides a selection of examples which demonstrate some of the more advanced uses of the FLI.

4.1 Passing a string to a Windows function

4.2 Modifying, passing and returning strings

4.3 Lisp integers

4.4 Defining new types

4.5 Foreign callables and foreign functions

4.6 Using DLLs within the LispWorks FLI

4.7 Incorporating a foreign module into a LispWorks image

4.8 Block objects in C (foreign blocks)

4.9 Interfacing to graphics functions

4.10 Summary

LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 7 Dec 2011
