All Manuals > CAPI User Guide > 5 Host Window System Configuration > 5.1 Properties of the host window system > 5.1.2 Matching resources

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Delivered applications which need fallback resources should pass the :application-class and :fallback-resources keys described in the LispWorks CAPI Reference Manual under convert-to-screen .

There is an example showing how to make a CAPI GUI configurable by GTK+ resources in examples/capi/elements/gtk-resources.lisp . To construct custom resources for your CAPI/GTK+ application, see the example resource files in examples/gtk/ .

To construct custom X resources for your CAPI/Motif application, consult app-defaults/Lispworks which illustrates resources you may wish to change in your application.

CAPI User Guide (Macintosh version) - 30 Aug 2011
