All Manuals > CAPI User Guide > 11 Prompting for Input > 11.6 In-place completion > 11.6.1 In-place completion user interface

NextPrevUpTopContentsIndex Invoking in-place completion in text-input-pane and editor-pane

In a text-input-pane that supports in-place completion, any of the gestures Up , Down , PageUp , and PageDown invokes the in-place completion unless it is already displayed.

In an editor-pane , completion commands invoke in-place completion by default, though you can make them use dialogs instead by setting editor:*use-in-place-completion* to nil .

There are several Editor commands that invoke in-place completion unconditionally:

Abbreviated in-place Complete Symbol

Completes the symbol before the point, taking the string as abbreviation.

In-Place Complete Symbol

Completes the symbol before the point

In-Place Complete Input

Echo Area: Complete the input in the echo area. For file input, does file completion.

In-Place Expand File Name

Expand the file name at the current point.

In-Place Expand File Name with space

Expand the file name at the current point, allowing spaces.

See the LispWorks Editor User Guide for information on binding these commands to keyboard gestures. See call-editor in the LispWorks CAPI Reference Manual for information on calling them from CAPI.

CAPI User Guide (Windows version) - 30 Aug 2011
