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9 Creating Menus

You can create menus for an application using the menu class.

You should make sure you have defined the test-callback and hello functions before attempting any of the examples in this chapter. Their definitions are repeated here for convenience.

(defun test-callback (data interface)
  (display-message "Data ~S in interface ~S" 
                   data interface))
(defun hello (data interface)
  (declare (ignore data interface)) 
  (display-message "Hello World"))

9.1 Creating a menu

9.2 Grouping menu items together

9.3 Creating individual menu items

9.4 The CAPI menu hierarchy

9.5 Mnemonics in menus

9.6 Alternative menu items

9.7 Disabling menu items

9.8 Menus with images

9.9 Popup menus for panes

CAPI User Guide (Windows version) - 30 Aug 2011
